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Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell covers the May issue of Good Housekeeping to promote her role in House of Lies. She barely talks about the show other than to say she’s not stressing about her career. Motherhood is her main priority. Kristen gave birth to her second daughter, Delta, last December. So there’s the obligatory discussion of baby weight, which I omitted because Kristen’s doing the “I’m not worried about it, I burn off calories running after my kids” shtick. I think she is more focused on weight than she reveals, mostly because she talks about having exactly 17 pounds left to lose.

The interview is very long, so I’ve grabbed some bits and pieces with the full piece available here (including lots of stuff on her pro-vax stance). She talks about her childbirth process and raves about how epidurals make you feel great again. She admits to naming her second baby Delta because it sounds, “badass” (sorry, Designing Women fans). What I find most interesting are the parts about couple’s therapy and how she considers motherhood to be an “unmissable” experience in life:

On regular couples therapy: “I thought I had this life thing down pat when I met Dax. I didn’t realize that I needed a much bigger toolbox to have confrontations and disagreements with people. You do better in the gym with a trainer; you don’t figure out how to cook without reading a recipe. Therapy is not something to be embarrassed about. … I don’t mind advertising a healthy marriage. I’m trying, just like everyone else.”

She loves being a mom: “I wasn’t positive I wanted kids. But I can now confirm having them is absolutely unmissable. Before we had the girls, I asked a few people in my life who are annoyingly blunt and honest on every level if we should, knowing that if it wasn’t worth it, they’d have the balls to say, ‘Listen, don’t. Live your life.’ But across the board, everyone said it was unmissable. When Lincoln came out, at first I was like, ‘Eh, what do I do with it? I can take it home?’ But when I started breastfeeding, the oxytocin or my hormones or hundreds of thousands of years of evolution kicked in. I didn’t want to let her go. Having kids feels like that first seventh-grade crush that overwhelms every molecule in your body, but it’s permanent.”

Motherhood is karma: “I never understood my mom until I had kids. When she would look at me like I was the first drop of water she’d seen at the end of a desert trip and go, “You will never understand how much I love you,” I would go, “God, get away! Enough!” Even in my 20s, I just thought, “You’re so dramatic and overly sentimental.” Now I look at my kids that way and think, “Wow, this is a cycle.” Lincoln won’t understand it until she decides to have kids … that’s just the way it’s supposed to be. Motherhood right-sized everything for me. I’m happier, and I was pretty happy before.”

[From Good Housekeeping]

Dax also pops into the interview when the counseling subject comes up. He’s totally into regular couples therapy and doesn’t see why there’s such a stigma. I think there’s nothing wrong with therapy, but it often doesn’t work because lots of married couples try it as a last ditch effort. Sort of like trying to repair a car that hasn’t had an oil change in 15 years.

Kristen talks about many other things, including baby sign language classes (which CB covered already). She also discusses how heartbroken she was to have a second C-section with baby Delta. Kristen didn’t have a 70-hour labor like Jill Duggar, but she labored for over 24 hours when doctors told her it was finally time. Kristen says she fretted over Delta feeling unbonded because mommy couldn’t lift her for six weeks. I understand that concern, but it sounds like Kristen has more than made up for that brief period in her baby’s life. Children are born via C-section all the time, and they turn out fine.

Kristen Bell

Photos courtesy of Good Housekeeping & WENN




Here are some photos of Kim Kardashian leaving a gym in Paris following a workout… I guess. A lot of you nitpicked Kim’s claims that she goes running every morning while in LA. I’ve questioned her workouts before, don’t get me wrong – I find it hard to believe that someone can really work very hard at the gym and still leave the place with a full face of makeup and her hair not drenched in sweat. I’m a mess after a workout, and that’s what I expect other people to look like too. I believe Kim does “something” while she’s “running” or at the gym. I just don’t think what she’s doing is very strenuous. Like, maybe some light weight training or a brief jog on the treadmill.

With these photos, I guess I have to give her some credit, because it’s clear that she’s not wearing makeup. Of course, she still doesn’t look sweaty to me at all. Did she just ride a bike for a few minutes and pick up a bottle of water? I’m also going to defend her about her cleavage – it’s really difficult to find good, supportive sports bras when you have big boobs. And even if you’re like me and you’re wearing two sports bras to keep everything contained, there’s still a major cleavage situation happening. So on that, I have no shade.

Oh, but I will throw some shade at Kim for not wearing panties underneath her clearly see-through gym pants. The Daily Mail has clearer (NSFWish) photos here. Girl, put some drawers on!

Anyone have an ID on her sneakers?


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


Yesterday we saw a video from Dennis Quaid in which he seemed to channel Christian Bale’s infamous on set freakout. Quaid ranted and raved at a perceived slight while he was working, claiming that he was interrupted, that it was the “most unprofessional set” he’s ever been on, and that the director (presumably) wasn’t paying attention to him. He swore a lot and used creative phrasing, including calling someone “dopey the dick,” calling the crew “zombies” and “pussies,” and adding “blow me,” a la Mel Gibson, at the end. It seemed way too familiar to be true, especially since the reasoning for his anger was just about the same as Bale’s – someone interrupting his work.

