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The current Princess of Wales has terrible style overall, but particularly when it comes to accessories and jewelry. She has a gift for putting the wrong earrings and necklaces with the wrong necklines, colors and styles. The rare times she is allowed to wear big pieces from the royal collection, she either f–ks up the styling completely or she just brings nothing modern to the table and wanders around, looking like an Edwardian ghost. Something else that I’ve noticed throughout Kate’s entire time as a royal woman: she has no idea how to wear big pieces and no one has ever bothered to teach her. All of which might be why Kate doesn’t get to wear the bigger Royal Collection pieces, even now that Queen Camilla is the keeper of the royal jewels. Well, one of Camilla’s fashion-industry allies, Suzy Menkes, also had some harsh words for Kate’s jewelry-style. This is so funny:

The Princess of Wales has been labelled a ‘disappointment’ in her approach to jewellery by a former Vogue editor. Suzy Menkes, 79, from Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, made the scathing comment on the latest episode of her podcast Creative Conversations. The prominent critic – who was awarded an OBE by the late Queen for her contribution to fashion journalism in 2014 – invited British Vogue’s jewellery editor Carol Woolton onto the show, where they discussed the Princess of Wales’ recent outfits.

The former Vogue International editor accused Kate, 41, of appearing indifferent to the collection of rare and precious jewels she is privileged to wear and said she doesn’t seem as passionate about jewels as her mother-in-law Camilla, 75.

She said: ‘The Princess of Wales is a bit of a disappointment about jewellery. She gives the impression that she only puts it on when she absolutely has to. I imagine her looking beautiful in one of those gowns behind the scenes and then pulling a face as if to say, “Do I have to wear this?” She doesn’t give any sense of adoring jewellery and being pleased to put it on.’

Furthermore, the fashion critic highlighted how Queen Camilla – who visited the Monica Vinader headquarters yesterday – seems much more interested in gems. Suzy added: ‘She doesn’t seem to have Camilla’s joy at wearing jewellery.’

However, the critic remains on the fence about whether Kate’s attitude towards jewellery will change as she edges closer to the throne. She continued: ‘We now have a new Queen, so presumably she has a first opportunity to look at the jewels. We can imagine that the next in line to the throne’s wife would be something that was very special, so will we see Catherine wearing jewellery that is more dramatic, that is more personal to her? I don’t know. I can’t help feeling with things of beauty, you either love it or you don’t.’

[From The Daily Mail]

I wouldn’t even say that Camilla finds joy in jewelry – I think Camilla’s joy is the victory itself, the fact that she won, that she’s queen (consort) and to the victor go the spoils. Now, Camilla has always worn big statement pieces, mostly because Charles gave her all of his grandmother’s jewelry, and now that she’s queen, she’s mixing and matching stuff from the Queen Mum’s collection and the Royal Collection. Meanwhile, Camilla is the one limiting Kate’s access to jewelry too – Kate didn’t even get to borrow any Royal Collection jewels for the coronation, for goodness sake. Anyway… I halfway agree that Kate’s jewelry-wearing is rather joyless. Her only real sartorial joy for years now has been copykeening Meghan.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Instar and Backgrid.

When President Biden and Dr. Biden first moved into the White House in 2021, their two German Shepherds stayed in Delaware for a time before moving in. Champ was the elderly dog and Major was the younger dog, the one the Bidens fostered and adopted from a Delaware shelter. Soon after the two dogs moved to the White House, Major had some “aggression issues,” or at least that’s what the Secret Service claimed. Major was possibly nipping at various people, if not biting them outright. In any case, Champ and Major both got sent back to Delaware. Champ ended up passing away, but Major is still living with friends or extended Biden family. Then President Biden’s brother gave him a German Shepherd puppy as a gift. The Bidens named the puppy Commander Biden. Commander was given all kinds of training… and it didn’t take. Or maybe the Secret Service people just suck and all the Biden dogs are like “f–k the police.” In any case, Commander is now in big trouble.

President Biden’s dog Commander has found himself in the doghouse after a series of incidents where he bit Secret Service officers on duty at the White House. The German shepherd bit several Secret Service agents a total of 10 times during the four-month period between October 2022 and January 2023, records show. One incident resulted in an agent getting sent to the hospital for treatment.

Tipped to the incidents, the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit to get access to 194 pages of emails and texts where Secret Service agents and officials described aggressive encounters with Commander. For example, on Oct. 26, Commander charged at an agent while on a walk with first lady Jill Biden.

“The First Lady couldn’t regain control of Commander and he continued to circle me. I believe it’s only a matter of time before an agent/officer is attacked or bit,” an email about a Secret Service official said. The names of most agents and officials were redacted.

