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Archive for the ‘Celebrities’ Category

Guess Who?

Apr 7, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
guess who

Are you up for a little bit of celebrity kid trivia?

Your job is to tell us who the child is in the picture attached to this post. Leave your guess in the comment section below. Make sure you check back tomorrow for the answer! Good luck!


Is it surprising you that Lip Sync Battle is attracting some big name guests? Probably not. It’s only 10 episodes and it’s produced by Jimmy Fallon, John Krasinski, and Stephen Merchant. So, basically, they’re just calling up all their friends.

Krasinki and Merchant apparently invented the ga…      

Is it surprising you that Lip Sync Battle is attracting some big name guests? Probably not. It’s only 10 episodes and it’s produced by Jimmy Fallon, John Krasinski, and Stephen Merchant. So, basically, they’re just calling up all their friends.

Krasinki and Merchant apparently invented the ga…      

Smutty Social Media, Monday April 6, 2015

Apr 6, 2015 Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

Easter is still happening (on Instagram, at least), and Amy Sedaris decorated eggs with Sarah Jessica Parker and James Wilkie. (I cross-referenced these egg photos like a nerd.)


A photo posted by Amy Sedaris (@imamysedaris) on

Apr 4, …      

Smutty Social Media, Monday April 6, 2015

Apr 6, 2015 Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

Easter is still happening (on Instagram, at least), and Amy Sedaris decorated eggs with Sarah Jessica Parker and James Wilkie. (I cross-referenced these egg photos like a nerd.)


A photo posted by Amy Sedaris (@imamysedaris) on

Apr 4, …      

Is that redundant? “New” and “rookie”?

Page Six reports that Leonardo DiCaprio has a new hookup.

Surprise! She’s a model!

Surprise! As of October 2014 she was 24 years old …which…

That’s cutting it close. Because usually Leo’s girls age out at 25. But Kelly Rohrback was named Spor…      

Is that redundant? “New” and “rookie”?

Page Six reports that Leonardo DiCaprio has a new hookup.

Surprise! She’s a model!

Surprise! As of October 2014 she was 24 years old …which…

That’s cutting it close. Because usually Leo’s girls age out at 25. But Kelly Rohrback was named Spor…      

There have been all kinds of reports that Mimi and Nick Cannon are getting ugly with each other about money and their divorce. I posted about it last week – some sketchy report from the Daily Mail about him writing a book exposing her crazy. Click here for a refresher.

In response, here’s wha…      

There have been all kinds of reports that Mimi and Nick Cannon are getting ugly with each other about money and their divorce. I posted about it last week – some sketchy report from the Daily Mail about him writing a book exposing her crazy. Click here for a refresher.

In response, here’s wha…      

Furious 7 movie review

Apr 6, 2015 Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

$147 million domestically over the weekend…

I want to like Furious 7, I really do, because in theory this is the kind of dumb fun action movie I cut my teeth on. But Furious 7, though wildly successful and spurring the franchise to new heights, actually shows exactly what’s gone wrong in this…      

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