Goldie Hawn

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Goldie Hawn features in the June issue of Porter magazine. You can see her editorial here. She looks beautiful, and I can’t believe she’s 69 years old! Goldie was 37 when she got together with Kurt Russell, and their relationship is 32 years long. So Goldie knows a thing or two about keeping things together. She could give relationship advice to nearly everyone in Hollywood. We usually don’t hear her humblebragging. Porter asked the question though, and Goldie was cool with supplying her knowledge. She also weighs in on Patricia Arquette’s Oscar speech and backstage comments for wage equality. Some excerpts:

On aging: “Getting older is a fact of life. By living mindfully you understand that there are many transitions in life. You just go through them. It’s wonderful to know you’re aging, because that means you’re still on the planet, right? It’s all about how you make it. It’s all in your mind.”

Keeping it together with Kurt: “A lasting relationship isn’t about marriage. It’s about compatibility and communication. And you both need to want it to work. If one person does not want it to work, it isn’t going to work. Intention is the key. It’s also about not losing yourself in each other. Being together, two pillars holding up the house and the roof, and being different, not having to agree on everything, learning how to deal with not agreeing.”

On gender equality: “We have made some strides, there’s no question. The relationship between men and women is definitely changing, but when you think that we only got to vote how many years ago? We’re still dealing with these kinds of paradigms. If you look at racial issues–I’m reading Truman’s autobiography at the moment–they were dealing with the very same situations that we’re dealing with today. It’s human nature to create these problems.”

On Patricia Arquette’s speech: “There is a lot of data to support what she said. A lot. Old ways die hard and I think women, in many ways, are still trying to figure out the pathway to being able to have certain things. I think that [Kate Hudson] deals with that on her level. She’s not me. She sees things her way, although we agree on a lot of things. In terms of the business itself, you just have to be smart.”

[From Porter]

The article points out that Goldie hasn’t starred in a movie since 2002?s The Banger Sisters. A full decade of no Goldie seems wrong, but that’s what happens to women in Hollywood, especially in the romantic comedy genre.

I really like what Goldie has to say about making a long-term relationship endure. Learning how to agree to disagree seems like the biggest step, along with both parties wanting to stay together despite differences. She and Kurt make it work with no marriage certificate required. Good for them.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet
