Well, we were expecting this, weren’t we? I was prepared for this Bobby Flay-Stephanie March situation to get worse before it got better. Even I had heard the rumors about Bobby Flay and some female employees over the years, and I’m not connected in any way, shape or form to New York-chef-gossip. So if I had heard those rumors, they must have been everywhere. And now Stephanie March is pushing back against Flay in a big way – Page Six published a lengthy interview with March’s friend Maia Madison on Sunday, in which Madison does all of the heavy lifting of telling March’s story. Apparently, March discovered that Flay had been carrying on an affair with one of his young employees, a woman named Elyse Tirrell. Tirrell has worked for Flay since 2008 as a hostess, assistant, etc, and Madison claims Flay and Tirrell have been having an affair for three years. This is what Madison had to tell Page Six:
Stephanie March “came to my house and was sobbing uncontrollably,” Maia Madison recalled. “She said, ‘I can’t believe the last 10 years of my life have been a lie.’ Elyse had always seemed so nervous when Stephanie came to one of the restaurants, and Stephanie, not knowing what was happening, went out of her way to compliment her and try to make her more comfortable. Elyse had even been to Stephanie’s home when she was there — and when she wasn’t. Now this girl is about to become the Monica Lewinsky of the food world.”
Flay did try to save the marriage, surprising March in Amsterdam while she was in Europe with pals for the holidays.
“He did a Hail Mary and asked her to please try to work on their marriage,” Madison said. “Because she loves him, she said OK, and they went to a therapist and tried to work through their problems.”
But then he agreed to appear at Miami’s South Beach Wine & Food Festival in February at the time of their 10th anniversary. He went with his “B-Team,” as he calls his assistants, including Tirrell. It hit March hard.
“Stephanie told me, ‘I wasn’t asking for much. I would have stayed if he had given me one date night a week and tulips on our anniversary,’?” Madison said.
[From Page Six]
“The Monica Lewinsky of the food world” is a bit melodramatic, right? I mean, is Bobby Flay the Bill Clinton of the food world?! Anyway, of course I believe this. As I said, there have been rumors for years. My theory is that Elyse Tirrell is not the first (or the last).
The rest of that Page Six story is pretty juicy too – Flay’s spokesperson says she’s not going to respond to “spread rumors and innuendo” then goes on to respond by basically saying March’s lawyers have leaked all of this info (no sh-t, Sherlock) in an effort to throw out the pre-nup (pretty much). Then Page Six gets Flay’s business partner Laurence Kretchmer on the record. Kretchmer tells Page Six:
“Bobby has a rule that when people talk crap about him he doesn’t respond. I’ve been in the middle of this relationship for 14 years, and he did everything he could to save his marriage. Elyse is a great and valued employee and it is awful to see her dragged into this thing. If she had an affair with Bobby it would have been reported to me. That has never even been suggested, and people like to talk. Have Bobby and Elyse been seen together? Yes, that’s her job. None of this has any basis in reality. As ugly as Stephanie is going to look [when this news comes out], she will look uglier when other things come out.”
[From Page Six]
Whoa. Throwdown with Bobby Flay! I guess the insinuation is that March had an affair as well? Which I’m not sure if I believe, although that could just be because March has already done a good job of painting herself as a woman just trying to take care of her ailing mother while dealing with a husband with a wandering eye.
So, what do you believe? I believe none of these people are taking the high road, and you know that because all of them are insisting that they’re taking the high road whilst simultaneously feeding bitchy quotes to every media outlet out there. I also believe Flay was cheating and that March is out for blood AND money. And I believe this probably will end with Flay renegotiating the prenup and giving her a larger settlement, so why not just start that process now?
