Get out the tissues, because this is going to melt your heart!
There’s so many different reasons you could love Taylor Swift, and she just added another reason to the list. Taylor Swift is known for absolutely adoring her fans, and going out of her way for them, but what she did for one fan will bring you to tears. Taylor Swift, 25, reached out to one of her fans — a 4-year-old girl, Jalene Salinas, who has been battling an aggressive form of brain cancer since last year. Being terminally ill, Jalene decided to start a bucket list. She’s been able to mark most things off of her list, but dancing with Taylor Swift to “Shake It Off,” was still on the list.
Jalene’s final wish began to trend on Twitter, and Swift caught wind of it. That’s the moment when Swift decided she was going to reach out to the girl and make her dream come true. So, Swift called up Jalene on FaceTime, but unfortunately, Jalene wasn’t feeling well and could barely even talk. However, she was extremely happy just to see Taylor Swift’s face. Watch the tear-jerking video below and you’ll see!
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