Kim Kardashian is selling elbow-length swim-gloves?? [Dlisted]
Rest in peace, Nichelle Nichols. [Buzzfeed]
Review of BJ Novak’s Vengeance. [LaineyGossip]
Emily Ratajkowski has been liking a lot of shady tweets. [OMG Blog]
Vanessa Hudgens wore a Michael Kors mullet dress. [RCFA]
I hope Dr. Caitlin Bernard sues everyone single one of these dumbasses. [Jezebel]
Louis Vuitton had a lighting problem. [Go Fug Yourself]
Queen Elizabeth’s stick of secrets. [Gawker]
Jennifer Lawrence steps out in NYC, wearing a strange sack dress. [Just Jared]
Is AppleTV’s Surface any good? [Pajiba]
Moderate Republicans are “concerned” that extremist Republicans are taking things too far with their culture wars. I’d love to know what “moderate” opinions they have. [Towleroad]
Christina Aguilera is keeping busy. [Egotastic]
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