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I’m not a dancer at all. Not even when I was a kid – I didn’t take any dance classes, I took gymnastics. I could probably still do some impressive tumbles, but can I dance properly? No. Never. So I’m easily impressed when someone, anyone can manage to casually bust a move without A) falling down, B) looking like an a—hole or C) accidentally hitting themselves or someone else. Like, I was genuinely impressed with Cressida Bonas’ Mulberry commercial, even though most people threw shade.

What’s my point? I don’t actually think Robert Pattinson’s Coachella dancing is mind-blowingly terrible. Is it good? No. But it’s not so awful that I have second-hand embarrassment for him either. Sparkles was at Coachella throughout the weekend, catching his fiancée FKA Twigs’ performance, and then Sparkles and Twigs caught Drake’s performance Sunday night. Which is where some undercover fans took some videos of Sparkles’ rhythm-less moves. Here you go:

Drakin with rob pattinson last night pic.twitter.com/mhEh5DaqOz

— breezy. (@breeaawwnnaa) April 13, 2015

You can see more of his dancing here. I don’t even think we should say this is “dancing”. It’s more like he knows he can’t pull it off, so he’s just smoking his cigarette (I don’t think it’s a joint, although he probably is high) and bobbing his head like a typical dude. So, is Rob’s dancing a dealbreaker for you?

Photos courtesy of WENN.



Billy Joel was a mess there for a while, about a decade ago. Remember that? Within the span of two years, he crashed his car THREE times, all of accidents were rumored to involve alcohol or some kind of substance. Then he married Katie Lee, his third wife, who was 23 years old when they married in 2004 (Billy was 55 years old at the time). Katie and Billy split in 2009 (word is she got a nice settlement in the divorce) and soon after, Billy began dating another younger woman named Alexis Roderick. Alexis is 33 years old right now while Billy is 65, soon to be 66 in May. And now they’re expecting their first child together. Billy already has one adult kid: 29-year-old Alexa Ray Joel.

Billy Joel, 65, has confirmed he is becoming a dad again. The singer and his girlfriend, Alexis Roderick, said in a statement Tuesday they are expecting their first child this summer, when he will be 66. He already has daughter Alexa Ray Joel, 29, with Christie Brinkley.

A spokeswoman for Joel said in a statement, “Billy Joel and his girlfriend, Alexis Roderick, are expecting their first child this summer. The singer has one daughter, singer/songwriter Alexa Ray Joel. The couple, together since 2009, opted to keep any further details of her pregnancy under wraps until their new addition makes an official debut.”

Joel issued the statement after Radar Online first reported that Alexis is pregnant with his child, and is expecting a girl. The website said the child would be named Madison, but a source said that was not the correct name. Alexis, 33, is a former Morgan Stanley financial adviser, and while sources recently told us they have no immediate plans to marry, she has been seen wearing a diamond ring.

[From Page Six]

I was going to say “At least he finally learned that he doesn’t have to marry ‘em” until I got to that last part. Yeah, he’s probably going to marry her. In retrospect, I’m still a little bit surprised that Katie Lee didn’t get pregnant. That would have been interesting, just as this is interesting. So… I don’t know, I don’t really feel like unloading on Billy Joel. I think he’s still probably a big mess, just not as publicly messy as he was a decade ago. I think he knows that he’s not going to be around for a large part of this kid’s life, but he figures, “Eh, why not?” Something nice: Alexis is 33, which means she’s old enough to know what she’s doing, even if what she’s doing is simply making a financial plan for her future. She’s not some naïve kid, and hey, at least this wasn’t a one-night thing. Billy and Alexis have been together since 2009.

Still… when your pregnant girlfriend is only four years older than your adult daughter, that’s never a good thing.

View image | gettyimages.com

Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN.


The Club Monaco Southampton Store Opening

Actress Kelly Rutherford of Gossip Girl, 46, has been involved in a long international custody battle with her ex, German-born Daniel Giersch. The two split after two years, in late 2008 when Kelly was pregnant with their second child. Daniel was so mad that Kelly didn’t personally tell him about their daughter Helena’s 2009 birth that he issued a statement about it, saying he “wanted nothing than to hold our newborn daughter for a few moments” and that he sought “to coparent both our children responsibly and with love.” Whether he was being upfront about that is unclear, but those two never figured out how to coparent. They also have a son, Hermes, now 8.

