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Everyone hoped that some kind of Invictus event would be part of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s agenda in Colombia, and it happened. On Friday, Harry and Meghan visited a training session for Colombia’s Invictus team. The visit was to Centro de Rehabilitación Inclusiva (the Inclusive Center for Rehabilitation) in Bogota. Fashion notes for Meghan: she wore a crisp white blouse by Giuliva Heritage and a skirt by Juan D. Dios (a Colombian designer!) plus Jimmy Choo sandals and of course her Cartier bracelet. She looks amazing and I love that she came with Harry for this Invictus event. She’s been such a big supporter for Invictus since 2017! Those veterans love to see her too. Speaking of, the idea of Harry and Meghan traveling the world and focusing on the issues they care about deeply has left the Windsors and their aides in a state of “bewilderment.”

Royal author Tom Quinn told the Mirror : “News that Harry and Meghan have accepted an invitation to tour Colombia has caused bewilderment, concern and some irritation among senior royals in the UK. The view is that Meghan and Harry are now so desperate to maintain their brand and stop the slide in their relevance that they are recklessly prepared to visit one of the most dangerous countries in the world – in 2023 Colombia had the third highest murder rate in South America.”

Colombia is notorious for its ‘high terrorist threat’, as well as skyrocketing rates of abduction incidents. Shocking Defence Ministry figures show that, from January to October 2022, at least 287 people were kidnapped by bandits, marking an alarming 73 per cent surge from the previous year. The UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office has warned Brits to ‘reconsider’ travelling to the country unless absolutely essential.

According to Quinn, the author of Scandals of the Royal Palaces: An Intimate Memoir of Royals Behaving Badly, there have also been ‘grumbles’ amongst members of staff. He continued: “One or two palace officials have grumbled that Colombia is pretty much the only country that would have Meghan and Harry. And there is no doubt that senior Royals in the UK would have declined an invitation to visit a country where any kind of security is difficult to maintain. They are also worried that the Firm will be blamed for not trying to stop the tour should anything happen to Meghan and Harry while they are in Colombia.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

“There is no doubt that senior Royals in the UK would have declined an invitation to visit a country where any kind of security is difficult to maintain…” The Duchess of Edinburgh was literally in Bogota, Colombia last fall. She even did a photo-op with VP Francia Marquez, the same woman who invited the Sussexes. Why is Sophie catching strays in the Windsors’ jingoistic need to denigrate a whole-ass country? Also: “Colombia is pretty much the only country that would have Meghan and Harry…” I mean, except for Nigeria, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, the United States and basically every country which competes in Invictus. Like, all of the countries with Invictus teams want to do what Nigeria did: bring the Sussexes over for some sparkle, and to bring attention to their own veterans’ programs and wounded-warrior programs.

“They are also worried that the Firm will be blamed for not trying to stop the tour should anything happen to Meghan and Harry while they are in Colombia…” So you’re admitting that the Windsors are morally responsible for ensuring the Sussexes’ safety? If the Windsors were so worried about “how it would look” if something happened to Harry and Meghan, the Windsors would have behaved very differently for the past six years.

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Photos courtesy of Getty.

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On Friday, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited a school in Bogota, Colombia. The focus for the school visit was to highlight “the importance of social-emotional well-being in education.” According to People Magazine and multiple other sources, Meghan spoke in Spanish to the kids in the classroom. One of the teachers told People: “She spoke Spanish perfectly with one young woman. She just went right into Spanish, which was a revelation — and it was very good.” Meghan has been fluent in Spanish for much of her life, especially because she worked at the American embassy in Argentina at one point. She apparently told one student, “You’re the same age as my son Archie” in Spanish.

Fashion notes: Meghan’s blazer was Loro Piana, her slingbacks were Chanel (she’s worn those so many times) and she also wore that pair of butterfly earrings which once belonged to Princess Diana. Harry gave Meghan those earrings many years ago, right after their wedding, but she doesn’t wear them that often. I think they’re sort of special-occasion earrings for her.

Meanwhile, the British media is breathlessly covering this tour, in spite of the fact that they screamed for weeks about the “danger” the Sussexes would face in Colombia. The Mail and other outlets sent reporters and photographers to Colombia to try to get any kind of access to the tour (hilariously, the Colombians are not playing). The same thing happened during the Invictus Games in Germany and The Hague – suddenly, all of the royalist reporters were crawling all over the Invictus events. As for this tour, the Mail even started a live blog. They’re still insisting that the Sussexes are irrelevant and their coverage is dedicated to mocking Harry and Meghan, but the whole thing is an exercise in desperation and literal clout-chasing for the Brits. The Mail is also talking a lot about Colombia providing security for the Sussexes. Like… pick a struggle, either Colombia is a hellhole which is “too dangerous” for H&M, or criticize them for the “excessive” security measures undertaken by the government.

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Photos courtesy of Getty.

Emma Roberts covers the latest issue of Flaunt – the editorial is actually really good, even if the fashion on display is kind of awful. Emma is serving though, and I rarely think that about her. I’m not trying to be ridiculously mean about her, but I’ve always found her sort of bland and flat on-screen and, to me, she’s been an example of nepotism-gone-wrong. But I’ve adjusted my opinion of her recently. She’s in her 30s now, she’s a single mom, she’s found her niche in the industry and, honestly, she’s not pretending to be the most serious artiste ever. She’s a commercial actress, mostly in television, and she’s not trying to move beyond that for the most part. Now, she is branching out into producing in a big way, which is fine – more women should produce and there should be more female-driven narratives across the board. Anyway, here are some highlights from Emma’s Flaunt interview:

What’s next: “I feel like I’ve been working since I was nine, but you’re constantly wondering, What’s next? What’s next? What’s next? Between having a baby, COVID, and the strike, I’ve had a lot of time to reflect and slow down. I’m like, ‘Wow. I guess maybe I have done a lot. Maybe I should have a break that’s not imposed upon me by outside variables. Maybe I should just decide to take some time to myself.”’

She escaped the widespread harassment & assault at Nickelodeon: “It’s inexcusable. Kids need to be protected, adults need to be protected. I have been lucky with the family I have and the people that I’ve worked with. I try to keep doing my job and keep my head down.”

She was excluded from New York Magazine’s “Nepo Baby” cover: “Should I be offended? It was a cheap shot to put all the celebrity kids on the cover of a magazine on babies’ bodies. It’s like maybe the ‘Nepo Baby’ conversation would’ve been a more interesting article written intelligently in Vanity Fair with nuance, but instead, it was kind of this viral hating-on-people thing.” So are there no professional benefits from famous family ties? “I’ve lost more jobs than I’ve gained from being in the business. People have opinions and sometimes maybe they’re not good opinions of people in your family. I’ve never gotten a job because of it, I know I definitely have lost a couple of jobs because of it.”

She will no longer date actors: “One day the veil was lifted and I didn’t want to date actors anymore. It’s hard, I think, for two actors to be together. I’m trying to think if I’ve seen it done successfully. Also, the actors I’ve been with border on method actors, and that is something that I think is extremely difficult to be in a relationship with—at least for me, especially the characters that they were playing.”

Her new boyfriend is not online: “If you want to send a girl crazy, don’t have Instagram.”

Her feelings on social media: “I feel like, in a way I got to hang on to some innocence longer [than usual]. I know everyone has a different take on how [modern] celebrities or people should be online and how serious they should be. My social media is for fun, it’s for reading, it’s for fashion, but if you want to get really deep with me or know what I think about things, you’re not going to see it posted on my social media.”

She has an expansive collection of vintage dolls. “I just love them. I have some very, very ugly dolls that needed a home, so I had to have them. Don’t get me wrong, there are some dolls that I’ve come across that I’m like, the vibe is off and this one’s not for me. Some dolls, something’s wrong. Scary. I’m very particular about which dolls can live on the shelf.”

