When then-Prince Charles was Prince of Wales AND Duke of Cornwall, he visited both Wales and Cornwall frequently. It often felt like Charles was constantly going on mini-tours every other week in Cornwall and Wales, honestly. But it worked for him – his respect for the Welsh people helped ease their larger concerns about the title of Tywysog Cymru, and from what I’ve seen, the people of Cornwall totally embraced both Charles and Camilla. Obviously, it’s very different now that Prince William holds those two titles. He’s beefing with Michael Sheen (and Sheen is winning) and William was too lazy to visit Cornwall before last week.

William made a solo day-trip to Cornwall last Thursday, the 24th. He visited a farm and “learned more about the 130,000 acres of land with 160 miles of British coastline in 23 counties of England and Wales.” This dude is 40 years old and still going on educational field trips. The Duchy of Cornwall is the biggest real estate holder in the UK, and it’s going to fund William’s work-shy lifestyle for as long as he’s crown prince. I guess Kate wasn’t interested in learning about her Duchess of Cornwall title or role.

During William’s visit, he spoke with a nutritionist and ended up writing down everything he eats in a day. William’s diet is not great – he could use some leafy greens, but so could I (so could we all). His diet:

The Prince of Wales revealed he has a healthy start to the day by eating two eggs and wholemeal toast with butter. He wrote on a nutrition sheet that he had enjoyed apple juice and a cup of tea with milk and sugar alongside it. But for lunch he said he ate a “rubbish sandwich” with a glass of water before having white fish with mushrooms for dinner. He had a banana and chocolate brownie as his snacks for the day, and drank three cups of coffee and a glass of red wine.

Prince William revealed his intake when he was grilled by nutritionist Monique Hyland during a visit to a community urban space in Cornwall today. He also told her he needed the caffeine from a few cups of tea because “the kids keep me up at night”.

Ms Hayland told CornwallLive: “He was a little bit nervous to begin with when I asked him what he ate yesterday. He was okay to start with as he had a healthy breakfast, but then he admitted someone had got him a ‘rubbish sandwich’ for lunch, and he had a chocolate brownie and a glass of red wine. He made the point of all things in moderation. I wanted to say that was very subjective but I’d already pushed him on asking what he ate.”

[From The Sun]

One glass of red wine a day isn’t bad (unless you’re an alcoholic). There are many studies saying a glass of red wine is actually pretty good for you, although when I drank, red wine just gave me a headache. The three cups of coffee though – that’s got William’s system all out of whack. It’s one thing to need some coffee in the morning to wake up, but three cups over the course of the day? Drink more water! White fish is lean and his breakfast is fine-ish, although I wonder if he really has two eggs every morning. Hm. Interesting. I wonder what the rubbish sandwich was.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.