Days later, on Nov. 3, Commander bit an officer twice, once on the arm and then when the officer stood up, on the leg. The officer said they had to use a steel cart as a shield from another attack, and they were in pain after the incident.

The next month, the president himself was walking Commander in the Kennedy Garden, where he let the dog off leash. Commander ran to an agent and bit them twice, once on the left forearm and once on the thumb. The emails said Biden “seemed concerned” about the special agent, who continued to work the rest of their shift.

[From NPR]

If I remember correctly, Major was getting aggressive with different people, not just Secret Service agents. Like, Major might have nipped some household staff. It doesn’t sound like Commander is doing that – Commander is singularly focused on Secret Service agents. Which reminds me of a story I’ve always found so haunting: when Biden/Harris won in 2020, then President-Elect Biden asked the Secret Service to only put certain people on his detail and VP Harris’s detail – as in, he didn’t want any agents who were loyal to Trump in any way. Y’all know some of those MAGA people slipped through, though. They infiltrated every part of the federal government, Secret Service included. You may say that Commander is “too aggressive.” I say that he’s just looking out for his mom and dad. Dogs know when the vibe is off.

Photos courtesy of the White House & Backgrid.

As we’ve discussed endlessly, the British commentary class lives in their own bubble where their lies and palace-issued talking points are their alternate reality. They want to believe that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are splitting up, that Harry and Meghan are almost broke and that the Sussexes are desperate to come crawling back to them. Instead of facing the reality – the Sussexes are fine, rich and happy in America – the commentators continue to push their multiverse version in the British media. That’s the only explanation for this mess from the Daily Mail’s Ephraim Hardcastle, one of the Mail’s columnists: “Will William shirk at welcoming Harry back to the royal fold?”

William, as Prince of Wales in receipt of £24million a year from the Duchy of Cornwall, enjoys a surplus which will diminish as he eventually bankrolls the households of his children.

But it would quickly disappear should Harry and Meghan return to the gilded cage. Willliam would have to fund their duties, housing costs and schooling of Archie and Lilibet.

According to Harry, that prospect was all too much for King Charles. He claimed in Spare that his dad baulked at the prospect of him marrying Meghan and warned he didn’t have ‘enough money’ to support them both.

Might William equally shirk at welcoming Harry back into the royal fold?

[From The Daily Mail]

Not only is this a deeply disturbing fantasy of what these people would like to happen – the Sussexes begging Peg for money and Peg turning them down – it’s also completely false when it comes to how royals are financed. If Harry returned to the UK – he’s not, but stay with me for this hypothetical – then Harry and his family would be funded by the monarch, not the Prince of Wales. When Charles was PoW, he wasn’t “funding” his siblings – the money for Anne, Andrew and Edward’s offices and upkeep came from the Sovereign Grant and the Duchy of Lancaster, both purviews of the monarch. It would be the same now that Charles is king – he would be responsible for funding his younger son’s office and lifestyle. Either way, I’m glad Harry and Meghan saw the writing on the wall and got the f–k out of there.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

It is still so funny to me that Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard make this big deal about “protecting their children from being photographed,” yet they are constantly telling their kids’ business to everyone. While I have no idea what Delta and Lincoln Shepard look like, I already know way too much about them, including how infrequently they bathe, and how they don’t shower until they “stink.” Well, for years, Kristen has been telling everyone that her kids drink non-alcoholic beers. She told the story again this week while appearing on The Kelly Clarkson Show, and Kristen added a new twist. Her daughters (aged 8 and 9 years old) actually order non-alcoholic beer in restaurants now.

Kristen Bell’s kids have very mature taste. While appearing on an episode of The Kelly Clarkson Show, the Good Place actress, 43, chatted with host Kelly Clarkson, 41, about letting her two daughters — Delta, 8, and Lincoln, 9 — drink non-alcoholic beers.

Although she admitted that it “sounds insane,” Bell said that “context is important,” since her 48-year-old husband Dax Shepard is a recovering addict.

“He’s a recovering addict,” Bell said of Shepard, “but he likes non-alcoholic beer, so he’d pop one open, he’d have [our oldest daughter] on his chest, and we’d walk and look at the sunset,” she told Clarkson. “As a baby, she was pawing at it, and sometimes she’d suck the rim of it. So I think it feels to her like something special, something daddy, something family.”

Bell went on to say that the drinks contain zero percent alcohol and that since establishing this routine, her kids have asked for non-alcoholic beer at restaurants.

“We’ve been at restaurants where she’s said, ‘Do you have any non-alcoholic beer?’ And I’m like, maybe we just keep that for home time,” said the actress.

