
Here are more photos of Taylor Swift in London last week, at the ELLE Style Awards and at the BRIT Awards. Neither look – the dragon-y Cavalli or the green Julien Macdonald – was her best look, but I applaud her for trying out some new stuff. Swifty also had a lengthy new interview with The Telegraph this week and it’s just full of interesting quotes. Most of the piece is about Swifty’s anxiety about everything and her overwhelming fan-love, but there’s some edge there too. Especially when The Telegraph reporter brings up Swifty’s long-standing feud with Katy Perry. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

Whether she’s made a successful business model for other artists to copy: ‘It’s possible. We all have to step up and make albums that are good, top to bottom, if selling albums is still important. It is to me, but a lot of artists have already given up on that. I have friends who just think it’s not attainable, which I feel is a very defeatist way to look at life.’

Embracing feminism: It wasn’t ‘some strategy – being a feminist is just part of my life’.

Turning away from primness: ‘My point is not to be sexy, my point is not to turn masses of people on.’

She wants to ‘change the narrative’: ‘There was a bit of a reputation for having a lot of boy-bashing songs. Which is a sexist way of saying heartbreak songs. To trivialise someone who’s heartbroken is really cruel. But people have to simplify things. Everybody’s got busy lives, they don’t have time to form a complex opinion of me and my music. I’m in a different place in my life, where love isn’t really a priority. I haven’t dated anyone in years so there’s less chatter about the serial dater thing. I’m just really excited at an awards show when they don’t make some weird joke about my dating life.’

Is she really this nice all the time? ‘No, because that’s annoying, too. And it’s not real if someone appears to never have any issues with anyone. I have my friends, I have enemies. I have bad days when I don’t want to go to a photo shoot, but I’m not going to show up four hours late, I’m going to be there on time. I’m not nice all the time but I try not to be carelessly rude to people who don’t deserve it. When I’m with my friends, we don’t say glowing things about everybody. We’re not sitting around going [adopts Stepford Wives-esque voice and posture], “You know who’s really special and wonderful?” That’s not what we talk about – we’re normal girlfriends.’

Her feud with Katy Perry: ‘I’m not giving them anything to write about,’ she says, smiling steelily. ‘I’m not walking up the street with boys, I’m not stumbling out of clubs drunk. But I’m never going to talk about her in my interview. It’s not going to happen.’

Where she’ll be in five years: ‘I’ll be 30. I’ll probably still be single, let’s be honest. No one’s going to sign up for this and everything that goes with it. Like, “Hi, nice to meet you, want a date? Do you love camera flashes? I hope you do!” I don’t know what’s going to happen if I’m ever content in a relationship – no idea how that’s going to work. I don’t even know if that’s possible with the life I have.

[From The Telegraph]

“I have my friends, I have my enemies…” Oh, girl. Same crazy, different outlet. What I keep feeling with this New Swifty is that she just replaced one unhinged focus for another. Four years ago, she was obsessed with calling out ex-boyfriends with her blind-item songs. Now she’s obsessed with Mean Girl-ing her perceived enemies and trying to out-maneuver Katy Perry for all of the “cool” celebrity friends. And why? Because of John Mayer. Seriously.

Oh, and she also goes on and on about her “cool and smart” fans and how she loves to cyberstalk their social media pages so she can personalize gifts for them. It’s half-creepy and half-cool. I mean, it must be lovely for one of her teenage fans to receive a personal and well-thought-out gift from Taylor Swift. But still… it’s slightly creepy to think that Swifty is online, obsessively reading the Facebooks, Twitters and Instagrams of her favorite 900 Swiftlunatics.

Photos courtesy of WENN.