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
The Timberlakes are ready!!! GO GRIZZ! #GritNGrind #Playoffs #BabyGrizzROAR
A photo posted by Justin Timberlake (@justintimberlake) on Apr 19, 2015 at 5:12pm PDT
Well, shock of all shocks. Justin Timberlake must have heard that we were making fun of him for making his wife’s pregnancy all about himself, so Justin just had to post an Instagram of his wife and baby… and shockingly, Justin is not even in the photo!!! This is the first released photo of little Silas Randall. I like that Justin and Jessica didn’t sell/give the first photo to a magazine – I think it’s nicer and more intimate when celebrities just post the baby photos on social media. It seems less fussy, more like they’re proud and tired parents just wanting to share the love. As for Silas… he’s a cutie! Look at that open mouth.
So does this mean we’re never going to see Justin jump on Jessica Biel on the cover of People Magazine again? Does this mean we officially get to refer to Silas as “Justin and Jessica’s baby” rather than “Justin’s baby”? Who knows? I imagine someone told him that it doesn’t look great to have spent the last six months making his wife’s pregnancy ALL ABOUT HIM and he’s trying to change a little. We’ll see, JT.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Instagram.
While celebrating her 36th birthday in Las Vegas on Saturday (April 18), proud nursing mama Kourtney Kardashian took the time to pump some breast milk.
The mother-of-three posted an Instagram photo of herself wearing a breast pump while posing on a counter. “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star captioned the image.
Kourtney gave birth to son Reign Aston in December. The reality star and her longtime beau, Scott Disick, are also parents to son Mason Dash, 5, and daughter Penelope Scotland, 2.
Continue looking through our gallery to see shots of Kourtney celebrating her birthday in Sin City, where she partied at 1 OAK nightclub with Scott and a group of gal pals.
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
A photo posted by Kourtney Kardashian (@kourtneykardash) on Apr 19, 2015 at 11:17am PDT
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I’m sure this is one of many, many Sony Hack stories we’re going to have over the next week or so. Just FYI. As previously mentioned, Wikileaks has published the entire cache of hacked documents from the Sony Hack, and while none of the new revelations are as OMG scandalous as the Angelina Jolie stuff, there’s still some damaging stuff in here. And I for one don’t feel bad at all about discussing it, mostly because some people deserve to be outed as miserable, terrible bullies and a—holes. People like David O. Russell.
Russell is rather famous for being a douchebag, although in recent years, his PR has maintained that he has “changed” and become a kinder, gentler person. But he’s still the same director who berates crew members. He’s still the same guy who berates actors and actresses. He’s still the same guy that George Clooney famously tried to choke (for good reason) on the set of Three Kings. Well, Russell directed American Hustle, the same film where Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams got paid significantly less than their male costars (Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Renner). In newly discovered emails from journalist Jonathan Alter to Sony CEO Michael Lynton, Alter tells Lynton a secondhand story from the set of Hustle about Russell’s behavior:
Former Batman Christian Bale may have just been unmasked as a real-life do-gooder. The actor stepped in to defend his “American Hustle” co-star Amy Adams from a barage of “abuse” by the film’s director, David O. Russell, according to an internal Sony email exchange that’s been published by WikiLeaks.
The revelation came in the form of an email from journalist Jonathan Alter to his brother in law, Sony Entertainment CEO and chair Michael Lynton, detailing a source’s account of chaos on the set of the 2013 Oscar-nominated film.
“Are you guys doing anything else with him?,” Atler wrote to Lynton in a Sept. 12, 2014 email. “I know he’s brilliant but we have someone on our show who worked closely with him on ‘American Hustle’ and not only are the stories about him reforming himself total bulls-t but the new stories of his abuse and lunatic behavior are extreme even by Hollywood standards.”
Among the litany of off-screen drama allegedly unleashed by O’Russell detailed by Alter: “He grabbed one guy by the collar, cursed out people repeatedly in front of others and so abused Amy Adams that Christian Bale got in his face and told him to stop acting like an a—hole.”
Though at first cagey in his response, Lynton eventually seemed to confirm the incident to his wife’s brother in another email.