“But then I’m sort of like, you can judge me if you want, I’m not doing anything wrong,” added Bell. “That’s your problem.”

[From People]

Kids that age just want to feel like grownups and they copy their parents’ behavior too. I loved ordering Shirley Temples when I was a kid because it felt like I was ordering a cocktail, like I was a grownup. I’ve seen teenagers order virgin pina coladas too, because it feels like a thrill, like they’re doing something naughty. Technically, Kristen is right – it’s not like she’s doing anything wrong. I mean, except for telling her daughters’ business to everyone. She and Dax should introduce their kids to Shirley Temples.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

Tori Kelly has been hospitalized with blood clots. [JustJared]
Selena Gomez is hitting her stride professionally across the board. [LaineyGossip]
Review of Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer. [Pajiba]
Jamie Dornan went back to his model roots for Loewe. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Honey Boo Boo is going to college? [Starcasm]
Ohio Republican doesn’t think his violent assault on his wife & brother-in-law is criminal, merely an unfortunate private matter. [Jezebel]
A look at some of the Women’s World Cup kits. [GFY]
Damson Idris wore Prada to a British Vogue party. [RCFA]
A boyfriend wants to put his girlfriend on a “payment plan” so she can pay him back for all of the money he’s spent on her. Girl, RUN. [Buzzfeed]
American Evangelicals are fueling the homophobic agenda in Europe. [Towleroad]

Even though the Princess of Wales has been part of the Firm for over twelve years, there really aren’t that many portraits of her. Sure, there were those photos she arranged for her 40th birthday. There was also a painting of Kate and William completely last year, I think? But beyond that, the only major solo portrait done of Kate was in 2013, and it was so bad that even pro-Waity people hated it. The painting was done by Paul Emsley and Emsley took one look at that wiglet and decided to paint Kate as a Victorian ghost, haunting all of Britain. Well, it took ten years, but Kate finally got that portrait shuffled away and out of sight. Per Eden Confidential:

When the first official royal portrait of the Princess of Wales was unveiled to the public a decade ago, Catherine was typically polite, describing Paul Emsley’s efforts as ‘brilliant, absolutely amazing’. The critics were less kind, however, condemning it as ‘ghastly…rotten… an out-and-out disaster’ in one case. Another remarked, acidly: ‘It’s only saving grace is that it’s not by Rolf Harris.’

Now, I can disclose that the work has been consigned to a store room at the National Portrait Gallery, even though it’s the London institution’s only solo painting of our future queen. It can be viewed ‘by prior appointment in our archive’.

Catherine is Royal Patron of the gallery in Trafalgar Square and rumours swirl that she may be secretly pleased the work is no longer on public view.

‘It’s unthinkable that the painting of Her Royal Highness would be removed from public view without consulting her,’ a source tells me. ‘That would be very discourteous. She is our greatly valued patron.’

The oil painting was given a prominent spot from its unveiling in 2013 until 2018. It was then lent for a touring exhibition around the world until the gallery closed for £35million of refurbishment work in 2020.

When the gallery was reopened last month by the Princess amid great fanfare, only two works featuring her image were left on display: a painting, by Jamie Coreth, of her side by side with her husband, Prince William, and a photograph by Paolo Roversi, an Italian fashion snapper, taken to mark her 40th birthday in 2022.

Emsley’s ‘dead-eyed’ painting, which sparked global controversy for making the Princess look older than her years, was not the only prominent royal portrait to disappear when the gallery reopened. Nicky Philipps’s 2010 painting of Princes William and Harry in their Household Cavalry mess uniform was removed from public display.

[From The Daily Mail]

I honestly haven’t looked at the painting in years, but I do remember the controversy at the time. The painting was never popular – people who had neutral or negative feelings about Kate found the painting creepy, and people who loved Kate thought the painting made her look old and pre-cosmetic surgery. I find it more interesting to think that perhaps Kate didn’t even have anything to do with the portrait being shuffled away. What if this is a larger message that, um, Kate is about to shuffled off somewhere too? There’s something in the air. I still say it’s notable that there are so few official portraits of Kate as well, especially now that she’s Princess of Wales.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

