
New mom Olivia Wilde covers the April issue of Shape and dishes on family life with fiancé Jason Sudeikis and their son Otis, 11 months. The Lazarus Effect actress, 31, pens a personal essay, touching on how Hollywood’s new moms are expected to “bounce back” quickly after giving birth.

On her post-baby body: “After giving birth, I joined the ranks of millions of new mothers when I moaned, ‘Why do I still look pregnant? Is there another one stuck in there?’ I am not in perfect shape. In fact, I’m softer than I’ve ever been, including that unfortunate semester in high school when I simultaneously discovered Krispy Kreme and pot. The photos of me in this magazine have been generously constructed to show my best angles, and I assure you, good lighting has been warmly embraced. The truth is, I’m a mother, and I look like one.”

On the first weeks of motherhood: “First of all, you haven’t seen your vagina in months, even though it’s all her fault you’re in this situation. Now that you can finally confirm that she is, in fact, still there, she isn’t the gal that you remember, and would rather you back off and give her some space (and an ice diaper) for the time being, thank you very much.”

On getting back in the workout groove: “If I wasn’t at work, I just wanted to stay home and party with my little man—and by ‘party’ I mean, of course, endless rounds of the ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider.’ Also, I like beer. And pizza. And these two ingredients are not found in the purely fictional book I like to call How to Look Like You Never Made a Human: A Guide to Socially Acceptable Motherhood.”

On her exercise philosophy: “I believe in a world where mothers are not expected to shed any physical evidence of their child-bearing experience. In that same world I believe there is space for exercise to be as much a gift to your brain as it is your body. I don’t want to waste my time striving for some subjective definition of perfection. I’d rather rebuild my strength while dancing my ass off…literally.”

For more from Olivia, go to Shape

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