Here are some new photos of Jonah Hill and Miles Teller on the Burbank set of Arms and the Dude, their film based on the true story of two kids in Miami who gamed the Department of Defense and became two of the biggest arms dealers in the world. Go here to see the Rolling Stone story, complete with photos of the two real guys, Efraim Diveroli and David Packouz. Jonah is playing Efraim, who in real life was kind of gangly, attractive, somewhat buff guy. My point? Jonah didn’t “need” to gain weight for this role. But OMG.
I have no interest in making “fat jokes” about Jonah, mostly because I feel bad for him. But if you really need that, Page Six labeled these photos “The Whale of Wall Street.” Cheap shot. I imagine other blogs and media outlets have been doing punny, offensive headlines too. It’s a careful line between concern-trolling him and body-shaming him, but I tend to think it’s worth pointing out that this seems to be the heaviest he’s ever been. When a celebrity woman gains a few pounds, everyone points it out too, you know?
Several years ago, Jonah really made an effort to slim down – that was back in 2011-ish. He stuck with it for a while – I think he was doing a variation of Atkins, because he did say that he had been eating a lot of meat on his diet. Which just goes to show you that a lot of the fad diets only work for a short time and as soon as you go off the diet, you gain all the weight back (and then some, in Jonah’s case).
You know what’s interesting though? Jonah is still an in-demand actor and a powerhouse producer. He and Channing Tatum are confirmed for 23 Jump Street (a franchise which Jonah produces) and this film, Arms and the Dudes, sounds really good and interesting. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Jonah ended up getting his THIRD Oscar nomination in the next few years too.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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