Are you guys good neighbors? I’m not. Well, I’m not a bad neighbor, per se, but I only regularly speak to one of my neighbors, an elderly widow. We chat all the time and she’s got tons of neighborhood tea. I have spoken to another neighbor a few times and we’re on “waving at a distance” friendliness now, but I’ve truly never spoken to the family who lives on one side of my house, nor have I ever spoken to anyone else in the neighborhood. I mind my business and expect other people to do the same! And I don’t even live in some fancy gated community with eight-figure homes, like Prince Harry and Meghan. The Sussexes live in their lovely, 8392-bathroomed Montecito mansion, where they maintain tight security. I would imagine they aren’t stopping by their neighbors’ mansions unannounced, nor would they appreciate it if one of their neighbors stopped by without calling. That’s exactly what happened in 2020, apparently – one of their neighbors stopped by and security stopped him and asked him to go. Now the dude is getting his fifteen minutes.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s security guards have been accused of rudely brushing off an elderly neighbor after moving into their mansion in Montecito, Calif., in 2020. Frank McGinity, an 88-year-old US Navy veteran, who lives close by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex claimed that he approached their home soon after they moved in to gift them some films he has made about the history of the area. He recalled the alleged exchange in a chapter of his memoir, “Get Off Your Street.”

“I have a big house next to Harry and Meghan’s property and I live in the guest house while renting the main house out on Airbnb,” he said, according to the Montecito Journal via the Independent.

“Harry and Meghan live on old McCormick property and I went up to their gate with the films on a CD, but they weren’t interested,” he claimed, adding that the couple’s security guard turned him away. “The gate guy turned me away and wouldn’t take the film, just saying ‘they’re not interested.’ I was trying to be neighborly. We don’t see them very much around here. It’s surprising they came here. People are typically older. It’s where the elephants come to die.”

McGinity said he lives a “tiara’s toss or two” from the Sussexes’ property.

The California-based royals moved into the property in July 2020 with their son, Prince Archie, 4. The couple welcomed a daughter, Princess Lilibet, two years later. Page Six exclusively reported that they paid $14,650,000 for the 18,000-square-foot home, which features rose gardens, century-old olive trees, a tennis court, a tea house, children’s cottage and a pool. It also has a two-bedroom guest cottage.

[From Page Six]

I mean… considering what we know about the security threats against Harry and Meghan, as well as what we know about the operations of the British media, I would think that their security would turn away every single person who got close to their property. This is one of the ritziest neighborhoods in America – it’s not the kind of community where neighbors “drop by” unannounced, especially complete f–king strangers. Considering this guy wrote about it, I can only imagine what he stories he would have sold about the Sussexes if they had let him in.

PS… I love all the details about their home. They really invested in a great property. What’s also great about the Sussexes’ Montecito Mansion is how their smart real estate investment has made Salt Island seethe for three full years. I still believe that William and Kate’s real estate hysteria is mostly about the fact that the Sussexes’ house is so nice and “grand.”

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

If you’re over a certain age, this whole gossip miscommunication went over your head, but the younger people found it confusing. Earlier this year, Ariana Grande dumped her husband, Dalton Gomez, a real estate broker or something. We learned last week that Ariana is now seeing her married costar Ethan Slater. They met while filming Wicked in England. Slater is best known as a Broadway actor, and in 2018, he was nominated for a Tony Award for playing the title role in the SpongeBob SquarePants musical on Broadway. Slater is not the same actor who voices SpongeBob on the cartoon. That actor’s name is Tom Kenny, and Kenny’s wife wants everyone to know that Ariana Grande did not steal her man. Speaking of:

Ethan Slater’s estranged wife Lilly Jay is “devastated” by the news that he and his Wicked co-star Ariana Grande are dating.

A source close to Jay tells ET she’s “devastated” by the breakup with her husband and that “this is not the future she had in mind.” The source adds, “She’s doing her best to get back on her feet. She’s incredibly smart and driven” and “she is truly the best mother.”

Slater married Jay, his former high school classmate, in 2018. The couple welcomed their first child, a son, last year. In November 2022, Slater shared an anniversary tribute to his wife on Instagram, writing, “My best friend. 4 years married, 10 years together. And this is easily the best (and most *bizarre*) year yet.” Grande liked the post.

On Monday, a source confirmed to ET that Grande and Dalton Gomez had separated after two years of marriage, noting that the pair — who tied the knot in May 2021, five months after announcing their engagement — “ultimately were just not a good fit.” Then, just three days later, a source confirmed to ET that Grande and Slater are dating.

“Ariana and Ethan recently started dating. They have a lot in common and have a lot of fun,” the source said. “They didn’t start dating until both were broken up with their significant others. Ariana and Dalton remain friends.”

[From ET]

Just my opinion, but there are only so many times a celebrity woman can pull this Miranda Lambert bullsh-t before it comes back to bite her on the ass. Miranda used to bang married men all the time until it reached public consciousness, that she was a habitual husband-stealer and trainwreck. Then suddenly, Miranda settled down with that cop (now retired) who also had a long-term partner and a baby. It was a damage-control elopement, and she’s made a point of not carrying on openly with married men ever since. It feels like Ariana’s reputation is heading in the same direction – this was internationally messy and it also feels like Lilly Jay will not be going away quietly (nor should she).