Working with Kim Kardashian on AHS: Delicate: “Kim is an icon. I literally don’t know how she does it. Business woman-turned-producer- turned actress, and let me tell you, one of the most prepared actresses I’ve ever worked with. She’s also been a great friend. Anytime I text her, she responds right away. Just seeing her inspires me. I’m like, How do you do all of that and also look perfect?

[From Flaunt]

I laughed at her comments about nepotism. Previously, she claimed the nepo babies have to “prove themselves more” and now she’s saying she’s never gotten work because she’s Julia Roberts’ niece? GMAFB. I did not know that she collects vintage dolls… I could not. I once knew a serious doll collector and Emma’s right, sometimes a doll’s vibe is off. I couldn’t handle all of those glass eyes on me. What else? I do think that actors-dating-actors can work, but I also understand why so many actresses feel like…no, I don’t want to deal with that, especially if he’s a Method actor.

Cover & IG courtesy of Flaunt.

J.D. Vance is making history. This creepy weirdo is historically unpopular. As I’ve been saying, there’s a Sarah Palin-esque vibe with Vance in that both Vance and Palin were awful running mate choices which reflected the unsuitability of John McCain and Donald Trump for the highest office in the land. But at least Palin was popular with the Republican base. At least she had some positive likeability ratings. Vance has none of that – even Republicans think he’s a weirdo. Even Republicans despise him. When you’re being compared to Palin and people are arguing that the comparison is UNFAIR TO SARAH PALIN, you know it’s bad.

I bring all of this up because it’s clear that Vance and his people understand that he comes across like a dystopian villain who would rather f–k a couch than allow women to have rights. I don’t even think this is about Donald Trump and Trump’s people trying to change up the narrative about Vance, I think Vance and his merry band of inner-sanctum weirdos have decided to fight back. I was not personally expecting the introduction of a dog though, nor did I think that JD Vance would look so completely uncomfortable trying to hold a dog’s leash.

Yes, the dog’s name is Atlas. As in, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. This poor dog. I mean, we should absolutely make fun of JD Vance because this is completely pathetic, but I also just feel sorry for Atlas Vance. Atlas is being used as a political prop for a weird creep’s political campaign. Atlas does not want to be on the campaign trail. I’m also curious… did they, like, rent a dog? Did they just adopt him? Is this the first time Vance has ever held a dog leash? While I was trying to find the answers to those questions, I came across this interesting piece in Salon about Vance writing the foreword to Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington To Save America by Kevin Roberts. That’s like the “airport book” version of the Project 2025 manifesto. Roberts apparently hates dogs and dog parks.

…But while Vance views our feline friends as a medieval witch-hunter would — as a sign that a woman is dangerously independent and therefore evil — dog owners should not feel safe from the ire of Vance and his friends in the uterus-obsessed MAGA movement. Vance wrote the forward to “Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington To Save America” by Kevin Roberts of the Heritage Foundation. Roberts is one of the leaders of Project 2025, which was developed to build Trump’s policy agenda without the larger public finding out about it. (That failed, and now the campaign is pretending to reject Project 2025.) “Dawn’s Early Light” was meant to be an airport book version of Project 2025, a snappy and readable volume that nonetheless displays the granular level of control MAGA Republicans want to assert over the choices of Americans in how to worship, whether to have kids and who they’ll marry.

Like Vance, Roberts is outraged that women have goals and interests outside of making babies early and often. The book has been delayed until after the election, but Media Matters has a galley copy, which features Roberts raving about the evils of birth control, in-vitro fertilization, and yes, even pets. Roberts laments that they allow women to feel that “having a child seem(s) like an optional and not natural result of having sex.” In the book, Roberts spits venom at dog parks, which he sees as a decadent concession to those he believes won’t “give up childish things, and live in the real world” by having kids. Dog parks are a result of “the antifamily culture shaping legislation, regulation, and enforcement throughout our sprawling government,” he snarls.

