
During a Monday appearance on The Tonight Show, new dad Ryan Reynolds joked that his 9-week-old daughter with wife Blake Lively – who is reportedly named James – is not exactly sleeping through the night yet.

“Our baby in particular is we think allergic to sleep,” the Woman in Gold star joked.

“I don’t think that’s possible,” host and father-of-two Jimmy Fallon said.

Reynolds went on to share another theory for his daughter’s lack of sleep.

“We think that she thinks she’s protecting us from the sleep monsters,” he explained. “Like, ‘Oh, I’ve got to keep them up or the sleep monsters will get them.’”

He added: “The trick I try to use is that Baby Einstein stuff, but for me, that’s like horse tranquilizer. I could go down on a lit stove. You could push me out of an airplane,” the actor joked, adding that inspires “the weirdest dreams in the world.”

All joking aside, the actor gushed that life with his newborn is “so good.”

“She’s got me wrapped around her finger,” Reynolds shared. “I am a slave to the rhythm.”

Calling fatherhood “the best,” Reynolds went on to say he “can’t wait” for the years to come. “It’s just going to be teatime every day with her,” he said, adding, “No, she’s going to be a football player.”

As for his own upbringing in Vancouver, Canada, Reynolds says it was “like an episode of Cops every weekend.”

“I came from a family of boys—homicidal boys,” Reynolds joked. Fallon then showed a picture from Reynolds’ youth. “As you can see here, my dad used to cut our hair with a hammer,” he said. “It’s really dull and it takes a long time.”

“We were terrible to each other,” he recalled. “It was like an episode of Cops every weekend.”

Reynolds’ father was a police officer, but the police were never at his house for “social visits.” Instead, Reynolds said, “They were over at our house because people were being thrown through dry wall.”