Jennifer Garner Leaves A Birthday Party

Jennifer Garner is a busy lady. She’s about to get back to work and she’s thrilled about it after taking a lot of time off to be a stay-at-home mom. When Garner stays at home she also gives it her all. In a press conference for her upcoming movie, Danny Collins (we covered some other quotes she gave for the film yesterday), Garner said that she’s very involved in her daughters’ school and extracurricular activities. She said she’s been the room mom for Seraphina for two years in a row and also works as the Girl Scout leader for Violet. That’s some commitment. Here’s more, thanks to People:

On sharing parenting tips with Reese Witherspoon
If I run into Reese, she and I have so much to talk about. We’ll be on the street corner and just be like, ‘What do you do about this, and how did you handle this? I’m so grateful for that very specific kind of friend.

On her morning routine with the kids
I make sure everyone has notes for their lunch box every day and [figure out] who’s having something special, and deciding who I read extra to [in the] morning.

She will check in on Ben soon
I’m going straight to New York from here, and then I’m going to visit Ben [on set in Atlanta to] make sure he’s good. It’s just what you do.

On volunteering at her daughters’ school
I’ve been the room mom for pre-school and kindergarten this year, and I’m the Girl Scout troop leader for third grade. When I’m home, I dive in, [and] I try to Betty Crocker it up as much as I can.

[From People]

Garner is one of three girls, she’s close to her family and she’s said in the past that her two sisters are very hands-on crafty moms. So I get why she’s so involved in her daughter’s school. I’m busy gossiping all day and have a ton of other stuff to do. It would be too much for me to work at my son’s school too. I do help my son with his homework and activities and I donate to the school. Plus I live in a small town and the PTA and school activities can be incredibly political. There are surely rewards to it, but you have to be a people pleaser to deal with some of the things that come up. We know Garner is a people pleaser. She makes that pretty clear. In comparison, Reese knows the cat is out of the bag and she doesn’t care as much at this point what we think of her. There’s a kind of power in that.

Also, I think Garner has the time to write notes to her kids and read to them because she’s probably not the one preparing their lunches or getting them ready. She’s an involved mom, she just has help. That also explains why she has time for all the activities.

Jennifer Garner Takes Her Kids To The Farmers Market

Jennifer Garner Takes Her Kids To The Farmers Market

Jennifer Garner Leaves A Birthday Party
Jennifer Garner Leaves A Birthday Party
Jennifer Garner Takes Her Kids To The Farmers Market
Jennifer Garner Goes Shopping In Brentwood
Jennifer Garner Takes Her Kids To The Farmers Market
Jennifer Garner Goes Shopping In Brentwood

photo credit: FameFlynet