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Here are some photos of Khloe Kardashian, Kendall Jenner and Lucifer’s Homegirl, out to dinner at Craig’s in West Hollywood last night. I guess they were having a nice girls’ night out, although Khloe and Kris are dressed for “date night.” I’m pretty sure Kris is wearing boots that belong to Kim. And I’m pretty sure that Khloe’s biscuit AND her breasts fell out repeatedly in this ensemble. In one of these photos, you can even see her boob coming out of her dress (thankfully she’s wearing a bra).

Khloe has been working out A LOT lately – she recently confessed to working out seven days a week, five of them with a trainer. She’s been targeting her waist and legs, I think, which makes the Pinocchio Butt stand out even more. I actually think Khloe looks pretty good these days, I just wish she would stop messing with her lips. But let’s not kid ourselves, Khloe wants to be seen as “thin.” She wants to have a fit, healthy and THIN figure. So that makes this little Page Six item a little bit weird.

Khloé Kardashian is not into being too thin. The reality TV star and entrepreneur is working on an advice book on how to develop “strength and true beauty” in a “culture that worships skinny,” the publisher Regan Arts announced Thursday.

The book is currently untitled and scheduled for publication on Nov. 3.

Kardashian said in a statement issued by Regan Arts that she wanted to inspire readers to “create their own true strength and beauty inside and out.”

[From Page Six]

It’s a great message, to tell young women that they don’t need to worship the skinny, that they don’t need to alter their appearances just to fit in. But is Khloe the person who should take up this cause? The messenger is as important as the message in this case, and Khloe has altered her face and surgically enhanced her body and she does, in fact, worship the skinny. Eh, what does it really matter though? This book is going to be ghost-written by someone else.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.



Taylor Swift covers the June issue of Glamour UK. She’s the guest editor as well, which means she probably got approval over this cover and editorial. It’s okay, I just wish Swifty had some more poses in her arsenal. I also wish the cover wasn’t so… ORANGE. Even Swifty looks positively Boehner-esque. As for the interview, I’m assuming that Swifty-as-guest-editor got some say in the content, as in she got to talk about what she wanted to talk about. Which means that Swifty got to throw herself a pity party because she should be able to write blind item songs about boys without anyone making fun of her, you guys. You guys are such meanies!!

Romance ain’t easy: “There is no easy way for me to engage with romance. I’m really busy, so I can’t. And it’s a good thing that I feel really independent and I feel that my friends are all I need.”

Being “shamed”: “It’s kind of a sad way I got there though, being shamed into it. What else is it when you have two boyfriends in one year and everyone’s calling you boy crazy, making jokes about you at awards shows? That’s public humiliation. And I don’t think it’s fair.”

She doesn’t want to have a sexualized image: “You know, everybody has different priorities as an artist…Every woman has different things that make them feel strong and powerful. For me, I don’t have any need or urge to write about overt sexuality. It just never occurs to me. I appreciate girls who sing about whatever they want, because that’s what they want to sing about.”

[From Glamour UK via E! News]

Her quote about being publicly “shamed” reminds me of her quotes to Vanity Fair back in 2013, when she threw a hissy fit about Amy Poehler and Tina Fey’s Golden Globes jokes and sniped “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.” The problem is not that Taylor is being “shamed” or “humiliated.” She’s not. The problem is that she really cannot take a joke. She can’t stand when she’s the punchline, even if the joke is some innocuous one-liner. “Feminism” does not equal “no one is ever allowed to say anything bad about Taylor Swift ever or make a joke at her expense.” And if people stopped talking about her petty boy drama and blind item songs, then how in the world would she promote her albums? The blind item songs are more than half of Swifty’s PR!!!

Photos courtesy of Glamour UK.