In September, 2012, Kelly essentially lost custody of her children when a NY judge ruled that the children could stay with their father overseas. Kelly was technically awarded 50/50 custody, but the children were allowed to remain abroad with Daniel, who is unable to travel to the US after his Visa was revoked in 2012. Kelly accused Daniel during their divorce of dealing drugs and guns, and her lawyer tipped off the State Department that his businesses were shady, which led to his deportation. Daniel and the children live in Monaco, where his parents have a home. Daniel must pay for six round trip visits for Kelly to see her children each year and she is allowed to keep them with her in New York for the summers. Kelly has repeatedly said that this custody arrangement is unfair, that her children were essentially deported, and that the custody judge had it out for her.

As a result of her protracted legal battle, Kelly filed for bankruptcy in 2013. She claimed all her money had gone to fighting for her children. She’s tried multiple times to have her custody situation reversed so she can keep the children with her in New York, and she eventually brought the case up to the federal level, where it was just dismissed.

She was most recently in federal court arguing for her children’s constitutional rights as U.S. citizens. The court dismissed the case, saying, “The children have not been deported.” Hermés and Helena will “retain their United States citizenship, and once they reach the age of majority, they will be free to choose where to reside…Under such circumstances it would plainly be improper for the federal courts to assume jurisdiction over the case.”

The California court had mandated Giersch continued to apply for a new visa so he could return to the U.S. with the children. However, the State Department confirmed to ABC News that it hasn’t happened.

“I told my son…’You know, mommy is still fighting for you,’” Rutherford said. “My children, not only were they taken away, but they were sent to a foreign country. I don’t know how you even explain to someone what it feels like.”

ABC News reached out to Giersch for comment. “Daniel Giersch continues to protect the children from any negativity and therefore will continue to not engage in any of these unfortunate and false media fabrications which only served one person, but clearly not the children,” his lawyer said in response.

[From E! Online]

As I’ve said throughout this case, I have mixed feelings about it and more than anything I just feel for the children. It sounds awful for any mother to be separated from her children like that, but what about their father? Did Kelly intend to shut Daniel off entirely and did it blow up in her face? Either way, it’s sad and awful. I don’t know what happened between Kelly and her ex, maybe it was bad enough for her to want him out of his children’s lives, but under regular circumstances he would deserve a chance to coparent.

Special screening of 'Mad Men'

Women's Brain Health Initiative

photo credit: WENN.com



Here’s a photo of Rihanna dancing at Coachella this weekend. She showed up for Drake’s set (just like every other celebrity). Don’t get me started on Rih’s outfit. Let’s just say she fit in with the rest of the crowd, which is completely out of character. Something else (allegedly) happened at Coachella. Yesterday afternoon, a video surfaced that showed Rihanna in an unorthodox situation during her festival downtime. Depending on the substance in the video, things could be bad. This vid shows Rihanna either smoking or snorting a mysterious substance. Some people think she was snorting cocaine, and others think she was indulging in her love for blunts. What do you think?

@rihanna love , is that cocaine ???? pic.twitter.com/pVLi0gI4r4

— YourFavDarkSkin (@_MissTink) April 14, 2015

The video has appeared and disappeared on Instagram a few times. Luckily, Us Weekly captured Rihanna’s initial response to the person who posted the clip:

“N***a your lame ass got some f***ing nerve!!! Any fool could see that’s a joint that I’m basing with cigarette! Who snorts tobacco??!! FOH witcho ‘never been to a rodeo so someone squeezing their nose means they’re doing coke’ lookin a**!”

[From Us Weekly]

Rihanna’s position is that she was only smoking weed, but with that type of response, she probably should have kept her mouth shut. The dancers in the video obscured whatever substance she was smoking (or snorting), so it’s not like Rihanna would have faced legal charges. I couldn’t tell what she was doing. She looked like she was ready to smoke, but she rubbed her nose a LOT. Rihanna usually doesn’t care what anyone else thinks, so this response was pretty off-script. I have to wonder whether she was worried about her new Dior contract. I don’t think Dior would mind either way. The fashion house never dumped Kate Moss after her 2005 cocaine scandal. Arguably, John Galliano was the one who kept Kate around, but let’s get real. Dior needs Rihanna more than she needs them.

Here’s Rihanna’s revised response to the coke allegations. She also posted a video with an alternate view, which may support her claim of smoking a joint.

???? #petty

A photo posted by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Apr 14, 2015 at 12:03pm PDT


Photos courtesy of WENN



Kylie Jenner

Thank you @NipandFab for having me ????

