Even though Mo’nique’s HuffPo interview was relatively short, I found it exhausting. She is an exhausting person. Mo’nique has been promoting a new film, which is why she’s giving so many interviews lately, but I also feel like… did she go off her meds or something? She’s been quiet for years, then all of a sudden, it’s like she’s trying to create some major war with Lee Daniels and she’s making these grand pronouncements about how she was offered this juicy role or that great part but everything’s fine because she loves herself and she has integrity and everyone is lying but Mo’nique (and yes, she refers to herself in the third person a lot).
The latest is that she’s still insisting that she was offered the role of Cookie in the new mega-hit TV show Empire. The role is being owned by Taraji Henson, who is always amazing. And even though everyone involved with Empire says Taraji was always their Cookie, Mo’nique still won’t shut up about it. And everything else. You can read the full HuffPo piece here. Some highlights:
The speculation that Fox executives said she was difficult to work with: “You know, it doesn’t disappoint me because I haven’t heard Fox say that. That came from Mr. Daniels. I can’t be disappointed in Fox for anything because it’s hearsay. It came from someone else; it’s just what it is. What I will say is, when you ask someone about things that they know are not true, I’m not the type of person that will just sit down and be quiet and allow you to do that. There are so many people that sit down and be quiet, and they will suffer in silence. I just refuse to be silent when you say that “Mo’Nique is demanding,” “Mo’Nique is difficult.” But you never say, “Well, what were her demands? And what was she difficult in?” Those questions have never been asked. We’ll just accept it and we’ll just put it out there. See, for me, you’ve got to explain what you’re saying. If you’re going to accuse me of something, you have to explain what it is that you’re accusing me of.
Empire director Danny Strong “questioning” whether Mo’nique was ever offered a role: “My baby, Danny Strong didn’t question it — he tweeted out a statement saying, “Mo’Nique was never offered it.” And as I said on “Access Hollywood,” “Guys, I have that email to show those communications.” The one thing I am not, I am not a liar. I take pride in the character of who I am, and I take pride in my integrity. So I’m not pulling anything out of the air. People want to make this a competition. “Is it Taraji? Is it Mo’Nique?” Taraji is my girl, and I’m so happy and proud of my sister. She is the best and baddest Cookie that the world could ever see. However, it has nothing to do with that. It has everything to do with, “Mr. Daniels, you’re putting my character in a place where people could question me, and you and I know, along with my husband Sidney, that those aren’t the right conversations you’re putting out there.” Now, for Mr. Strong, I understand why he’s doing what he’s doing, because he’s believing his friend. His friend, Mr. Daniels, says, “We didn’t offer Mo’Nique those things.” Well, he’s going to be supportive of his friend and his business partner, and I respect people like that. Whereas I say to Mr. Strong, “Will you speak as loudly when you find out that you’re incorrect?”
[From HuffPo]
She then goes on to say that she would work with Lee Daniels again, no problem. Which makes NO SENSE because she basically blames Daniels for everything that’s gone wrong with her career… except nothing has gone wrong with Mo’nique’s career, in Mo’nique’s mind, and she has the receipts to prove it. What is the point of all this? I have no idea. Even if Mo’nique is telling the truth about being offered Cookie in Empire (which is doubtful), why even bring it up? It’s unprofessional and rude to discuss what roles you were offered.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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