Dr Oz

Dr. Mahmet Oz has come under fire with a fresh wave of criticism (although the first wave never stopped). Nearly a year ago, the Senate scolded him for his lack of accountability in shilling all sorts of untested products. His enthusiasm can be infectious, and viewers tune in on the regular. Part of the entertainment factor of the show is watching Oz excitedly jump up and down in his scrubs. He’ll endorse almost anything, although he claims to have stopped shilling diet products. That’s a wise move, since many of those products were supported by bogus studies. Some of the products he endorses haven’t been tested and could be dangerous.

Oz still holds a position with Columbia University as a professor (in the department of surgery). His colleagues aren’t pleased to share their ranks with a guy who uses his influence to shout about “miracle cures” and “metabolism game changers.” They’ve accused him of acting under conflicts of interest and supporting products without “evidence-based” benefits. Oz fired back with an entire episode where he trashed his critics, saying “some of them have their own conflict of interest issues.” Oz is not denying that he’s a quack, just that there are other quacks in the room, so stop picking on him, okay? He’s proud of his “flowery language, and he’s a “cheerleader” for his audience.

Oz sat down with Mr. Glib himself, Matt Lauer, to talk about how his show will go nowhere because America needs him:

Dr. Mehmet Oz, who has been under fire by fellow physicians seeking his dismissal from Columbia University’s surgery department, says he is confident that his TV show will outlive the current controversy.

“Without question, the show will survive it,” Oz told Matt Lauer in an exclusive interview. “I want to keep doing the show for as long as I can because I think we played an important role in making America a better place.”

Last week, a letter signed by 10 physicians urged Columbia University to cut ties with the surgeon. On Friday, USA Today published an op-ed penned by Oz’s Columbia colleagues who attacked the “Dr. Oz Show” for its promotion of weight-loss products and other items they view as questionable.

Oz said he stands by using words like “radical” and “miracle” while discussing all but one health topic on his show. “I’m proud of all those words. There’s only one time that I have not been proud of and that’s the understandable frustration that has been expressed about weight-loss supplements,” he said. “I wish I could take back the words I said about them. This is a flawed area with lots of fraud, both in the research and in products. And we no longer talk about them. I haven’t talked about them in a year.”

During an earlier interview with NBC’s Stephanie Gosk, Oz defended his show, saying its purpose was to discuss “the good life,” not medicine.

He emphasized the point with Lauer, saying his show is “much broader than a medical lecture series.” Oz said his show embraces “unconventional practices” like the power of prayer or how wellness is practiced in China. He said last week’s letter from doctors criticizing him as careless came from individuals who “have agendas,” specifically biases against genetically modified organisms, an areas he has supported. “I think they were unfair in not wanting us to have that conversation,” he said.

“You’re not going to please everyone, that’s not my goal. My job is to help America understand the opportunity towards health,” he said. “The show has to be much broader than what might take place in a doctor’s office…I completely respect why so many of my colleagues might have a difficulty with that, but I’m also appreciative that many of them do understand why that’s important.”

[From Today]

As I’ve said before, Oz really needs to switch up his show format. If he’s serious about never talking about diet products again, that’s a good start. He’s not in much danger of losing his syndication deals because people enjoy watching him fanboy for a solid hour. I think he does need to choose between maintaining his Columbia tenure and being a talking head. Doing both isn’t working, at least not the way he behaves on his show. Or he could simply switch focus for a good chunk of his episodes. Maybe feature a bunch of cooking episodes. The man gets excited about pasta.

Dr Oz

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet; screencaps courtesy of Today



Johnny Depp in new trailer for Black Mass

Apr 24, 2015 Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

I know I don’t have to rehash this for you, the Johnny Depp week. And how they’ve turned that around in just 5 days. From “missing” and a “mess” to, oh, he might win an Oscar. Do women ever get the same courtesy?

Fine. I won’t turn this isn’t a feminist crusade. I’ll just get on with it and t…      

Johnny Depp in new trailer for Black Mass

Apr 24, 2015 Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

I know I don’t have to rehash this for you, the Johnny Depp week. And how they’ve turned that around in just 5 days. From “missing” and a “mess” to, oh, he might win an Oscar. Do women ever get the same courtesy?