[From Salon]

First JD Vance and his merry band of creeps came for cat ladies, and I said “f–k that guy.” Then JD Vance and his merry band of creeps came for menopausal women and I said “Jesus Christ, this guy is the f–king worst.” And then JD Vance and his merry band of creeps came for dogs and dog moms and I laughed, knowing that no animal lover will ever vote for this f–king psychopath.

Oh and he also talked sh-t about Irish-Americans.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

Jordan Chiles released a statement about her bronze medal being taken away. She had to leave social media for a week because of the bullying & racism. [Hollywood Life]
Jana Duggar, the oldest daughter, got married at the age of 34. [Starcasm]
Saoirse Ronan wore Louis Vuitton in Edinburgh. [RCFA]
The trailer for The Monkey, adapted from Stephen King’s short story. [OMG Blog]
Meet “Instagram hottie” Florent Manaudou. [Socialite Life]
What’s up with Marvel’s Kraven the Hunter? [LaineyGossip]
What’s happening in the Senate races? [Pajiba]
Elizabeth Banks IS business-cocktail. [Go Fug Yourself]
Penn Badgely has wrapped on You. [Just Jared]
Scott Bakula was doing Chevy commercials in the ‘80s. [Seriously OMG]
The internet loves to compare and contrast Tim Walz & JD Vance. [Buzzfeed]

A few months ago, Matt Healy proposed to his girlfriend of less than a year, a woman who goes by Gabbriette Bechtel. She’s a model, muse and internet personality. She seems to be involved in music as well. I thought she had the look and vibe of someone who was raised outside of America, but no, she’s a California girl who grew up in Laguna Beach and desperately wanted to be Parisian and goth-arty. I get that, honestly. Gabbriette is getting so much attention now that she’s engaged to Healy, so much so that British Vogue recently did a huge profile of her. They’re calling her the It Girl of 2024 or something. All of this because she’s engaged to Healy, right? Some highlights from British Vogue:

Biographical details: Gabbriette Bechtel (26 years old, Leo, 5ft 4in, based in LA) doesn’t have: 1. Famous parents. 2. Eyebrows (after she’s washed her make-up off). 3. Inhibitions.

Gabbriette is part of Brat Summer: She’s also one of the heroines of Brat summer. Its mastermind, Charli XCX (real name Charlotte Aitchison), is engaged to Healy’s bandmate George Daniel and has been a keen supporter of Bechtel ever since she booked her to play a zombie in one of her music videos in 2016. Bechtel is now so “It”, when making Brat, arguably the album of the summer, Charli looked to her for lyrical inspiration. The result? “360” – a track and accompanying music video that put a new-wave generation of women in the spotlight: among them the comedian and filmmaker Rachel Sennott; model and Gucci favourite Alex Consani; Vogue make-up artist Isamaya Ffrench – and Gabbriette.

She does cooking videos on Instagram: “It’s just the way that I’m comfortable being on the internet. If I were super-composed and overthought everything, I would drive myself absolutely insane. That’s just not the way that I want to be put out or perceived.”

Her teen years: Raised in Laguna Beach by her Mexican mother and Swiss father, Bechtel – a talented ballerina – was a straight F student who excelled at extracurricular theatre. “I went to school in cheetah-fur coats and red lipstick, and then went home and would be on Tumblr.” The teenage Gabbriette, circa 2007, was aloof – quietly poring over Alexa Chung’s Francophile style and obsessing over Seventeen cover stars, including The Hills’s Lauren Conrad. She’d often flick through beauty trade magazines while folding foils for her hairdresser mother. “I was gothy Parisian meets Orange County. I cut short bangs because I wanted to look like Joan Jett, or a trad punk Jane Birkin in the ’80s.”