“Next film for fox,” he wrote. “Trust me I know all about the other.”
[From The NYDN]
When Christian Bale is telling you to chill out because you’re acting like an a—hole, then it’s pretty bad. Bale is not some easy-going dude. Bale is intense, and he has his own history of prickly, douchey behavior. But in this instance, I’m glad Bale lost it and stepped up. I’ve always gotten the feeling that there’s a lot of love and respect between Bale and Adams in particular, and they bring out the best in each other professionally and perhaps personally too. Why would you even yell at Amy Adams in the first place? She’s like Miss Teacher’s Pet. Directors love her because she’s always prepared, professional and easy to work with. Only a douche-pig like David O. Russell would treat Amy like dirt.
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Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Getty, WENN.
HBO’s Going Clear documentary brought plenty of damaging information about Scientology to the public. Our Scientology archives contained all of this info already, but the film put it out there for the masses. Part of the film discussed the incredibly close friendship between Tom Cruise and CO$ leader David Miscavige. Tom is considered by many to be #2 in command of Scientology. It’s not as if Tom would officially take over the helm if something happened to Dave, yet Tom’s influence runs far in the cult. He’s treated like a god, including gifts of slave labor. Some people think Tom is simply brainwashed about what happens behind the CO$ scenes. I’m not letting him off that easy. Dave’s own niece, Jenna Miscavige, believes Tom knows exactly how CO$ runs, or he’s “willfully ignorant.”
For the past several years, Scientology has experienced money troubles (despite its tax-free status, which should be revoked). The cult still technically has $1.5 billion in assets. A lot of that amount is tied up in property and a large overhead. Liquid assets are a problem because, thanks to the internet (and this new doc), people are no longer signing up for their nonsense. Not even their remaining cheerleaders like John Travolta can recruit for the cause. The CO$ has ordered its remaining members to not watch tv because they’re trying to stop the exodus.
Interestingly enough, Tom Cruise hasn’t said a thing about Going Clear. He used to be one of their most outspoken faithful, and he quite nearly destroyed his career in the process. A decade after that PR disaster, Scientology is smart enough to keep their main moneymaker quiet. They desperately need Tom’s Mission: Impossible 5 to be a success because Tom’s backend deals with studios are sweet. And because Tom’s basically funding the CO$ at this point, according to the NY Daily News:
There’s no mission impossible for Scientologists.
Tom Cruise is such a force for Scientology that followers believe the action movie star bankrolls much of the church’s dealings — even its network of spies.
That’s what a private investigator allegedly working for Scientology leader David Miscavige — billing the church $10,000 per week — told Wisconsin police when they brought the gumshoe in for questioning in July 2013.
“Where do you think the funding comes from?” an investigator asked Florida-based PI Daniel Powell in audio recordings obtained by The Daily News.
“Probably Tom Cruise,” Powell said around the 36-minute mark. There’s audible laughter on the recording, but it’s no joke. “I’m being serious,” Powell continued. “That’s probably where it comes from.”
The 21-year-old Powell spoke with West Allis Police after his father, Dwayne S. Powell, was stopped while staking out Miscavige’s 79-year-old father.
Cops discovered two rifles, four handguns, 2,000 rounds of ammunition, a stun gun and homemade silencer on the elder Powell.
“(Tom Cruise) funds the church with anything they need. So he’s pretty much funding all of this,” Powell said of the army of people he alleged the church was spying on.
“We make jokes all the time — when Tom Cruise’s last movie came out — it was a terrible movie,” Powell said. “We we’re going around telling everybody how awesome the movie was. Go see the movie so Tom Cruise can get paid and we can get paid.”