Fine. I won’t turn this isn’t a feminist crusade. I’ll just get on with it and t…      


A week ago, we were discussing the awful viral video of ESPN reporter Britt McHenry bitching out a tow truck operator. Britt’s car had been towed in Arlington, Virginia, and as she went about paying the fine or whatever, she threw out some really tacky, classless and offensive insults at the woman behind the counter at the tow truck place. The video spread for about 24-36 hours before ESPN finally suspended McHenry. Her suspension? Just one week. And now she’s back at her job.

ESPN reporter Britt McHenry will return to television this weekend after a video showing her berating a parking attendant made waves on the Internet last week. ESPN senior coordinating producer Seth Markman confirmed to Sports Illustrated that McHenry will continue her role as reporter at NFL games on most weekends, adding that she will be in St. Louis next Thursday for the NFL draft.

“She’s had the draft assignment for a while and nothing’s changed,” Markman said.

McHenry was less than thrilled when her car was towed on April 6, taking out her anger in a profane tirade on a parking lot attendant – all of which was captured on video and posted to the Internet. “Maybe if I was missing some teeth, they would hire me, huh?” she says in the video, adding: “Lose some weight, baby girl.”

Markman says he realizes that some people won’t be happy to see McHenry on ESPN once again. “We had a conversation where we both talked about that it would take time and it will be hard. She knows that, and especially at the beginning. She realizes she will have to do her job really well and hopefully win back some of the trust of our viewers. We expect that from her, and I expect that from her. She did a great job for us on the NFL last year in some difficult situations and I have seen nothing that doesn’t make me think she will rebound from this,” he concluded. “But she knows the first couple of assignments out of the box will not be easy.”

[From People]

While I found McHenry’s tirade against a blue-collar worker to be offensive, elitist, bitchy and contemptible, I also took issue with the idea that ESPN would suspend a reporter over something reprehensible (but not illegal) that they did in their free time. I think we’d all like to see the full tape of the incident, as opposed to the edited version the tow truck company released. I’m not saying there’s even an “excuse” to speak to someone the way McHenry spoke to that woman, but it’s possible there was a give and take of insults and it wasn’t so one-sided. In any case, I don’t really care that McHenry is back on the job, but I do wonder if she’s going to have that job for much longer. Deadspin reported last week that McHenry does have a history of extreme acts of rudeness.

Here’s the video again (NSFW language).

Photos courtesy of McHenry’s Twitter.



A week ago, we were discussing the awful viral video of ESPN reporter Britt McHenry bitching out a tow truck operator. Britt’s car had been towed in Arlington, Virginia, and as she went about paying the fine or whatever, she threw out some really tacky, classless and offensive insults at the woman behind the counter at the tow truck place. The video spread for about 24-36 hours before ESPN finally suspended McHenry. Her suspension? Just one week. And now she’s back at her job.

ESPN reporter Britt McHenry will return to television this weekend after a video showing her berating a parking attendant made waves on the Internet last week. ESPN senior coordinating producer Seth Markman confirmed to Sports Illustrated that McHenry will continue her role as reporter at NFL games on most weekends, adding that she will be in St. Louis next Thursday for the NFL draft.

“She’s had the draft assignment for a while and nothing’s changed,” Markman said.

McHenry was less than thrilled when her car was towed on April 6, taking out her anger in a profane tirade on a parking lot attendant – all of which was captured on video and posted to the Internet. “Maybe if I was missing some teeth, they would hire me, huh?” she says in the video, adding: “Lose some weight, baby girl.”

Markman says he realizes that some people won’t be happy to see McHenry on ESPN once again. “We had a conversation where we both talked about that it would take time and it will be hard. She knows that, and especially at the beginning. She realizes she will have to do her job really well and hopefully win back some of the trust of our viewers. We expect that from her, and I expect that from her. She did a great job for us on the NFL last year in some difficult situations and I have seen nothing that doesn’t make me think she will rebound from this,” he concluded. “But she knows the first couple of assignments out of the box will not be easy.”

