The first two episodes of Netflix’s Harry & Meghan are the two of them telling their love story, the early part of their fairy-tale romance. Prince Harry is very specific: he saw Meghan on a friend’s Instagram and he asked to be set up with her. In the summer of 2016, she had big plans to be a single girl and have a great summer with friends, traveling around and getting into adventures. I don’t think she was expecting to meet her future husband when she was set up on the date with Harry, especially because he was LATE to their first date:
I love that Meghan was immediately like: I have too much self-worth to wait around forever for some chronically late narcissist. Turns out, he really was stuck in traffic and he was a red, sweaty mess by the time he arrived. What I LOVE is that Meghan asked him out for their second date and Harry points out that she was late (by only a few minutes) for their second date. Then for a month, they were just calling and texting and video-chatting, then he asked her to go to Botswana with him and they stayed in a tent for a week. Some more quotes from the two of them:
Meghan on their long-distance relationship: “At the beginning our relationship was this guarded treasure. It was long distance from the beginning. Everything was just texts and Facetimes and we just talked for hours and it just felt exciting. It wasn’t exciting in the way I think people would assume it would be. It was just relaxed and easy. We just got to know each other truly like any other couple where you’re figuring out ‘what do you like to eat? What do you like to cook? What kind of movies do you like?’
Harry on wanting to take Meghan to Africa: “Lesotho gave me the space and the freedom to breathe, to live and to grow. I went to Africa sometimes three months at a time. I’ve got a second family out there, a group of friends that literally brought me up. For me it’s always been quite special so it was absolutely critical to share it with Meg. I was astonished that she said yes. This woman that I’ve only met twice, she’s coming to Botswana and we’re going to be living in a tent for five days. Wow.
Meghan on their Botswana trip: “What if we don’t like each other and we’re stuck in the bush in the middle of a tent. So I get there, it was the first time I’ve seen him in a month. We’re awkward at first, do we kiss? I just remember he handed me a chicken sandwich.
Harry on camping out with Meghan: And then we jumped in a land cruiser and off we went. To start we were sitting next to each other and then we progressed to holding hands and then we squeeze in a kiss. And amid the bumps, and then everything felt totally normal and natural. We had to get to know each other before the rest of the world and before the media joined in. It just felt so right and it felt so normal.
Harry on their two-week rule: “She had a two week rule, which was really smart, which was that we had to see each other in or around two weeks….Those first few months when no one knew, it made much more sense for her to come to me. So that she could come and stay with me on Kensington palace grounds…go for walks around Frogmore and do all these things together so we can get to know each other without someone taking a photograph and it becoming news. Getting her through the police barrier and onto Kensington Palace was risk in itself because people talk right? It’s not about who you trust it’s about who they trust.
Then everything changed just before Halloween 2016, when the British media broke the story that they were dating. Meghan said that “H trying to prepare me of what that might be like, knowing what he’d experienced in the past. He and his brother’s communications secretary, Jason, called to let him know it had been scooped by a tabloid.” Harry and Meghan went out that night, the night before the story broke, and they went to a Halloween party with Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank.
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