Last week, we discussed professional troll Katie Hopkins. She’s British and she’s trying to make a name for herself internationally by calling Kelly Clarkson “fat” in as many ways possible. I feel like I shouldn’t have to write “Katie Hopkins” one more time. I think we should call her something else, just to decrease the name-recognition she so craves. Let’s call her Trollface. I’m sure she’ll be fine with it, considering Trollface’s raison d’être seems to be “judging and criticizing people solely on their looks.”
Trollface appeared on Access Hollywood a few days ago to respond to Kelly Clarkson’s response. You know, where Kelly was basically like “Who? It doesn’t matter, I’m awesome.” Here’s what Trollface had to say about Kelly:
“Ultimately Kelly Clarkson is a chunky monkey. We can call it baby weight. We can call it puppy fat. We can call it love handles. We can call it muffin top … but ultimately it’s fat. … There is no such thing as fat-shaming. There is only skinny-blaming. … She took eating for two for eating for 10…it doesn’t hurt me if I hurt someone’s feelings. Ultimately if you put yourself out there, then you have to accept what comes your way.”
[From Access Hollywood]
“There is no such thing as fat-shaming. There is only skinny-blaming…” What’s that again? As in, the skinny people have a God-given right to tell fat people that they’re fat and then fat people “blame” the skinny people? Trollface fails at logic.
What I said before still stands… nasty troll is nasty trolling. The only reason I’m covering this is so you know to avoid Trollface. Hopefully, her attempt at trying to “happen” in America will be laughed out of town and the British citizens will send her packing too.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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