[From NY Daily News]
This report (which comes from one of the PIs that CB discussed) arrives with plenty of irony. Tom probably ended up paying for the spies who brought him back when he defected during his marriage to Nicole Kidman. Now that the CO$ can’t recruit any fresh meat, they’re even more desperate for money. I’ve already hinted at how Tom is selling off property like crazy. Tom’s Hollywood Hills home on the market (for $13 million), and his Telluride estate is up for grabs too (for a mere $59 million). Will all of the money go to Scientology when the property sells? It wouldn’t surprise me.
One of the world’s biggest movie stars is completely under the thumb of this cult. But I don’t feel sorry for him at all. Tom willingly ignores his youngest daughter so he can hang from airplanes like an idiot and give more money to CO$. This cult has forced so many of its members to sell their homes and hand the money over to the organization. If Tom bankrupts himself by funding this cult, then so be it.
Photos courtesy of Freedom magazine, Fame/Flynet & WENN
One of the more curious stories to come out of the Sony hack is the fact that Ben Affleck can be exacting about his image. That’s not the most interesting thing, because one might suspect that about him. What’s notable is how demanding he can actually be. According to emails leaked as part of the Sony hack, Affleck requested that the PBS show Finding Your Roots, hosted by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., remove parts of the show referencing the fact that he had a slave-owning ancestor. We know this because host Gates emailed Sony CEO Michael Lynton requesting advice.
Affleck taped his segment in January, 2014 and according to emails that Gates sent Lynton at the time, the taping went very well and Affleck “enjoyed it so much that he is getting Matt Damon to do it, too.” (Unfortunately that didn’t happen.) Then, in July, Gates emailed Lynton again asking how to deal with the fact that a celebrity guest requested that parts of their ancestry be wiped from the show. (He didn’t name the star, but referenced “Batman.” Incidentally, in that same email thread they also talk about what a douche Harvey Weinstein is.) Gates said they’d never done this before and that it might compromise the show’s integrity. Lynton advised him to acquiesce and Gates said he was relieved, however he added that the slave-owning ancestor wasn’t demonized, and that in contrast Anderson Cooper had a horrible, abusive slave-owner as an ancestor and that he sucked it up and dealt with it. Both Affleck’s and Anderson’s episodes aired in October of last year.
Gates: Confidentially, for the first time, one of our guests has asked us to edit out something about one of his ancestors–the fact that he owned slaves. Now, four or five of our guests this season descend from slave owners, including Ken Burns. We’ve never had anyone ever try to censor or edit what we found. He’s a megastar. What do we do?
Lynton: The big question is who knows that the material is in the doc and is being taken out. I would take it out if no one knows, but if it gets out that you are editing the material based on this kind of sensitivity then it gets tricky. Again, all things being equal I would definitely take it out.
Gates: Good; relieved. As for the doc: all my producers would know; his PR agency the same as mine, and everyone there has been involved trying to resolve this; my agent at CAA knows. And PBS would know. To do this would be a violation of PBS rules, actually, even for Batman.
Lynton: Then it is tricky because it may get out that you made the change and it comes down to editorial integrity.
Gates: It would embarrass him and compromise our integrity. I think he is getting very bad advice. I’ve offered to fly to Detroit, where he is filming, to talk it through…
And [the ancestor] wasn’t even a bad guy. We don’t demonize him at all. Now Anderson Cooper’s ancestor was a real s.o.b.; one of his slaves actually murdered him. Of course, the slave was promptly hanged. And Anderson didn’t miss a beat about that. Once we open the door to censorship, we lose control of the brand.
[From Wikileaks]
Here’s the thing: Gates said that he suspected Affleck got bad advice, which makes sense as it took Affleck a full six months to request the change. What I don’t understand is, if this wasn’t Affleck’s own idea, why he followed the advice. Has he never seen this show or even Who Do You Think You Are? There were slave owners in America up until the Civil War. It’s a despicable, sad, regrettable part of history but we can’t help who we’re descended from. As Gates mentioned, Anderson Cooper handled an even worse situation with grace. Plus, I don’t think it affects a star’s brand at all to have horrible ancestors. People understand that no one has control over their genealogy.