Many people, including me, wondered whether the video was one of Jimmy Kimmel’s staged viral videos. Some of you mentioned that Quaid has pulled pranks in the past, including with Ellen DeGeneres. And of course Quaid has also appeared on Kimmel, like so many other celebrities. On last night’s show, Kimmel denied having anything to do with Quaid’s leaked video. Of course he mocked it too, and included an hilarious Daffy Duck montage set to Quaid’s rant. (You can see that video above.) Here’s more, thanks to E!

“I watched that video last night about 14 times, although my favorite part was this: ‘I can’t even get a line out with Dopey the Dick whispering in my ear.’ For the next eight years, I’m planning to call everyone Dopey the Dick. I might have a T-shirt printed up…I watched this a bunch of times last night, and when I woke up this morning, I was being blamed for it. There are two-dozen articles online, thousands of comments, suggesting that this is a prank video and I am responsible for it.”

“I have to say, it’s disappointing. Because you play like 50 pranks and all of a sudden people don’t trust you anymore,” said Kimmel, who masterminded the “Worst Twerk Fail EVER” and “Epic #SochiFail: Wolf in my hall” pranks.

“Did you ever consider that maybe Dennis was doing voiceover for a new cartoon? That’s right! He’s playing Dennis Duck,” he said. The jokes didn’t end there, with Kimmel saying, “I promised we’d get to the bottom of this Dennis Quaid video controversy. The truth is, the reason Dennis released that video is to promote his new children’s book, Dopey the Dick. I read it to my daughter last night.”

[From E! Online]

The Daffy Duck clip was clever and reminds me of Alec Baldwin screaming at Dora The Explorer. Kimmel may not have had anything to do with Quaid’s rant, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a stunt. There are plenty of other options, and TMZ points out that Quaid is currently promoting “his new scripted drama on Crackle.” They have video of a paparazzi asking him “what happened on set?” All Quaid does is smile and say “come on.”

Deadline has the details on Quaid’s new series. It’s called The Art of More and is about “the surprisingly cutthroat world — of premium auction houses, filled with hustlers, smugglers, power mongers and collectors.” Quaid plays a real estate broker and it costars Christian Cooke (Magic City) and Kate Bosworth. If the “leaked” video was meant to generate buzz for that show, it worked well. I’m kind of excited to hear an explanation for it.

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Theo Rossi & Wife Expecting First Child

Apr 15, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

Congratulations are in order for Theo Rossi and Meghan McDermott.

The Sons of Anarchy star, 39, and his wife are expecting their first child together. The parents-to-be were all smiles while making their baby bump debut on Tuesday (April 14) at the annual Vanity Fair party to celebrate the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City.

“We don’t know what it is, but we’re pretty excited about it,” the proud papa-to-be told PEOPLE. “And it’s due on my birthday!”

With their June 4th due date around the corner, the actor — whose film, Bad Hurt, will premiere at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival — is excited about impending fatherhood.

“I’m just excited for him or her. I keep calling it ‘him or her,’ ” he shared. “I’m just excited for this baby to grow up in New York City because it’s the greatest place in the world, and it made me who I am, and I just think that it’s going to be very interesting because it’s a very different time from when I grew up.”

Rossi – who met McDermott through the Boot Campaign – couldn’t help but gush about his lovely wife. “She’s pretty incredible,” he said.

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I was asked to speak at the Young Women In Law gala in Toronto recently – THANK YOU for your generous donation to Covenant House Vancouver! – and during the Q&A someone asked me why I hadn’t been mentioning stories about celebrities and drugs. And my response to that was… well… reporting on celeb…      

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Here are some photos of Benedict Cumberbatch at the Laureus World Sports Awards in Shanghai today. He’s the host of the event for the second year in a row, and he’s been enjoying Shanghai for days, as he did an event for MG (he became a brand ambassador) and he even got a nice massage (hm). I think this awards show is his last event in Shanghai and he should be flying back to London soon enough. But you never know. Any chance he gets to be away from the old ball and chain, amirite?

I haven’t seen anything about this event so far, so let’s just talk about how he looks. I’m surprised by how many people are okay with his haircut. Some of you even think he looks younger!! This is like The Dress debate to me – I don’t see how anyone could like this hair on him. He looks older, like an aging otter. I think he’s losing weight to play Hamlet too. I like when he’s a bit bigger and more “filled out.”

What else? Benedict also has made a call to support independent cinema. As in, independently-owned theaters in England, like the Phoenix Cinema. You can read more here.

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Photos courtesy of Getty.


Jill Duggar: “I Love Our Birth Story”

Apr 15, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

19 Kids and Counting stars Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard cover the latest issue of PEOPLE and gush about their newborn son Israel David.

After 70 hours of labor, the first-time mom, 23, delivered their son via C-section on April 6.

Although Jill has hoping to have a natural home birth, #BabyDilly had other plans.

