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Rob Kardashian

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A new clip from the latest episode of KUTWK features Kim Kardashian bashing Rob’s depression in absentia. It’s been a few weeks since Rob compared Kim to the sociopathic Amy Dunne from Gone Girl. The Klan put out official word that there’s no cause for alarm. Then we heard that Rob lashed out at Kim because she told him to snap out of his depression. Kim has always said Rob doesn’t deserve sympathy and needs to “get up” and solve his problems.

My take is that, yes, Rob is seriously depressed. And no, the Kardashians don’t have any problem exploiting his depression for a storyline. I’m not sure whether Rob agreed to his mental state being up for grabs on the show, but it doesn’t matter to his family how he feels about his privacy. On the new episode, Kim sits around with Kris and Khloe to talk about Rob. Kris actually sounds a little concerned, but she doesn’t understand how to help Rob. They already have all the resources in the world, you know? Kris remains puzzled.

Credit where it’s due to Rob: His access to Kardashian resources must certainly include plastic surgery. Unlike his sisters, Rob hasn’t gone that route. That’s probably what irritates Kim the most. She’d probably like to ship Rob off for lipo or whatever. Here’s the exchange:

Kris Jenner is trying to find a solution to help her only son recover from his recent bout of the blues in the clip, telling Kim, “I don’t know how it works. I’m not a therapist, I’m not a doctor. But I do know that we’ve got all the resources in the world and yet he doesn’t access.”

But Kim lashes out.

“I think that now what we have to do is everyone back off. Everyone licks Rob’s a** and does whatever he says,” she fumes. “And at some point you have to give it up! We all make his life so easy. Ok we’ll drive you around with a chauffeur so no one has to look at you. We had a chef on standby, a trainer. We’ll send people to run out and buy you socks, underwear! This is pathetic!”

Saying that she’s done, Kim stresses to her mom that they have to put up a united front.

“We’re not going to cater to him anymore, but it has to be all of us.”

However, Jenner isn’t convinced that her son is responsible right now.

“The other way to look at it is he’s got something that maybe he can’t help himself,” she says, but Kim dismisses her thoughts: “No, he’s still competent to where he can ask for help when he needs it.”

[From Radar Online]

What Kim says here wouldn’t be completely out of bounds if we were talking about a normal family. There’s a certain point where some people will take advantage of their family’s willingness to help them. I don’t think that’s the case with Rob. He’d probably like nothing more to be his old, thin, club-hopping self again. But he’s been told so many times that he’s simply an embarassment. I don’t think Kim’s warped version of tough love will do anything but push him deeper into depression.

Also … why would Rob be asking the family to go buy him socks? He’s a sock mogul. If Rob has anything on his side, it’s an abundant supply of socks.

Here’s the clip of Kim talking to Kris and Khloe about Rob.

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Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & Getty



Mark Wahlberg

When I saw this story yesterday, I thought it could be an April Fool’s joke because it sounded like a Mark Wahlberg cliché. The very idea of Mark Wahlberg producing a movie (starring Mark Wahlberg) about the 2013 Boston marathon movie seemed like a completely obnoxious thing that Mark Wahlberg would do. But this story is legit.

Mark will make a movie about the bombing and the aftermath. He will indeed produce and probably star as Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis. Never mind that the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is still ongoing. Does that matter? Mark is from Boston, so I guess he feels like he’s the right dude to make this movie. I think the movie shouldn’t be made at all, at least not so soon.

Mark is notorious for his delusions of grandeur. Remember how he said he would have defeated the 9/11 terrorists? His ego has taken over another tragedy:

The story is envisioned as an intense thriller, spanning the five-day search up to the infamous siege where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was pulled from a boat in Watertown. Three lost their lives at the Marathon blast site, 264 were injured, and a police officer was killed and several injured in the shootout that ended in the death of Tsarnaev’s older brother, Tamerlan. The younger mass murderer is currently on trial. Victims were eulogized in a touching ceremony at Fenway Park, something that most certainly will be part of each of those feature films, including an unforgettable exhortation of defiance by Red Sox slugger David Ortiz.

“There is nothing more compelling than a real story populated by real heroes,” said CBS Films President Terry Press. “The team that we have assembled for this project is determined to give audiences a very personal look at what occurred during the days when the eyes of the world were on the city of Boston and how a group of contemporary patriots faced this crisis.”

[From Deadline]

Deadline says that footage from this year’s Boston marathon (later this month) will be used in the film. This is a bad idea, and it feels like Mark is capitalizing on this tragedy and using it for his own ends. He probably thinks he’s doing something noble, sort of like when he thought a pardon for his crimes would inspire street youth. This movie will be another notch in his self-serving maneuver belt. Classic Marky Mark.