In response, Gates and PBS have issued statements defending their editorial choice. Both made extremely good, convincing points. That could be due to the excellent writers at PBS but I came away feeling sorry for them. Here is part of Gates’s statement, with more on E!:
Gates: I maintain editorial control on all of my projects and, with my producers, decide what will make for the most compelling program. In the case of Mr. Affleck—we focused on what we felt were the most interesting aspects of his ancestry—including a Revolutionary War ancestor, a 3rd great–grandfather who was an occult enthusiast, and his mother who marched for Civil Rights during the Freedom Summer of 1964.
PBS: It is clear from the exchange how seriously Professor Gates takes editorial integrity. He has told us that after reviewing approximately ten hours of footage for the episode, he and his producers made an independent editorial judgment to choose the most compelling narrative. The range and depth of the stories on Finding Your Roots speak for themselves.
[From E! Online]
I do think that Gates caved, but that he considered the situation and weighed the pros and cons. I also wonder if Matt Damon was mulling doing the show and decided he didn’t want to deal with it after Ben’s issues came up. This begs the question: if Affleck (and/or his people) are this controlling about his public image, what else have they covered up?
Here’s a segment from Affleck’s Finding Your Roots episode in which he learns that he had a spiritualist ancestor.
There are a surprising number of Duchess Kate and Kate-adjacent stories from the weekend. Surprising because… Kate isn’t doing anything but gestating and waiting to go into labor. On Friday, people were theorizing that she would go into labor over the weekend. By Sunday, people were surprised that nothing was happening, although it seems like no one is committed to reliving The Great Kate Wait of 2013, where the media and royalists camped outside of the Lindo Wing for days/weeks, waiting to hear of the new royal baby. Now people are saying Kate will probably give birth later this week, maybe Thursday/Friday. So, let’s do a list of some various royal stories making the rounds while we wait.
Mini-break in Bucklebury. People Magazine says Kate took a short little holiday at her parents’ home recently. I’m not sure why that’s notable though? She’s always at her parents’ house. They make it sound like William wasn’t with Kate, which makes sense because he’s still working/training for his new job.
Life at Anmer Hall. The Daily Mail did a lengthy story about how Will and Kate are committed to spending the next few years in Norfolk, living at Anmer Hall. Royal aides told the Mail that after Kate gives birth, the family will spend the first night at Kensington Palace, then they’ll go to Anmer for the whole summer while Kate takes her “extended maternity leave.” Aides also tell the Mail that William “plans to scale back his black-tie charity commitments so that he can enjoy more time at home” and “His focus for the next two years is on family and flying in that order.” Anything to avoid royal work, you know.
Carole Middleton. She’s decamping to Anmer as well. The Mail says Carole plans to spend the upcoming months living at Anmer and helping with “childcare and housekeeping.”
Kate has no interest in living in London. A friend tells The Mail: “She can’t wait to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Both she and William love the country and it’s where they want to raise their family.” Kate and William have reportedly been considering sending George to a Norfolk nursery school.
William might miss the birth. Except not really. First there were claims that William might be on duty at his new job and he would have to rush to meet Kate in London. Now people are picking apart William’s scheduled appearance next Saturday at the commemorations at the Cenotaph in London. William is supposed to make an appearance with the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh and his aides say that he’s committed to making the appearance if Kate isn’t going into labor that day. My guess is that if Kate does go into labor on Thursday/Friday, he’ll probably still skip the appearance with the Queen.