She’s bringing back skinny brows: Gabbriette kickstarted the skinny brow revival from her parents’ Laguna Beach bathroom in 2019, reaching for her mother’s tweezers after watching a ’90s romcom (“something like Notting Hill”) in a bid to appear more womanly and less baby-faced. Amid a timeline of oversized, fluffy and microbladed brows, portraits of Gabbriette exuded the screen-siren mystery of Greta Garbo. “I didn’t have the thick hair to be like Cara Delevingne or Bambi Northwood-Blyth,” she says.

Her relationship with Healy: The couple are poised to move into their new Hollywood Hills home, complete with large kitchen island, where Bechtel can’t wait to test new recipes. It’s also a place where she one day hopes to gather with her family. “When I have kids, it’s going to be: dinner every night – no phones – to celebrate the smaller things and recognise people’s happiness,” she says. There’s also a big backyard with lots of room for Splinter the rat, and closet space for her collection of late ’90s/early 2000s Margiela. The latest addition? An original spring/summer 1996 screen-printed dress that Healy gave to her for Christmas.

She loves love: “I love being in love,” she says after she hangs up the phone to her fiancé. “When I thought that I was in love before it was just me being a person of service to somebody else.”

[From British Vogue]

I enjoyed this? She seems fun. Obviously, there’s tons of material here which made me roll my eyes, but she’s actually putting this sh-t out here with a straight face, or at least that’s how I perceive her. She managed to sit down with British Vogue and still remain largely mysterious. Of course, I think the mystery is actually that she’s not that deep as a person. She’s just hyper-focused on aesthetics, or as we used to say, deep as a puddle.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Gabbriette’s IG.

Donald Trump held some kind of press conference yesterday at his Bedminster golf club, which, again, is not located in a swing state. Trump has barely campaigned this summer and the Trump-Walz campaign barely has a ground operation. The campaign is taking in money, but they’re not spending it on ad buys or offices in swing states or competency around their campaign events. It’s like Donald Trump expects free media constantly, and he’s getting it… but it’s not hitting the same way it used to. He was always a delusional nutjob ranting about whatever popped into his Adderall-addled brain, but it feels like there’s been a real shift in how Trump is covered. CNN did a surprisingly in-depth analysis of how Trump’s Thursday presser felt different. They described his “ranting” as Trump feeling “bitter, disoriented, and mourning the loss of the old campaign,” which was “laid bare in a self-pitying and raging stream of consciousness.” Oh my! Some highlights from this CNN piece:

LMAO: Almost every Trump event now feels like damage control for a previous one that went off the rails. Thursday’s news conference was a do-over for Wednesday’s trip to North Carolina, when the ex-president mocked his own aides for demanding that he give an “intellectual” speech on the economy and instead went his own way, focusing on insulting his opponent.

The groceries: Trump’s team did their best for him on Thursday. Someone went to a local supermarket and stocked up on groceries, including Cheerios, tubs of coffee and ketchup, and provided Trump with charts showing the high cost of goods in the Biden era. But their boss didn’t even get to the end of his first point before veering into a furious aside while falsely accusing Democrats of acting illegally by replacing Biden with Harris. “It was a coup by people that wanted him out, and they didn’t do it the way, not the way they’re supposed to do it. $129 more on energy, and $241 more. This is all per month on rent,” Trump said, running two thoughts together in his fury.

LMAO Part II: “We have wars breaking out in the Middle East. We have the horrible war going on with Ukraine and Russia. All these things would have never happened if I was president. Would have never, ever happened, and they didn’t happen. Since Harris took office, car insurance is up 55%,” Trump said, in another dizzying shift in direction. As his remarks stretched into a second hour, a squadron of flies assembled, likely attracted by several packs of breakfast sausages sweating in the summer heat. The bizarre spectacle only heightened the incongruity of using Trump’s private golf club as the backdrop for an event meant to illustrate the pain faced by millions of Americans at grocery checkouts.

