Britney Spears has apparently found a new method of therapy: gardening. Because if there’s one person I want wielding hedge clippers, it’s Britney. The Sun reports:

A source said: "Britney has tried every kind of therapy going. She’s studied yoga, seen numerous counsellors and even experimented with mysticism, but they’ve never been more than passing fads.
"This time seems different though. She’s committed to learning as much as she can about horticulture and how it impacts your well-being.
"Whenever she returns to her California home she’s straight out in the garden working. She’s very proud and knowledgeable about what she’s planted and what is growing around her house."

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I can just see Britney now, walking out to her garden with a plastic pail, shovel and dreams of growing a chicken wing tree. She planted one just yesterday down yonder. Though daddy says "a KFC bucket won’t grow nothin’," she knows the land. She knows the land.