Duchess Kate’s dodgy Uncle Gary. The Middletons snubbed their wealthy relation yet again. Dodgy Uncle Gary is throwing a big party to celebrate his 50th birthday later this month and none of the Middletons are going. Gary is dodgy, for sure, but it really seems harsh to never invite Gary to any occasion or go to his parties. After all, I’m pretty sure Uncle Gary bankrolled a big part of Kate’s Great Wait to land William.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Coachella was largely uneventful this year without Vanessa Hudgens and her headdress. That’s not entirely true statement. We did see a dancing Sparkles and Bieber in a chokehold, but nothing major in the style department. Thankfully, Jaden Smith livened things up. I was wondering where he was last weekend, but he burst onto the scene with much fervor for the Coachella finale. Jaden’s been rocking skirts lately, so he kept up the trend with a tunic-like ensemble. And he added a flower crown! He had a fantastic time without appropriating anyone’s culture. The red stripe in his socks goes with the flowers without appearing too matchy matchy. Jaden wins.
Kylie Jenner’s Friday look featured a pink wig. This look was very conservative compared to what came next.
I l????ve pretty girls
A photo posted by Kylizzle (@kyliejenner) on Apr 17, 2015 at 11:33pm PDT
On Saturday, Kylie showed off her spider-lady outfit with Tyga at Khloe Kardashian’s pre-”Chella” party. Kris Jenner is a failure as a parent.
Khloes Party. Chella ??????
A photo posted by Kylizzle (@kyliejenner) on Apr 18, 2015 at 3:42pm PDT
Kendall Jenner wore a Megadeth t-shirt, which was more tasteful than Kylie’s outfits.
Diane Kruger looked casual but still cool with Joshua Jackson and Nina Dobrev. Only Diane can escape the hipster vibe and still look chic at this festival. Oh, and everyone must hold hands at Coachella!
Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News, Fame/Flynet, WENN & Kylie Jenner on Instagram
A few weeks ago, Us Weekly had an exclusive story claiming that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt “wanted” to adopt a child from Syrian. My mind went to the thousands of Syrian refugees being taken in by Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Jordan and Turkey. Many of those refugees are children, and many of those children are orphans. But! As I said at the time, it’s not like Angelina and Brad can just stop by a refugee camp and grab a child. The protocol for adopting refugees is actually much more difficult that adopting a child from a stable nation-state, and Angelina would know that. Still, it was interesting to me that Us Weekly’s sources were so insistent on this idea that Brad and Angie were ready to adopt again. And now this…
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are planning to adopt another child, this time from war-torn Syria, according to friends. The Hollywood couple have made no secret of the fact that they want to expand their family of six children. They already have Cambodian-born Maddox, 13, Vietnamese Pax, 11, Ethiopian Zahara, 10, biological daughter Shiloh, eight, and six-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne.
A business associate, who has known Brad and Angelina for more than a decade, said yesterday: “She has been moved to tears on several occasions over the plight of youngsters orphaned in the Syrian conflict. Now she has sorted out her health issues, she and Brad believe the time is right to adopt another orphan from there, most likely a daughter.”
In an impassioned plea in November 2013 the actress called on the world to act “to save a generation of traumatised, isolated and suffering Syrian children from catastrophe”. Now she and husband Brad, 51, are ready to follow up on her appeal by legally adopting a Syrian child.
Another friend revealed: “This is something that has become very close to their hearts. They would like to accomplish it, if possible, before the end of summer because, even though they are both busy, their diaries are relatively light for most of 2015. Angelina’s feeling good about turning 40 in June with a clean bill of health but what will make her happiness complete is seeing a new little face at the dinner table.”
[From Express]
I have two simultaneous trains of thought. One thought: where there’s smoke, there’s fire. It seems very suspicious to me that somewhat legit outlets like Express and Us Weekly are saying similar things, claiming that sources close the Jolie-Pitts are telling them that it’s happening. The second train of thought? It’s utter bulls—t because Brad and Angelina’s friends know well enough to keep their mouths shut. Brad and Angelina keep their gossip game pretty tight, especially on matters of their family.
So, what do you think? I’m actually coming around to the idea that Brad and Angelina might be looking to adopt again, but I think these details are wrong – I just don’t see how they could legally adopt a Syrian refugee?
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Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN.