
Towards the end of January, there was a sudden explosion of Lindsay Lohan stories. That was because Lindsay had a court date in which she had update the judge on her community service hours, per the terms of her probation. First, Lindsay maybe/probably faked a virus to get out of her court date and her community service, then at the last minute, she claimed she completed 15 days’ worth of community service in just a few days. Because crack math. So, obviously, the city attorney was like “Hold up, this crack math doesn’t make any sense, we need time to investigate!” And so the judge gave the city attorney a few weeks to investigate. Lindsay’s lawyer, Shawn Holley, is due back in court tomorrow to find out what the city attorney’s investigation has uncovered.

In between claims that “meeting fans” counted as community service, Lindsay claimed that she had been doing much of community service with an organization called Community Service Volunteers (CSV). Well, you know how Lindsay did a Super Bowl commercial for Esurance? Well, she somehow convinced Esurance to pay CSV $10,000. Interesting…

Lindsay Lohan successfully lobbied a big company to shell out $10,000 to her community service organization, just days before a judge decides if her community service was legit. Lindsay is in the hot seat for some of her community service hours performed with London-based CSV, after prosecutor Terry White scoffed at the credit LiLo received for meeting with audience members after her London play. White also complained that Lindsay got credit for “work shadowing experience,” where kids followed her around London. Problem was … at the time she wasn’t even working.

Well now TMZ has learned Lindsay contacted Esurance — which featured LiLo in a Super Bowl ad — and lobbied the company last Friday to give $10,000 to CSV. We’ve learned Lindsay told Esurance execs she’s been doing volunteer work for CSV lately because she likes what the org does for poor kids, and that’s why she asked for the donation. Our sources say last Saturday Esurance agreed to give CSV the $10K.

The problem … Lindsay’s due back in court Wednesday because the prosecutor has challenged her community service. It’s possible the judge could ask CSV for more info about Lindsay’s community service and the money could taint the legitimacy of CSV’s response.

Lindsay’s lawyer, Shawn Holley, says, “TMZ has stooped to a new low. To take Lindsay’s positive efforts in supporting CSV and turn them into something negative simply to sell a story is offensive.” She adds, “Lindsay has been involved in helping to raise funds for this wonderful organization since she started her community service there and she has continued her work as a volunteer, even though her community service was completed weeks ago.”

[From TMZ]

Oh, Shawn Holley. I feel sorry for you. I mean, that’s not fair to Holley. She’s making lots of money off of the Lindsay Lohans and Justin Biebers of the world. But still, it’s got to suck when you have to defend your client even when your client is pulling some seriously shady sh-t. While I don’t think this was a direct payment for the lies CSV obviously told about Lindsay, I do think this whole transaction is suspect.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.