Trump on his own aides telling him to cool with it the personal attacks: “As far as the personal attacks, I’m very angry at her because of what she’s done to the country. I’m very angry at her that she weaponized the justice system against me and other people —- very angry at her. I think I’m entitled to personal attacks. I don’t have a lot of respect for her. I don’t have a lot of respect for her intelligence, and I think she’ll be a terrible president.”

Republican analysis: “Donald Trump is not the Donald Trump of 2016, he seemed slowed down, he seems meandering, he seems low energy and he really is struggling to make a point,” said former Trump White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin, who broke with the ex-president after he refused to accept his defeat in 2020. “He is somebody who is not performing at the caliber he once was and that might have worked when he was up against Joe Biden — the contrast did make him appear at times stronger and more vibrant. It’s not working against Kamala Harris who is the younger candidate and the one with more energy,” she said on CNN’s “AC360.”

A Very Calm Person and a Stable Genius: Trump told reporters “Now you’ll say he ranted and raved … I’m a very calm person, believe it or not.” But proving the opposite, Trump on Thursday dove down multiple rabbit holes — venting about Hillary Clinton’s emails as if he had been transported back to the 2016 election, relating bizarre conversations with people calling him “Sir,” musing about “bird cemeteries” he claims are caused by wind farms, lauding his own “great relationship” with China’s President Xi Jinping and fuming at prosecutors who charged him with seeking to overturn the 2020 election and of hoarding classified documents.

[From CNN]

This took me out: “relating bizarre conversations with people calling him “Sir,” musing about “bird cemeteries” he claims are caused by wind farms..” Trump and those damn wind farms, he keeps bringing them up and claiming that wind farms are killing bald eagles and that they’re affecting the fish as well. It’s just one of those things that is stuck in his (senile) brain, like “the late, great Hannibal Lector.” The stuff about the groceries rotting in the sun while Trump rants and raves at his private golf club… *chef’s kiss*.

Two more things – people are theorizing that Trump is having such a tough time finding an attack line against Kamala Harris because he finds her attractive. Honestly, that makes some kind of sense – he called her “beautiful” in his lispy conversation with Elon Musk and it’s clear that he doesn’t actually want to use the same derogatory language on Harris that he’s used on other women. Second thing – the Harris campaign sends out press releases every single time Trump or JD Vance open their mouths and the release after Trump’s presser was a classic:

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

Back in May, Prince Harry visited the UK. He was invited specifically because the Ministry of Defense organized a church service for the ten-year anniversary of the Invictus Games. Harry’s visit was well-previewed for months, Harry gave everyone enough notice of his visit and King Charles dutifully scheduled several events during the same days when Harry would be in town. When Harry approached his father’s office about scheduling a father-son meeting, Harry was rebuffed. Harry released a public statement saying that because of Charles’s “full program,” there would be no meeting. That one statement set off two full weeks of tantrums from Buckingham Palace as Charles and his aides scrambled to explain why Charles refused to see Harry and why Harry wasn’t offered a room in one of the many royal homes in the UK.

None of their explanations made much sense and there were a lot of contradictory and gaslighting palace briefings. One thing I believed was that Charles did offer Harry a room… but no security. As in, Harry would be allowed to have a room in whatever palace, but there was a security issue and so Harry just stayed in a hotel (like he did the two previous times he visited London). If Charles is going to do anything, it’s put Harry and Harry’s family in danger, you know? Well, months later, the palace decided to give a new briefing on this months-old drama, conveniently timed for the Sussexes’ Colombian tour.

The Duke of Sussex was offered the chance to stay at Buckingham Palace when he last visited Britain but turned it down to stay in a hotel, The Times can reveal. The invitation to use apartments at the palace was made when the duke came to London in May to mark the tenth anniversary of the Invictus Games, his Paralympic-style sporting competition. Although it was already known that the King, 75, had offered accommodation to his younger son, it had not been disclosed that the rooms were in Buckingham Palace, the most prestigious location. The King was staying nearby at Clarence House.

