Kim Richards, 50, of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was arrested early Thursday morning at the Beverly Hills Hotel for public drunkenness. When law enforcement arrived at the scene, Richards refused to come out of the bathroom. She also swore at and kicked at the officer who attempted to arrest her, so they added a few additional charges for good measure.
Richards went to rehab in 2011, which was reportedly at least her third try. In the early seasons of RHOBH, she was a total mess. She admitted to being on multiple prescription medications (Topamax, Lexapro and Trazodone), drank heavily and slurred her speech, even during the day. I haven’t been keeping up with RHOBH, but there was at least one episode this season where her co-stars questioned whether she was sober, and she admitted to taking a pain pill. She’s also been fighting with her sister, Kyle, as is typical. Late last year she had to send her pit bull away after he attacked multiple people. Here are the details on Richards’ arrest, from People:
According to a statement from the Beverly Hills Police Department, officers responded to “a report of a possible fight” at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Thursday morning at 1:30 a.m. and took Richards into custody at 2:04 a.m.
Richards, 50, “was displaying symptoms of alcohol intoxication including slurred speech and belligerent insolent behavior cursing at the officers and passively resisted arrest,” says the statement.
Additionally, Richards fled to the bathroom and refused to come out and, once at the station, kicked a police officer in the leg, though he was not injured.
Richards was released at 10:36 a.m. Thursday and was issued a citation charging her with public intoxication, trespassing, resisting an officer and battery on a police officer. She is scheduled to appear at LAX Superior Court on May 10.
The Beverly Hills Hotel had no comment when reached by PEOPLE for a statement about the incident.
A source tells PEOPLE, “She’s always acting kooky, but that’s her personality, so it wasn’t necessarily obvious if she was drinking or anything again.”
In 2011, Richards spent time in rehab to address her issues with substance abuse. During the RHOBH reunion, Richards insisted that she was still sober despite having admittedly used a pain pill during the most recent season. “It is not a slip, and it is not a relapse,” she said, adding that her sobriety was the most important thing to her.
[From People]
Yeah, that sounds like Kim. People also has details on the Tweets that the RHOBH stars have sent in support of Kim. Brandi Glanville was only vague, tweeting “Real friends are their [sic] in the good times,the bad times &especially the worst times.” She also posted a blog entry on the finale, promoting her wine while trying to remain diplomatic toward the other housewives. You could smell the subtle shade she threw on the women she feuds with, though. It’s unclear if she wrote it before or after Richards’ arrest, but she had the nicest things to say about Kim, calling her a BFF and writing that she was “always here for you.” Lisa Rinna, Lisa Vanderpump and Eileen Davidson also tweeted words of support for Kim.
As for Kim’s sister, Kyle, she hasn’t said a thing except to tweet a rebuttal to Radar’s report that Kyle is “still refusing to speak” to Kim following her arrest. Kyle tweeted this:
. @radar_online please stop with the invented , inaccurate stories
— Kyle Richards (@KyleRichards) April 16, 2015
Ok, well if Radar made that story up why didn’t Kyle tweet any kind of statement for her sister, even one asking for “privacy at this difficult time”? Just yesterday, prior to Kim’s arrest, Kyle told US that “nothing was resolved at the reunion” in regard to her relationship with Kim and that “I’m sad that it has come to this.” She did say that she loved her sister and nieces and nephew, but then a “source” told US “[Kim feels Kyle] cares more about doing a scene for the show and creating drama more than their actual relationship.” Kim is an addict and her dog attacked Kyle’s daughter, so despite how cold she can come across I’m starting to understand Kyle’s stance.
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Photos are credit Bravo and Getty Images
Kylie Jenner and her sister Kendall are on nearly every magazine cover this month. It sure feels that way. Kylie takes the Teen Vogue May honors with another “makeup” transformation. In part of the editorial, Kylie sports the dreadlocks that I talked about when covering the Zendaya dread story after the Oscars. Kylie’s dreads were seen as “edgy” by the media.
In the interview, Kylie discusses the importance of family. She’s only 17 but knows she wants tons of children (perhaps to repeat Kardashian history). Teen Vogue’s editor-in-chief Amy Astley writes that “baby sister is clever and in control.” We’ll see. I don’t think any 17-year-old can be in control, especially when she’s dating a 25-year-old guy. Does Kylie think she’s in control? Sure. All teens feel like they know best.