Mark Wahlberg

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News & WENN




Did you know that Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian still aren’t officially divorced? It’s true. At least, I think it’s true. There were widespread rumors for months that Khloe was fooling around with both Lamar and French Montana at the same time, and that she was trying to choose between them. My take? She should have dumped both of them (and taken out her butt implants too). Anyway, the entire time that Khloe was allegedly fooling around with Lamar (like, last fall and winter), I kept wondering, “Huh, is Lamar still doing drugs?” Because that was allegedly the reason why Khloe and Lamar split in the first place: he was cracked out of his face. Well, here’s the update: In Touch Weekly says Lamar isn’t smoking crack anymore. He’s found a “new” drug. It’s called sherm. It’s where you roll a joint and dip it in PCP. OMG.

Just 19 months after his DUI arrest, ‘In Touch Weekly’ has learned that Lamar Odom is struggling with a serious new drug addiction.

“He has been doing an old-school drug called sherm, which is taking a joint and dipping it in liquid PCP,” an insider exclusively reveals in the new issue of ‘In Touch,’ on newsstands now. “It’s really dangerous and can make you violent.”

And though Khloé Kardashian filed to divorce Lamar, 35, in December 2013, the insider explains she’s concerned about what could happen if the former NBA player keeps using it.

“Lamar’s friends and family and Khloé are all pushing him to get into rehab,” the source says, adding that so far, he’s refused and continues to party. “Lamar needs serious, serious help.”

[From In Touch Weekly]

I’m old enough to remember D.A.R.E. officers coming to my elementary school and showing all the kids what various drugs looked like. I’m also old enough to remember some PCP-themed afterschool specials. PCP is hardcore. PCP is nothing to do recreationally. PCP is bad news. But am I the only one morbidly fascinated by the logistics of “dipping your joint in PCP”? How does that work?

Anyway, this is bad news for Lamar. Yes, he should go to rehab. He’s needed help for a while now.

Photos of Lamar in LA on 2/25/2015, courtesy of Fame/Flynet.



Keira Knightley covers the new issue of Violet, although I’m pretty sure this photoshoot was done MONTHS ago. Probably last year. Because Keira is super-pregnant these days and these photos show her tiny little waist. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Keira had a big baby announcement in the next week or so. Her due date is likely any day now. As for the interview, Keira had some interesting things to say about feminism and female characters and woman-oriented storytelling. She talked a lot about all of that throughout the promotional tour for The Imitation Game – it’s her cause, and it’s a good cause to have. We need younger actresses openly discussing the fact that Hollywood needs to refocus and have more stories for, by and starring women.

Women in film: “Where are the female stories? Where are they? Where are the directors, where are the writers? It’s imbalanced, so given that we are half the cinema-going public, we are half the people [who] watch drama or watch anything else, where is that? So yes, I think the pay is a huge thing, but I’m actually more concerned over the lack of our voices being heard.”

Feminism: “I don’t know what happened through the ’80s,’90s, and ’00s that took feminism off the table, that made it something that women weren’t supposed to identify with and were supposed to be ashamed of. Feminism is about the fight for equality between the sexes, with equal respect, equal pay, and equal opportunity. At the moment we are still a long way off that.”

Playing Joan Clarke in The Imitation Game: “I think it is interesting that for women in film the problems they face are generally put into the sphere of home and family and not into the workplace. Joan’s real struggles were to get her rightful ‘place at the table,’ and then once she was there, equal pay, which she never came close to.”

[From Style.com]

I like that Keira manages to discuss feminism and woman-centered storytelling without it coming across like… Patricia Arquette. You know? Bless Arquette for putting her views out there and starting a conversation about equal pay in the middle of the Oscars, but Arquette’s wording and phrasing alienated a lot of potential allies. Keira’s comments seem to be a reflection of the need for more women – of all colors and sexual orientations – to be brought into the storytelling fold.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Violet.


Olivia Wilde Has A Party With Otis

Apr 2, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
olivia wilde

Now this is a party!

New mom, Olivia Wilde, is apparently an absolute party animal! Today, she took to her Instagram account to share a picture of a party she was having with her 11-month-old son, Otis Alexander. She captioned the photo:

“My kind of party.”

Absolutely adorable!


Kim Zolciak Compares Her Nose To Kaia’s

Apr 2, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
nose job

Kim Zolciak is on a mission to prove she didn’t have a nose job.

There’s rumors swirling around the Internet that at some point, Kim Zolciak had a nose job. In an attempt to dispel these rumors, she decided to post a picture on Instagram of her nose, compared to that of her daughters’. In the picture, you can see that Kim’s nose and her daughters’ noses look very similar. She captioned the photo:

“I guess we have ALL had nose jobs #GTFOH”


kendra wilkinson

Look at those dance moves!

Kendra Wilkinson loves sharing pictures of her kids on her Instagram account. However, sometimes she goes a bit further and shares videos, which we always love to see. This time, however, is a bit different. Kendra actually shared a picture of a video on her Instagram account in an attempt to get more followers on her Keek. She captioned the photo:

“I just posted on Keek! She’s dancing to her favorite song Follow me via the link in my bio.”

If you’d like to watch the video of Alijah dancing to her favorite song, you can click here.


Jason & Molly Mesnick Celebrate Riley’s 2nd Birthday

Apr 1, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

Look who’s two!

Bachelor couple Jason and Molly Mesnick celebrated their daughter Riley‘s second birthday at ROMP in Seattle, WA on March 15.

Sporting her stylish Stride Rite shoes, the birthday girl looked cute as can in a red and white polka-dot dress at her Minnie Mouse-themed bash.

With party favors personalized with Mabel’s Labels’ Bag Tags, guests went home with various goodies, including Net Nanny gift cards — a software to keep kids safe online.

Celebrity Baby Scoop caught up with the proud parents about the birthday bash. Continue reading about the highlights of the party, how the reality star couple called on Jenny Cookies for a little help, and their huge upcoming project.

CBS: Tell us about Riley’s recent birthday bash. What were some of the highlights of the party? Tell us about some of Riley’s favorite gifts.

MM: “We went with a Minnie Mouse theme since Riley is all about Mickey Mouse Clubhouse these days. Once the theme was chosen, Jenny Cookies went all out with details. I loved having the Minnie/Mickey socks and ears for every guest as they entered the party. It really set the tone for the rest of the day.

With a Minnie Mouse party theme came a lot of Minnie Mouse gifts. Riley received puzzles, stuffed animals, books, clothes and more. Her favorite gift this year was definitely her American Girl Bitty Baby. She just loves to be a ‘mom’ — and she’s a really good one!”

CBS: On Riley’s first birthday, you invited 100 people to celebrate. Did you go over-the-top this time around?

MM: “I wanted this year’s party to be all about the kids, versus last year when I made the party all about the adults since Riley was only turning 1 at the time. We hosted the party at a location called ROMP, which is a modern, open play space for kids. There were tons of toys, crafts, and coloring stations so that all of the kids, no matter the age, had options of things to keep them entertained.

CBS: Can you believe your baby is already two? What is she into these days? What does she do to make you laugh?

MM: “It sounds so cliché, but when people tell you it “goes by so fast,” it truly does. I cannot get over how big Riley is, but each stage gets better and better. Riley is a really good communicator. She can say all of her ABCs; loves to sing and dance. I love hearing her tell me stories — she has quite the imagination already. Yesterday, she told me that a “storm was coming, so we needed to hide in the tent.” Seriously, how do kids pick up stuff like this?”

CBS: How is big brother Ty doing? Are you hoping to add to the brood soon? Perhaps you have a special announcement to share with us?

MM: “Ty is amazing. He has turned into such a polite and mature kid, and he’s an even better brother. Riley absolutely adores him and wants to copy everything he’s doing. She even pretends to play his video games with him. We take the batteries out of the second controller, so she feels like she’s actually playing the game. It’s adorable.

No big announcement any time soon. We are currently building a new house, which won’t be complete until the holidays, so I don’t think we’ll even start talking about the idea of more kids until we’re in the new house.

I like the idea of Riley having a sibling closer in age, but at the same time I want to be sure our entire family fits in one car. So if we add to the family, it will be maybe one more at most.”

CBS: Any other special projects you’re working on right now?

MM: “The biggest project in our life right now is the new house. I am so excited to get in there and start decorating. It has been so much fun going through the process.”

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Elysia just sent this over to me. Perfect way to end April Fool’s Day.

But let’s get serious first, for real, no fooling. T-Pain is back. Without auto-tune. He tells Vulture that he struggled with depression for a while because of the criticism he received when the auto-tune movement began. N…      

Elysia just sent this over to me. Perfect way to end April Fool’s Day.

But let’s get serious first, for real, no fooling. T-Pain is back. Without auto-tune. He tells Vulture that he struggled with depression for a while because of the criticism he received when the auto-tune movement began. N…      

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