[From People]

While I found McHenry’s tirade against a blue-collar worker to be offensive, elitist, bitchy and contemptible, I also took issue with the idea that ESPN would suspend a reporter over something reprehensible (but not illegal) that they did in their free time. I think we’d all like to see the full tape of the incident, as opposed to the edited version the tow truck company released. I’m not saying there’s even an “excuse” to speak to someone the way McHenry spoke to that woman, but it’s possible there was a give and take of insults and it wasn’t so one-sided. In any case, I don’t really care that McHenry is back on the job, but I do wonder if she’s going to have that job for much longer. Deadspin reported last week that McHenry does have a history of extreme acts of rudeness.

Here’s the video again (NSFW language).

Photos courtesy of McHenry’s Twitter.


Adam Sandler is making a new movie, The Ridiculous 6, which is slated to air on Netflix at some point. It’s a spoof of Westerns, the title is a play on The Magnificent Seven, and it stars Sandler as a guy who’s raised in a band of Apaches after being adopted by them as a child. It’s the kind of p…      

Adam Sandler is making a new movie, The Ridiculous 6, which is slated to air on Netflix at some point. It’s a spoof of Westerns, the title is a play on The Magnificent Seven, and it stars Sandler as a guy who’s raised in a band of Apaches after being adopted by them as a child. It’s the kind of p…      


By now we know that Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are over. The tabloids have been saying they’re over for weeks, although the first whiff of a breakup was back in February, when Emma was nominated for an Oscar and Andrew Garfield was nowhere to be seen. Us Weekly claimed this week that Emma did the dumping, and she was over Andrew’s whole dark, tortured artist routine. She wanted to be with someone who could be a “better partner.” It’s worth noting that Star Magazine got the ball rolling on the whole breakup story, so maybe Star has some inside information somewhere. You never know. In this week’s Star, sources claim that yes, Emma dumped Andrew and for good reason – because he cheated on her.

“Andrew cheated on Emma with a girl in Taiwan, where he is shooting Martin Scorsese’s new movie,” reveals a source close to the couple. “He confessed to Emma and she was horrified. She broke up with him right away.”

The couple had been going through a rough patch for a while. With Andrew thousands of miles away, it had been harder for them to communicate. And within the past month, the source says, “Emma noticed that Andrew was acting different – more distant.” When she asked him what was wrong, he tried to come up with excuses. “At first, he blamed all his stress on filming the movie, but then he broke down.”

Andrew told Emma that he’d had a one-night stand with a girl he’d met at a bar. “Emma was shocked…she can’t trust him anymore. She is starting to think that there may have been other girls too. She never thought that Andrew would do this to her and now she feels like she never really knew him.”

Meanwhile, Andrew is even angrier at himself than Emma is.

“He made such a big mistake,” says the source, who reveals Andrew has been ‘drunk dialing’ Emma and begging for another chance. “Andrew’s inconsolable… Emma loves him, but she’s standing film. She thinks that the fact he cheated just shows how much they needed a break.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

Well, that’s one explanation for why there were sudden breakup confirmations all over the place. Emma and her people did the confirming, because she’s DONE with his cheating ass. Who cheats on Emma? For goodness sake.

So, who will her next boyfriend be? She’s got Aloha coming out in May, and I could totally see some “rumors” being spread about Emma and her costar Bradley Cooper, much like those old rumors about Booty Shorts and Jennifer Lawrence, which were strategically deployed for the publicity tours together. I could also see Emma being connected – briefly – with her costar Joaquin Phoenix. They worked together on Woody Allen’s Irrational Man, which will be at Cannes this year. I remember those set photos too – either Joaquin is an amazing actor (he is, for all his faults) or he was genuinely into Emma during filming. Some people have also suggested Emma with Tom Hiddleston. That would be PERFECTION. Seriously, I would love that. Hiddles needs a high-profile girlfriend for a little while, just for fun and to help him get his name out there ahead of what might be a big awards-season push.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


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