“His birth didn’t go as expected,” says Jill. “But having him here—it’s all worth it. I wouldn’t do anything differently.”

Prior to the birth, Jill didn’t get discouraged when her March 24 due date passed.

“I told myself first-time moms often go a week and a half over,” says the reality star, who turned to spicy food to help kick-start her labor.

At 41 weeks and five days Jill’s water finally broke, but she tested positive for strep B, a common bacteria that can be transferred from mom to baby during birth. At this point, Jill started taking antibiotics via an IV.

After 20 hours in labor – with contractions just one minute apart – and little progression, Jill noticed a bit of meconium and was moved to the hospital.

“I was praying to God to give me strength,” she shares. “I was really scared and nervous, but I was praying.”

Once there, Jill declined Pitocin, but after 70 hours in labor, the baby had flipped into a transverse breech position, was experiencing irregular heart rates and had not yet descended.

Jill, a student midwife, decided to move forward with a C-section.

“I love our birth story because it bonded us so well,” says Jill. “I still haven’t changed a single diaper. Derick has been changing them all.”

Baby Israel’s birth will air on the May 5 episode of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting.


Justified Season 6, Episode 13 recap

Apr 15, 2015 Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

Justified Season 6, Episode 13 recap


I started recapping Justified in season 3, and it turns out I miscounted Raylan’s body count, missing some unnamed henchmen from season one. I’ve had it at twenty-one, but it’s actually twenty-seven. Well, twenty-eight, by the end.

GET TO …      

people duggar

More than a week ago, Jill Duggar-Dillard finally gave birth to her first child, a son named Israel David Dillard. Jill was two weeks past her due date, and when Israel finally came out, he was HUGE. Which was enough to make me feel really sorry for Jill, because two weeks overdue must have been really uncomfortable, plus I thought squeezing out a gigantic baby probably hurt like hell. As it turns out, Jill had a C-section. It wasn’t entirely her choice – Jill wanted to have an all-natural, drug-free, home birth. But Israel had other ideas. And the whole ordeal involved Jill being induced after a 70 HOUR LABOR.

Jill Duggar and her husband Derick Dillard had planned to have their first child at home, but after a series of frightening circumstances the first-time mom had an emergency C-section for her baby Israel David Dillard. RadarOnline.com reported last week on the growing speculation that Duggar had gone under the knife, and the 19 Kids & Counting star confirmed the dramatic delivery details in an article out Tuesday.

She spent 20 hours in labor but tested positive for strep B, a bacteria that is common during birth but required her to take antibiotic via an IV, according to People magazine. She also saw a slight trace of meconium (fetal waste, which can be a sign of distress) and decided to forgo her home birth plan and head to the hospital.

“I was praying to God to give me strength,” the first Duggar daughter to give birth said. “I was really scared and nervous, but I was praying.”

The 23-year-old tried everything she could to avoid drugs once at the hospital. Duggar explained that she initially declined the drug Pitocin, which helps induce labor, and pain medication, but the baby turned into a transverse breech position. Finally after 70 hours of labor, when the fetus was showing irregular heart rates and had not yet descended, the doctors expressed concern for both her health and that of her son. So the Duggar and Dillard agreeded hat it was time for a cesarean section. Jill’s own mother, Michelle Duggar, has had 4 C-sections and 13 regular births in a row.

They then safely welcomed their son, Israel David Dillard, at 11:49 pm and he weighed a healthy 9-lb., 10-oz. Despite the change in plans, Duggar says that she wouldn’t change a thing.

“I love our birth story because it bonded us so well,” she told the magazine. “I still haven’t changed a single diaper. Derick has been changing them all.”

[From Radar]

Well, I’m glad she finally agreed to a C-section. It didn’t sound like she had much choice in the matter – I mean, what else could the doctors say to her? This is the way it had to happen. But I do feel sorry for her because it sounds like her birth plan went to hell almost immediately and she was in pain for a really long time. You’d think that after an experience like that, Jill and Derick would want to wait to get pregnant again, but ten bucks says she’s knocked up again in the next eight months.


Photos courtesy of Jill & Derick’s Instagrams, cover courtesy of People.
people duggar


Billy Joel & Girlfriend Expecting A Baby

Apr 15, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
Elton John AIDS Foundation's 12th Annual An Enduring Vision Benefit

Congratulations to Billy Joel and Alexis Roderick.

The legendary Piano Man singer, 65, and his longtime girlfriend, 33, are expecting their first child together this summer, Us Weekly reports.

The Grammy Award-winning singer is also dad to daughter Alexa Ray Joel, 29, with ex-wife, supermodel Christie Brinkley.

The parents-to-be started dating in 2009, following Joel’s split from his third wife Katie Lee. The Uptown Girl hitmaker was also previously married to first wife Elizabeth Weber Small in the 1970s and early ’80s.

The pair plan “to keep any further details of her pregnancy under wraps until their new addition makes an official debut.”

Joel has a regular residency at Madison Square Garden in New York City. His next show is scheduled for May 28.


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