The most interesting part of this interview is about Kylie’s exhaustive hair and makeup routine. Beyond the 40-minute lips and 2-hour showers, Kylie says it takes at least 2 hours to prepare herself for leaving the house. Teenagers spend a lot of time staring into the mirror, but this is beyond normal, right? Some excerpts:
She wants to be a mom: “Having sisters is the best. I have a different relationship with each of them. I go to Kim for fashion advice, Khloe is always boy and family advice, and Kourtney is like another mother to me. It’s so fun being an aunt. When I look to the far future and decide to have kids, I need to have a million girls. Ten years from now–in 2025–I hope I have a kid.”
Her prep time: “I never really wear makeup unless I need to, because when I do my makeup I like to really do my makeup. So I’m never going to spend just 20 minutes, you know? A good night out is, like, two and a half hours for full makeup, curling hair, whatever. I love false lashes — individuals, strips, extensions. … [but ] I’ve realized people really like my no-makeup selfies.”
On her new $2.5 million home: “I’m moving out when I turn 18. I’m ready to live on my own. It’s a really big step, but I’m ready. I wanted a house near my family in a quiet neighborhood with a front yard and a backyard that my dog will like. Also, I have so many shoes, and none of them fit in my old closet.”
She reads comments: “Today I posted my Instagram picture three different times. I kept deleting it and re-posting it because I kept looking at the comments and they were bad comments. And I was like, ‘Ahhh!’ and I kept re-posting it. The people who take the time to write these comments are so mean and hateful, like they just want to come at you and hurt you. You can read 1,000 nice comments but remember the mean one. I think you should only really listen to what your family and your close friends say. I try to let it go in one ear and out the other and just stay positive.”
[From Teen Vogue]
Kylie also reveals how she wants to go blonde (like big sister Kim did?) this summer. So get ready for that one. I chuckle at Kylie’s mention of “no-makeup selfies.” Anytime a Kardashian-Jenner claims to have a bare face, they’re always lying. Maybe they think foundation, contouring, and nude lips don’t count as real makeup. With all the time Kylie spends getting ready, I’m amazed that she has time for anything else. But she’s been busy. She went shopping in a tiny dress. She showed off some blue contacts “for fun” on Instagram. She also went grocery shopping with Tyga.
For fun
A photo posted by Kylizzle (@kyliejenner) on Apr 15, 2015 at 5:54pm PDT
Photos courtesy of Giampaolo Sgura/Teen Vogue, Fame/Flynet & Kylie Jenner on Instagram
Shortly after Time Magazine’s Most Influential list (Time 100) came out yesterday, they released some video interviews of some of the artists/influential people that were profiled. As you can imagine, Kanye West’s videos are particularly notable. He’s dropping some Kanye Truth Bombs, but here’s the thing – you know how I’m sort of Kanye Apologist? Yeah, these videos show why. I think when we’re reading some crazy interview with Kanye, we imagine him ranting like a crazy person, yelling ALL CAPS to some poor journalist. When in reality, Kanye takes himself seriously (too seriously) and he’s a narcissistic monster, for sure, but he’s soft-spoken and thoughtful, even funny. Is he as profound as he thinks he is? Not really. But when you actually get to see him in an interview, the experience is a lot different.
Video #1. This one is generating the most headlines. Kanye talks about how “Every time I crash the Internet, it’s like this little drop of truth…Every time I say something that’s extremely truthful out loud, it literally breaks the Internet. So what are we getting the rest of the time?” He also says he doesn’t care about his legacy. He also talks about his “mission” and claims “I think there are schoolteachers with the exact same mission as me. I think there are police officers with the exact same mission as me.” O RLY?
Video #2. Kanye talks about being the “Robin Hood of Fashion” as in, the current fashion equation is all about expense, exclusivity and luxury and he wants to bring great, dope style to the masses. He’s very grandiose here, but it’s cute.
Video #3. Kanye claims he’s not in competition with anyone. Except Kendrick Lamar?! NO! No, he’s not competing with Kendrick or Drake or anyone else. This week.
Here are some photos of Kanye and Kim leaving Paris yesterday:
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Time Magazine.