The Sussexes landed in Bogota, Colombia, on Thursday to begin another trip. They will move on to the Caribbean and Pacific regions of Cartagena and Cali. Harry has taken the UK government to the High Court in an attempt to have his right to Scotland Yard security reinstated when he visits Britain. However, he is thought to see a distinction between the security risks facing him in Britain and travelling to Colombia with the benefit of the state’s police protection.

A well-placed source said of the duke’s visit in May: “I don’t know what more the King could have done. He offered Harry to stay at Buckingham Palace but that it seems even that wasn’t good enough. It was far from clear what the duke’s plans were. When it came to it there was no space in the King’s diary in between treatment and other scheduled events.”

One of the reasons Buckingham Palace was offered was to allow greater opportunity for the King to meet his son during his stay. Harry stayed in a hotel in London, but appeared dismayed when it became clear that the King did not have time to meet him.

A source with knowledge of the offer said: “It makes Harry’s decision to stay in a hotel all the more strange when the Palace would naturally offer all the security you could wish for. It would also have made more sense from a point of view of seeing his father as it would be easier for the King to see his son if they were staying nearby.”

A month after Harry’s trip to London, the palace apartments were used to host the Emperor and Empress of Japan during their state visit.

[From The Times]

I find it odd that Charles’s aides made this generous offer of a diplomatic suite in Buckingham Palace with full security and a potential unscheduled meeting between father and son… and yet they couldn’t use this offer as a clapback or explanation at the time. I mean, if this was really what they offered Harry, surely they would have said that back in May when Harry released his statement about the king’s “full program”? Makes it seem like it took those aides three g–damn months to come up with a new lie for why the situation was not their fault. It also makes it seem like Harry takes his security very seriously and he could see ALL of the traps being laid for him and was able to nope out of all of it.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red and Cover Images.

On Thursday, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris made their first joint appearance since Biden dropped out of the presidential race. They went to Maryland to announce a major win for their administration! The Biden-Harris administration worked out a deal with drug companies to significantly lower the prices on ten top-selling prescription drugs.

The United States has negotiated down the prices of 10 top-selling prescription drugs used by Medicare by as much as 79%, hoping to save $6 billion in the first year as part of a plan hailed on Thursday by President Joe Biden with the aim to ease anger about high prices ahead of November elections.

Biden’s signature Inflation Reduction Act, signed into law in 2022, was the first to allow Medicare to negotiate prices for some of the most costly drugs that the program covers for 66 million people. The new prices will go into effect in 2026.

“We finally beat Big Pharma,” Biden said at an event in Largo, Maryland, alongside Vice President Kamala Harris. The administration hopes the savings will ease Americans’ anger about high prices, an issue they frequently say is their top concern headed into the closely contested Nov. 5 presidential election between Harris and Republican former President Donald Trump.

“My entire career, I have worked to hold bad actors accountable and lower the cost of prescription drugs,” Harris said. “Medicare can use that (collective bargaining) power to go toe-to-toe with Big Pharma and negotiate lower drug prices.”

[From Reuters]

It’s a major win for this administration and it’s a tangible win which will affect millions of Americans. It was important for Pres. Biden and VP Harris to announce it together too – Harris and her campaign will get a chunk of the credit. Speaking of, at the event, Biden was extremely enthusiastic about his vice president’s candidacy, telling the crowd: “I have an incredible partner in the progress we made. She’s going to make one hell of a president.” VP Harris told the crowd: “There’s a lot of love in this room for our president. Few leaders in our nation have done more, on so many issues, including to expand access to affordable healthcare, than Joe Biden.”

Pres. Biden has been in a good mood since he withdrew from the race. It’s loosened him up and he made several digs at Donald Trump at this event. He said, at one point: “The guy we’re running against, what’s his name? Donald Dump? Or Donald Whatever?” He also said: “Let me tell you what our Project 2025 is: beat the hell out of them!”