A photo posted by Kylizzle (@kyliejenner) on Mar 14, 2015 at 4:34pm PDT

Kylie Jenner Instagrams her lips, always plumped to the nines, several times per week. If KUWTK is to be believed, Kylie spends 40 minutes doing her lips (in addition to her semi-regular 2-hour showers) each day. This photo is part of Kylie’s new campaign for Nip + Fab, which is her anti-aging cream endorsement (although she’s only 17). Kylie doesn’t look anything like she did a year ago but keeps issuing denials of having work done. Kylie says she’d never say no to plastic surgery, but she hasn’t indulged yet. She’s also super bored with your obsession with her lips. Her Instagram account tells a different tale. Kylie wants us to look at her lips, but she doesn’t want to talk about them. Kylie has a new interview with Grazia where she denies going in for plastic surgery enhancements:

Those new lips: “I’m like, ‘Stop talking about my lips. I haven’t had plastic surgery. I’ve never been under the knife. People flashback to pictures of me when I was 12 and say ‘Kylie’s so different’ but how can I look the same from 12 -18?”

Her family: “I’m closest to Kendall, I spent every second with her growing up. After that it’s probably Khloe. Khloe is more of a mom to me than my mum is sometimes,’ she says …. ‘My mum is all about being best friends.’”

[From Grazia]

Kylie’s full of it, but I don’t necessarily blame her for the teenage attitude. She grew up under the thumb of Kris Jenner and idolized big sister Kim as a role model. This family is so full of lies that Kylie may not know up from down at this point. Perhaps Kylie will change in a few years and become a rational adult, but it may be too late. I’m still amazed at how this family believes they can present anything as truth, and the public will automatically believe. They think we’re all so gullible.

Here’s a video of Kylie shoving her enhanced lips in the camera. She really wants us to notice her plumped pout.

me and my bitch today

A video posted by Kylizzle (@kyliejenner) on Mar 28, 2015 at 6:11pm PDT

Here’s a reminder of what Kylie looked like in August 2014. She’s definitely had some sort of plumping and other work during the past year.


A photo posted by Kylizzle (@kyliejenner) on Mar 15, 2015 at 1:00am PDT

Photos courtesy of Kylie Jenner on Instagram & WENN



charlize esquire

Real question: why did Esquire’s Photoshop Wizards go crazy on Charlize Theron’s cleavage on this cover? Charlize is not crazy-busty or anything, but she’s got more than this. They actually put in effort to make Charlize look really flat. That whole chest area just looks like a cartoon. Anyway, Charlize covers the May issue of Esquire because she’s promoting Mad Max: Fury Road, which looks really and truly bonkers. In the interview, Charlize talks about her reported on-set fights with Tom Hardy and how much she adores Sean Penn.

On her on-set fights with Tom Hardy: “We f–kin’ went at it, yeah. And on other days, he and George [Miller, the director] went at it. It was the isolation, and the fact that we were stuck in a rig for the entire shoot. We shot a war movie on a moving truck — there’s very little green screen. It was like a family road trip that just never went anywhere. We never got anywhere. We just drove. We drove into nothingness, and that was maddening sometimes. It’s material that’s really frightening — we didn’t have a script. Tom and I are actors who take our jobs seriously. Both of us want to please the directors we work with, and when you don’t know if you can deliver on that, it’s a frightening place to be — and for Tom more than me, because he was stepping into big shoes.”

How her romance with Penn began: “We’ve been friends for twenty years. He was married, I was in a long-term relationship, our spouses—not regularly, but we were in each other’s lives. I think our friendship stemmed from mutual respect—more on my end, because I really didn’t have a body of work twenty years ago, but my love and passion for making films—that was our common ground. And also, Sean liked to have conversations outside of just making movies. That’s sometimes hard to find among friends here, and that’s where our friendship really blossomed.”

Friendship foundation: “It is nice to be in something where the friendship came first. I’ve never had that. There’s a weight to the relationship already that I don’t think you have when you just meet somebody and enter a relationship. There’s a foundation of 20 years that the two of us have shared with each other in all these different ways that is really the foundation of something that has brought a lot of beautiful things into my life. We get so stuck in wanting to predict the future that we forget the moment that we’re in. And the moment that we’re in is just really good.”

Life with Sean: “It’s really good, really nice. The marriage thing is always so strange to me anyway. I love the possibility of anything, but I’m really enjoying myself and the everyday moment and how that coincides with my son and my life and my friends. I’m a very, very, very lucky girl. Very lucky. He’s hot. He is hot. How do you say that in an interview? You’re a forty-year-old woman sounding like a sixteen-year-old. There’s something beautiful about that, but you lack the articulation of really saying what it’s like when somebody walks into your life and makes you see something that you really never thought you’d be able to see. If somebody had said to me, ‘This is what it will be,’ I would’ve said, ‘F— off.’ As you can see, it makes me smile.”

