Bethenny Frankel is one of hundreds of high-profile white women to use their public platforms to talk sh-t about the Duchess of Sussex. Bethenny has always talked sh-t about Meghan online and in interviews, and I really have no idea why Frankel has this one-sided grudge. Bethenny seems especially irritated that Meghan had a big royal wedding, and Bethenny is especially mad that Meghan can talk freely whenever she wants. Granted, Bethenny has a history of saying racist crap in general, independent of Meghan. But her grudge against Meghan as a person is reminiscent of someone like Piers Morgan or one of the Daily Mail columnists. Bethenny freaked out last year before, during and after the Sussexes’ Oprah interview, then gave a half-assed apology about it. Now that Meghan’s The Cut profile is out, Bethenny once again has an issue with Meghan… speaking. “Meghan using her voice” is very disagreeable to Bethenny.
Bethenny Frankel is giving Meghan Markle some royal advice. During Thursday’s episode of Frankel’s podcast, “Just B with Bethenny Frankel,” the former “Housewife” called out the Duchess of Sussex for continuing to talk about her past issues with the royal family and told her to simply “let it go.”
“She’s very much like a Housewife in that she can’t stop talking about the very thing that she wants to be irrelevant,” Frankel, 51, said. “[It’s like] when you … want to separate from the Housewives. ‘It was toxic, I don’t want to be part of the drama,’ or whatever the housewife says. [But] then … for the next five years, always talking about the very thing you’re trying to extricate yourself from.”
Frankel continued, “When you leave the royal family, leave the royal family. You learned something, you said it, we heard you. … and [still] in every single interview you do you’re talking about the royal family. Let it go Elsa. Move forward. Create change in the future.”
Frankel did give kudos to the former actress for speaking up about her experiences, “It is good for people to know that racism exists everywhere, but that’s not something we’re surprised by. Like, if you tell me that racism exists in the royal family, I’m not bowled over with shock.”
“…And [still] in every single interview you do you’re talking about the royal family…” All two interviews? That’s all Meghan has done, two interviews. One with Oprah, one with The Cut. She also spoke to NPR when her children’s book came out but she didn’t talk about the royals whatsoever, so not “every single interview” huh? Since this week was the anniversary of Princess Diana’s death, let me say that there were tons of women who hated the fact that Diana spoke to Martin Bashir and Andrew Morton too. They hated that Diana used her voice and tried to tell her own story. That’s all this is. With Meghan, there’s the added dimension of wanting a Black woman to be silent and compliant in the face of a torrent of racist abuse too.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Backgrid.
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