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I throw major side eye at Shia LaBeouf’s hair. He’s sported a rat-tail extension since March. I know it’s an extension because Shia’s hair was buzzed last December. The top part grew out quickly, but the rat tail is a deliberate cosmetic enhancement. Then he shaved the sides of his head and showed up to the Tribeca premiere of Love True (as executive producer). The rat tail looks fuller than it did last month. He’s been tweaking it in the salon. He also has a new eyebrow piercing (on the left side). This is a lot of effort for a guy who wants to appear effortless.
During an an interview with Hollywood Reporter, Shia says he was excited to “cheer from the sidelines” and not appear in this film. But he isn’t retired from acting no matter what he says. Shia won’t ever be able to stay away; his IMDb profile reveals some upcoming projects. For this movie, he was content to observe. He also told HR about his “Al Pacino acting,” which doesn’t make much sense. Here are some other excerpts from HR and Variety. Shia gets philosophical about celebrity and the movie star:
On maintaining his artistic integrity: “The craft of acting for film is terribly exclusive and comes with the baggage of celebrity, which robs you of your individuality and separates you. As a celebrity/star I am not an individual — I am a spectacular representation of a living human being, the opposite of an individual. The enemy of the individual, in myself as well as in others. The celebrity/star is the object of identification, with the shallow seeming life that has to compensate for the fragmented productive specializations which are actually lived. The requirements to being a star/celebrity are namely, you must become an enslaved body. Just flesh — a commodity, and renounce all autonomous qualities in order to identify with the general law of obedience to the course of things. The star is a byproduct of the machine age, a relic of modernist ideals. It’s outmoded.”
Is he still “retired” from acting? “I turned to performance art, as I couldn’t find another container/platform/discipline for individual expression, self-presentation. I couldn’t contact the audience. Performance art tightens the space of relations and allows me to work in real time, as opposed to only synthetic time. It liberated me from the old constraints of genre and taxonomic systems (drama, thriller, comedy, mystery). It liberates me and allows me to work in broad complexities.”
Does he really want to direct? “I’m a performer.”
Rehab & method acting: “I just got out of rehab nine months ago, and in rehab you do this kind of operatic therapy, where you go in and sit with your small little group, three or four people, and you work through your sh*t. Somebody will play your father, somebody will play your mother, and there’s literally like an action/cut thing and you go all the way there. For me, it’s like method acting.”
[From Variety]
Shia believes movie stars are “a relic of modernist ideals.” This is his roundabout way of saying he’s more evolved, more postmodern than a simple celebrity. He’s exhausting. I can’t believe he’s comparing being a movie star to being “enslaved.” And the “I am a spectacular representation of a living human being” part is just ridiculous. Hopefully he took his rehab seriously, but he fronts like he method acted his way through it.
Back to the rat tail. Shia’s been working various incarnations of this ‘do. He’s often papped outside the gym with a jug of water, always wearing his Fury boots and black skinny jeans. He never carries a gym bag, so I assume he doesn’t change clothes to work out. He probably doesn’t wash those pants very frequently either. So gross.
Photos courtesy of Getty, Fame/Flynet & WENN
*Perfectly Executed Chewbacca Sound*
This might be the nerdiest thing to have ever nerded. Yesterday, nerdgasms took over the world as Star Wars nerds wept in the streets… wept nerd-tears of JOY. Pure joy. The kind of joy that comes from seeing Harrison Ford without an earring. And everything about the Chewbacca REALNESS. And John Boyega being whatever it is he is. And Mark Hamill talking about The Force. All of it! Because King Nerd JJ Abrams dropped the second trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Most of all, I’m happy that they took the franchise away from George Lucas. Aren’t you? Bless George Lucas for creating these characters and for the first three (Episodes IV-VI) films, but I’m genuinely happy that JJ Abrams has taken over. As for the trailer… this really is just a glimpse, you know? JJ knows how to stoke the nerd-flame just enough, and we get the emotional pay-off of seeing Han Solo and Chewy. But we aren’t seeing half the big-name actors in this… yet. So far, we haven’t seen Lupita Nyong’o, Gwendoline Christie, Adam Driver, Domhnall Gleeson OR Carrie Fisher. We keep getting a brief glimpse of Oscar Isaac, and it seems that he, Daisy Ridley and John Boyega are the three central characters.