[From Yahoo & Us Weekly]

She says that at the end of the day, she respected Tom Hardy’s process because he didn’t “fake-smile” and go through the motions. She also says that Tom left her a gift in her trailer – a self-portrait he made with a red handprint on the back. This was what he wrote to her: “You are an absolute nightmare, BUT you are also f–king awesome. I’ll kind of miss you. Love, Tommy.” I feel like that’s probably high praise from Hardy.

As for the Penn stuff… I like it their relationship more when she’s describing it because it sounds real. When Sean talks about Charlize, it feels more like his midlife crisis or an attempt to one-up Robin Wright. Charlize also complimented Sean because he’s “not that guy” to think that he understands what happens in the world just because he watches CNN.

Photos courtesy of Esquire, WENN.
charlize esquire


kelly redbook

I like that Kelly Clarkson shows off her baby River Rose whenever possible. I think it’s natural to want to show off your kid, but so many celebrities play these complicated games about “not wanting” to show off their kid while simultaneously showing off their kid. Kelly has no angst about it. She posts endless photos of River Rose on her social media, and here they are on the cover of the new issue of Redbook. Kelly is promoting her new album, but most of the interview is about motherhood and body image. Kelly has faced a barrage of body criticism from trolls and douchebags in recent months, and she’s still laughing it off. Some highlights from Redbook:

Kelly is all about sexy times with her husband: “I always swore ours would not be a relationship where we have to schedule sex. That is never going to happen. We put each other first. I call it the oxygen-mask mentality—take care of yourself first!”

Whether Brandon Blackstock is her other half: “Goodness, no! He’s a whole and I’m a whole. I’ve never believed in someone taking care of me, and that’s probably because I grew up poor and without a lot of family stability.”

Body critics: “There are just some people who are born skinny and with a great metabolism—that is not me. I wish I had a better metabolism. But someone else probably wishes they could walk into a room and make friends with everyone like I can. You always want what someone else has. I don’t obsess about my weight, which is probably one of the reasons why other people have such a problem with it.”

[From E! News]

Am I the only one who teared up at these quotes? I’m not hormonal, I swear, but I just felt such a strong wave of love for Kelly and her amazing positivity and outlook on life. “I’ve never believed in someone taking care of me…” YES. SO MUCH YES. Her husband does not “complete” her. She was not incomplete without a man. She was a whole person and she fell madly in love.

And this: “I wish I had a better metabolism. But someone else probably wishes they could walk into a room and make friends with everyone like I can.” Sh-t, I wish I was more like Kelly Clarkson. Kelly Clarkson for president!!

Had so much fun with River at La Voix in Montreal!! Thank you to The Fairmont Queen Elizabeth for the cute robe and lovely stay #We’llBeBack #MerciBeaucoup

A photo posted by Kelly Clarkson (@kellyclarkson) on Apr 12, 2015 at 6:15pm PDT

Photos courtesy of Redbook, Instagram.
kelly redbook


Kyle Richards Takes Portia Fishing

Apr 15, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

Looks like Kyle may have a professional angler on her hands.

Step aside, Bill Dance, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills alum, Kyle Richards, may be raising the next top angler. In a recent Instagram update, Kyle Richards shared a picture of her daughter Portia trying to catch some fish. In the picture, we see Kyle watching over Portia, as her daughter dips a fishing net into the water, trying to land the big one. Kyle captioned the photo:

“Portia trying to catch fish at @victoryranchut #utah”


Kaia Biermann Is Daddy’s Beach Buddy

Apr 15, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

This is so adorable!

For the past week, Kim Zolciak has been sharing a lot of her family vacation photos on her Instagram account. In the pictures, we see the whole family having a blast on the beach. In her latest update, Kim Zolciak shares a picture of her daughter Kaia, and husband, Kroy Bierman, getting their feet wet. In the absolutely adorable picture, Kaia is holding onto Kroy’s pinky finger. Kim captioned the photo:

“#IPinkySwear #BestHusbandAndDaddyEver”


Kourtney Kardashian Shares A Picture Of Her Love

Apr 15, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
penelope disick

She’s so adorable.

So, Kourtney Kardashian recently shared a picture of her love on Instagram account, and it comes as no surprise that she’s referring to her daughter: Penelope Disick. Kourtney captioned the photo:

“Mon amour.”

Mon amour is French for “my love.”


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