
My mom is super-Southern and one of my favorite of her Southern-shade expressions is “Bless his baby heart.” You have to say it with a sarcastic twang. I keep hearing “Bless his baby heart” whenever I read new Kit Harington interviews. It’s not that he’s a bad guy – he’s not – or that he’s completely superficial or oblivious to the world. He’s just sort of naively self-absorbed in a somewhat charming way. He’s big on casual self-pity, like when he says he’s being “driven insane” by people asking about his hair. Anyway, it’s time for a new episode of “Celebitchy Presents: Kit Harington Says Words.” Sub-head: “Bless his baby heart.”

Kit on the idea of playing James Bond: ‘I’d love to play James Bond, who wouldn’t? I think it’s a little way off. There’s a perfectly good Bond there and lots of people lined up to play him again but, yeah, I’d definitely like to play Bond. Of course.’

It’s so hard to be photographed: “Whatever the project, whether I believe in it creatively or not, whether I am getting up at 5am for a 17-hour shoot, the acting never feels like work…It’s all this…This is the work. The selling of it. People taking pictures of you in the street as if you were a rare bird of prey. I understand when you’re in a big show and you look like you do, people want to show their mate on Instagram or whatever. But sometimes it feels like I’m a beautiful sunrise…or a dying dog.”

His politics: Harington says he was “fiercely socialist” as a teenager, but which way will he cast his vote? “My father was traditionally very Conservative and my mother very Labour, so previously I went Lib Dem, but I don’t know how I’ll vote this time. I feel somewhere between Labour, Green and Lib Dems. But I was sympathetic to the way Lib Dems behaved in government; they had to show the country that a coalition could work and stand up to the Tories. Although they did f–k people on tuition fees.”

He’s funny: “In my private life I like to think so. I’m not humourless. But perhaps it’s not a side that people see very often.”

His fame as Jon Snow: “But it does no good to wonder about what might have been. This is the path that was given me. Plus, I have a flat – the Flat That Thrones Bought. I’m incredibly lucky… Anyway, I accepted that I’ll most likely be remembered for Jon Snow a long time ago.”

[From Metro & The Guardian]

“But sometimes it feels like I’m a beautiful sunrise…or a dying dog…” Oh, Kit. How many dying dog Instagrams has he seen? For the love of God. The imagery that he evokes when describing himself is always pretty… special. I do love him. I hope he keeps talking. Someone at Game of Thrones might want to get him some media training classes though.

Anyway, JKH (Just Keep Hodoring).

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.