JJ Abrams launched this new trailer at the Star Wars Celebration Anaheim event on Thursday – go here to read more about what was said during the panel discussion. Hint: they really didn’t let any plot details slip out beyond Boyega’s character getting the ball rolling.
Stills courtesy of LucasFilm.
I normally don’t care about Allure’s annual “celebrities get naked” issue. I’m not a prude about naked photos or anything, it’s just that Allure usually chooses people that I don’t really care about, naked or not. But in this year’s issue, they got Laverne Cox to pose. And suddenly, I was interested. Laverne is beautiful, of course, and she’s also the first transgender woman to pose for Allure’s Nude Issue. I was curious to see how they posed her and yes, I was simply curious to see her body. She looks gorgeous. I think it would have been a stronger photo if her eyes were open, but this is fine. Laverne spoke to Allure about WHY she posed:
“Going through life, you try to cover and hide, but it doesn’t really work,” says the Orange Is the New Black star, 30, who at first turned down Allure’s request to pose nude.
“I said no initially, thought about it, and said no again,” she says. “But I’m a black transgender woman. I felt this could be really powerful for the communities that I represent. Black women are not often told that we’re beautiful unless we align with certain standards. Trans women certainly are not told we’re beautiful. Seeing a black transgender woman embracing and loving everything about herself might be inspiring to some other folks. There’s beauty in the things we think are imperfect. That sounds very cliché, but it’s true.”
Cox wanted these pictures for herself, too: “I honestly just want to make myself happy most, and if other people like it, then that’s great. If they don’t, then I’m still happy.”
[From Allure]
It is a powerful thing for her to represent African-American beauty and trans beauty all at once. Intersectionality beauty! Laverne is also one of this year’s Time 100, listed in the Pioneer section. Go here to see her Time profile. She’s such a powerful advocate and a cool lady.
What an interesting coincidence that my eyes are closed in both photos that came out today. The one on the left for the #Time100 by #PeterHapak and the one on the right for @allure by #NormanJeanRoy #SeeNoEvil #LookingInward
A photo posted by laverne cox (@lavernecox) on Apr 16, 2015 at 6:07am PDT
Photos courtesy of Norman Jean Roy/Allure, Instagram, WENN.
Update: It’s a boy for Isla Fisher and Sacha Baron Cohen! According to TMZ, the Hollywood couple welcomed their first son – named Montgomery Moses Brian Baron Cohen – on March 17.
Continue reading original post below…
Congratulations are in order for Isla Fisher and Sacha Baron Cohen.
The Now You See Me actress, 39, and the Borat star, 43, have welcomed their third child, Us Weekly reports.
No further information — including the baby’s birth date, gender or name — has been released.
The new arrival joins big sisters Olive, 7, and Elula, 4½.
Last month, we spotted the Wedding Crashers star rocking a mini maternity dress.
The private couple, who were wed in 2010, confirmed the pregnancy news in October.
Two days in a row of Tom Hardy. He’s at the Child 44 premiere with Noomi Rapace. I said I wanted to see him in a well-tailored suit. He’s in a well-tailored suit. Is that working for you?
If I say some hair and less beard would help will he show up tomorrow with more hair and less beard?
Proud mama Kelly Clarkson shared a sweet snapshot of daughter River, 10 months, via Instagram Wednesday.
While taking in the Nashville Predators game, Kelly captioned the cute image: “River’s first sporting event! She’s so excited!”
In another shot, the adorable tot is decked out in Predators gear while dad Brandon Blackstock holds their baby girl.
“River & daddy hanging at the game,” the Grammy Award-winning singer, 32, captioned the photo from the Stanley Cup playoffs.
Although she’s recently experienced some body-shaming, the American Idol alum maintains a healthy body image.
“I don’t obsess about my weight, which is probably one of the reasons why other people have such a problem with it… There are just some people who are born skinny and with a great metabolism—that is not me,” she recently shared. “I wish I had a better metabolism. But someone else probably wishes they could walk into a room and make friends with everyone like I can. You always want what someone else has.”
River’s first sporting event! #GoPreds #Nashville she’s so excited haha!
A photo posted by Kelly Clarkson (@kellyclarkson) on Apr 15, 2015 at 5:48pm PDT
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