
In case you missed it, LeAnn Rimes arrived back home in LA after spending 10 days in London, obsessively tweeting and Instagramming #LeInLondon photos and messages. You’d have thought she was on a holy mission from the way she went on and on about it. Hilariously, while she was gone, there was also a tabloid rumor that she was electronically monitoring Eddie Cibrian’s wandering “bidness” via security cameras and garage door notifications and what have you. Even though the story was denied, don’t you believe it? I do.

But LeAnn is back now. And once again, we were treated to a flurry of tweets and Instagrams. She got out her chalk and looked up some more clichéd inspirationals. She also managed to do a photo-op with Eddie and one of his sons at the kid’s soccer game (plus she posted a special Instagram of father and son).

Don’t hate me, but I actually like her dress here. I love a good slipdress and this one is pretty. Of course, LeAnn messed it up with her crappy styling. In any case… all is right with the world. LeAnn returned home, triumphant. Eddie was in a good mood because he probably got some strange while she was gone. And so a photo-op was arranged. Joyful.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.