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Instagram.

Years ago, Prince William, Prince Harry and Kate did Heads Together, which was supposed to be some kind of big bureaucracy to manage all of their mental-health related work. I always sort of shrugged off the simplistic message of “talk to someone, therapy can help you.” But more and more, I really do feel like everyone in the UK needs a massive amount of therapy. Byline Times released Part 3 of their on-going Dan Wootton exposé, and this piece is all about Wootton’s “first victim,” the first guy he ever blackmailed under the alias Martin Branning. I am truly struggling to unpack the layers of creepiness, abuse, obsession and sexual pathology happening with Wootton. I don’t really want to “unpack” it honestly, because all of it is a huge YIKES. You can read the full piece here.

I’m not going to excerpt it the Byline article because it’s complicated and honestly, it’s really disgusting. Basically, in 2008, Wootton-as-Martin Branning cold-contacted the partner of one of Wootton’s colleagues. Wootton offered the guy money to film himself having sex with random people. Wootton controlled almost everything about these recordings and did so entirely online or through texts or third-parties. This guy probably made dozens of tapes, and he was paid in “sweaty wads of twenties” via courier. Wootton then used all of these tapes to blackmail the guy and his partner (who was Wootton’s coworker). The guy who did the videos tells Byline: “The fall-out from this went on for years. I literally quit my London life; I lost everything. I went into the depths of depression. I definitely considered suicide. I didn’t want to be around any more. I blamed myself for the whole situation. I am only coming to terms with it now. Now I want to get it sorted out.”

So… yeah, what is the pathology here? Wootton was getting off on all or some of this – it wasn’t just a money thing or blackmail thing, nor was it merely about power. And consider this as well – Wootton had much more conventional ways of accumulating and maintaining power within the British media. He didn’t *need* to catfish and blackmail his coworkers and their partners for years. He did it because he enjoyed doing it, because he was getting off on it.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, GB News.

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I did not have Gosselin family drama on my Summer 2023 bingo card, but here we are. To recap, 19-year-old Collin Gosselin (one of the sextuplets) spoke to Entertainment Tonight last fall about being sent to an institution at age 12. In an episode of the FX documentary Dark Side of the 2000s, he spoke about his mom Kate’s abuse, which his sister Hannah confirmed. After it aired, his older sister Mady got involved to defend Kate and accuse Collin of abuse and racism, which is pretty typical in toxic families. Jon responded by pointing out that Mady has not seen Collin since he was in sixth grade. Naturally, Kate reacted by going full DARVO, smearing her own son by accusing him of “violent behavior” and blaming his recollection on “mental illness.” It was pretty disgusting.

Now, Jon is speaking out in support of his son, calling out the Patron Saint of Karens’ “cruel false accusations” and pointing out that Collin had to be cleared mentally, physically, and medically by the government before joining the Marines.

Hours after Kate Gosselin broke her silence following son Collin‘s claims that she had him institutionalized to conceal her alleged abuse, her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin, has spoken out.

“Kate posting cruel false accusations regarding Collin seems to be just another way for her to justify her inexcusable horrific past behavior toward him,” a rep for Jon, 46, told The U.S. Sun on Friday, July 21. “True love for a child wouldn’t include a mother attacking their son to the public. … Do not forget that a judge awarded sole legal and physical custody of Collin to his father.”

Jon — who received custody of Collin and Hannah, both now 19, in 2018 after they moved into his home — further noted that Collin needed to be “cleared by the Marines with a full background check including mental, physical, and medical clearance” before enlisting in the armed forces. The statement concluded, “The government’s full diagnoses clearly reflects the truth.”

[From Us Weekly]

Good on Jon for calling Kate’s (ridiculously long) statement what it was: cruel. She’s a narcissist who loves attention and always needs to have the last word, so I’m sure we’ll get some sort of public response to Jon’s statement. I just wonder if it will come from Kate herself or if she’ll send one of her other children out to do her dirty work. It also speaks volumes that after all of this has come out, her response was to publicly attack her son rather than reach out to him privately to clear the air and try to fix their relationship.

I feel so terrible for Collin, but am glad he has Jon and Hannah’s support. I’m also so impressed with how brave he was to speak out, especially considering he had to have known that his mom would react like this. He speaks more eloquently than most people twice his age, myself included. I hope all of this drama dies down quickly for his sake, and that now that the truth is out there, he’s able to move forward and live his best life.

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