So what happens now when it comes to the actual campaign and election? President Biden has said that he wants to campaign for Kamala, and I suspect he will do so after the convention. My guess is that they’ll make several stops in Pennsylvania (Biden was born in Scranton) and maybe even go to some of the Rust Belt swing states, the same states that the Biden-Harris campaign prioritized so heavily in the 2020 election.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

Last year, we got a sad update on the messy Gosselin family drama. Collin Gosselin and his sister, Hannah, who are two of the 20-year-old sextuplets, went public both on Entertainment Tonight and in the FX documentary The Dark Side of Abuse with details about their mom, Kate Gosselin’s, abuse. According to Collin and Hannah, Collin was often “separated” from the rest of his seven siblings during playtime and meals. At age 12, he was sent to an institution. Allegedly, no effort was made at home to help Collin with his supposedly disruptive behavior. Things got ugly when Kate, who is the Patron Saint of Karens, and big sister Mady (one of the 23-year-old twins), went on the offense. Mady accused Collin of racism and causing her “trauma,” while Kate went with classic DARVO behavior, accusing him of having “violent behavior” and “mental illness.”

For what it’s worth, after his dad Jon got him out of the institution, Kate did not show up at the court hearing that ended with Jon getting full custody of Collin. She, and the rest of his siblings minus Hannah, reportedly have not seen him since he was 12. Jon has gone on record saying that after all of that drama, Collin was only diagnosed with ADHD. Meanwhile, Collin has been working on fulfilling his dream of becoming a Marine. Unfortunately, for Collin, he’s hit a bit of a stumbling block in that regard. Although he still wants to join the US Marines, he was discharged due to his time spent at the institution.

“I was discharged,” he explained. “I was towards the end of training, very close to graduating. The paperwork was looked into, and they found out that I was, in fact, in an institution at one point in my life.”

“And see, they don’t need any deeper reason. Being in an institution, that’s good enough for [them] to discharge [you],” he added.

Despite this, Collin said he was working to appeal the decision as he has “very few other wishes in life that would top being a United States Marine.” For now, the television personality said he has plans to major in finance at Penn State.

Collin’s parents, Jon and Kate Gosselin, share 22-year-old twins Cara and Madelyn as well as sextuplets Collin, Alexis, Aaden, Leah, Joel and Hannah. Jon, 47, and Kate, 49, finalized their divorce in 2009. Kate eventually was awarded custody of their children and sent Collin to an institution for what she claimed to be “unpredictable and violent behavior” when he was 12 years old.

“I didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t know where I was going… That was the most scared I’ve probably ever been in my life,” he told ET. “I didn’t even say goodbye [to my siblings].”

While he was there, Collin claimed that Kate only “came to visit me once” for 30 minutes. “The entire time all she did was lecture me and tell me that I destroyed our family,” he alleged. “Our family was under a spotlight 24/7 … I know strongly that the reason I was sent away was for my mother to protect her reputation.”

PEOPLE has reached out to reps for Kate and an U.S. Marine Corp spokesperson for comment.

[From People]

Oh, my heart breaks for Collin. He’s been through so much at the hands of his mother. I can’t even imagine how scared he felt and how painful it must have been to hear your own mother tell you that you’ve “destroyed” your family while gaslighting you and turning your siblings against you. She’s a horrible person and a terrible mother. Now, it appears that her decision to abdicate responsibility and send him to an institution at age 12 has likely cost him a chance to get his dream job. I’m crushed for him. I don’t know much about military protocol but maybe one of you knows – does he even have a chance at having the decision overturned with appeal? Or is it just that strict? Collin now plans to attend Penn State and major in finance. I really hope Collin finds his place and thrives. That’s the ultimate revenge against his mother.

Photos via YouTube/ET Online

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