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Shailene Woodley

Nylon magazine released its full Shailene Woodley interview from their April issue. This is the same talk where she tripled down on her dislike of the feminist label. The rest of the interview is new-agey. Shailene planned a day of “picking lemons and harvesting honey” with this journo. She got sick, so they drank tea together instead. Shailene revealed how some sort of mysterious creature was “attacking her small intestine.” She doesn’t go into detail (thank god), but I wonder if her illness is connected to gathering her own spring water. Just a thought? Shailene certainly didn’t pop any Advil for this ailment.

Shailene talks about her amazing bone broth invention again, and she drops another one of her discoveries. She likes to eat bugs now because they’re so “great.” More pro tips can be found below, and there’s a deep amoeba analogy for film sets:

Still hooked on bone broth: “I was laughing on the way here because I was worried I had beef broth breath.”

The diet of the future: “I’ve eaten ants and that was great. And June bugs, that was great. I think the future of food is in insects, so we’ll see what happens. If I could. I would grow a pair of wings and fly.”

Saving the planet: “Everyone could and should do a lot for the planet. I think you should find one small thing that works for you and dedicate and commit to that one thing every single day. When you leave the house just unplug your toaster, coffee machine, your TV, which doesn’t need to be on all day.”

More pro tips: “Don’t ask for a straw in a restaurant. Make it a goal not to drink out of plastic as much as possible. Turn the shower off when you’re washing your body and don’t waste the water. There are a lot of small things out there, you just find the one that works for you.”

Her take on movie sets: “Being on a movie set to me is one of the greatest things. I could sleep on set. It’s like 200 people, and everyone has their own story. Everyone comes from somewhere different, and yet they’re all there together collaborating …. It’s sort of like a living, breathing amoeba, how it’s constantly moving and shape-shifting. And without all of its parts, it wouldn’t be able to flourish.”

[From Nylon]

Bugs are the diet of the future, people. This is nothing new. Some people do eat bugs (not just chocolate covered grasshoppers) as a source of protein. Bugs are in plentiful supply with very little demand as a food source. The thought of eating them IS gross. But are insects any more icky than what happens (out of sight) in food production already? I try very hard not to think of these things during dairy consumption. What goes into producing cottage cheese or milk is pretty nasty. At least you see what you’re getting with bugs.

Here’s Shailene lugging a crockpot in NYC last week. She’s serious about bone broth.

Shailene Woodley

Shailene Woodley

Photos courtesy of Hilary Walsh/Nylon, Fame/Flynet & WENN




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Last year, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip traveled to Belfast. There were a lot of meetings and appearances on the monarch’s agenda, but what got the most attention was the Queen’s visit to the Belfast set of Game of Thrones (GoT is filmed all over the world, but much of King’s Landing is filmed in Belfast). She got to meet some cast members and see the Iron Throne in person. The photos of that moment – the Queen looking upon the massive, fictional Iron Throne – are now a part of pop culture iconography, and they became a meme (#WindsorIsComing).

Unfortunately, Queen Elizabeth did not sit upon the Iron Throne. It was sad and people were sort of upset that she didn’t take the opportunity for one of (arguably) the greatest photo-ops of her reign. As it turns out though, the Queen could NOT sit on the Iron Throne. There’s some sort of arcane “rule” about British monarchs sitting on “foreign thrones.” Er…?

When Queen Elizabeth was offered a shot at sitting in the Iron Throne, however, the queen politely declined. And now we know why.

“No, she’s not allowed to,” explained David Benioff on Wednesday’s Late Night with Seth Meyers. “Apparently, the Queen of England is not allowed to sit on a foreign throne, so this is an esoteric rule we didn’t know about until that moment. It looks like we’re saying, ‘Don’t touch, Queen.’”

[From The Daily Beast]

You guys… it’s fictional!!! The Iron Throne isn’t a real “foreign throne”. I could possibly see where there would be complications if this were, say, a replica of an actual throne in use somewhere in the world. Or something like that. But let’s be clear: the Iron Throne is NOT a foreign throne. She could have taken a seat on the Iron Throne, but she chose not to.

… Or is the rule “the monarch will not sit on any throne other than her own”? If that’s the case, I could see where Liz was just following the rules, fictional or not.

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View image | gettyimages.com

Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN.




Star Magazine and the National Enquirer both have weird Nicole Kidman stories this week. I’m not sure if it’s just because Nicole is currently working on some new projects and the tabloids are all “eh, let’s have her fighting with her costars,” or if Nicole actually has some genuine beefs with people. Let’s start with the one I don’t want to believe – Star says that Nicole finds costar Dev Patel creepy. Seriously? Dev Patel?

Nicole Kidman plays Dev Patel’s adoptive mother in their new upcoming film, Lion, but an insider says that hasn’t stopped the Chappie actor from eyeing her in a way that’s anything but filial!

“Dev leers at every female who passes by, and Nicole is no exception,” says a well-placed insider. “He comes across as this sweet guy onscreen, but on the set he’s the total opposite — he’s constantly on the prowl.”

Filming is set to start in April, and Nicole is already bracing for an awkward working relationship. “She said she was so turned off by him, she half wishes she’d never got signed on,” says the source. “Once she started asking around about him, she discovered lots of people in the business were saying the same thing.”

[From Star Magazine]

Dev has always come across to me as a neurotic sweetheart, like maybe he looks at girls but he can’t get the courage to really bring his game. Maybe he’s a bigger flirt than I would imagine. And maybe his flirting crosses a line? I don’t know. But I’m not feeling this story.

Meanwhile, the Enquirer says that Julia Roberts hated Nicole Kidman’s diva ‘tude when they worked together on The Secret in Their Eyes.

Nasty vibes ZZZapped instantly between JULIA ROBERTS and NICOLE KIDMAN – working together for the first time ever on their new flick “The Secret in Their Eyes” – with “Pretty Woman” dubbing Icy Aussie “Her Majesty” for treating their crew like peasants!

Said My On-Set Spy: “Julia HATES the way Nicole treats the crew! She acts like they’re servants, and doesn’t talk to them – except to issue commands – while Julia now knows everyone by first names, and makes a point of being friendly.

Trouble erupted when Julia heard Nicole ignored signing a card passed around for a makeup lady having a birthday! Totally ticked, she got Kangaroo Gal GOOD! Ordering a huge birthday cake delivered right outside Nicole’s trailer, Julia led cast and crew in a super-loud sing-along of ‘Happy Birthday’ – right under Her Majesty’s window!”

[From The Enquirer]

Just my opinion (and hey, I could be wrong): Julia Roberts doesn’t play well with other women. I’ll be more specific: Julia does not play well with other women who are as famous, as award-winning, or as center-of-attention as Julia. Julia is fine as long as the other women acknowledge that she is the top dog, but if you get her around another top dog, it gets a little crazy. Think of her interviews with Oprah. So, does Julia hate Nicole? Eh.

You know who else is in The Secret in Their Eyes? Chiwetel Ejiofor. Notice that NO ONE has a problem with Chiwetel. Because why would you?


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.



I used to watch Happy Endings and I have a great deal of affection for Casey Wilson. She’s a talented comedienne, and she ended up marrying the boss, David Caspe (who created Happy Endings) and she’s currently expecting their first child. She covers the latest (and last, apparently) issue of Fit Pregnancy. While I usually follow news about her when it comes around, I don’t think I’ve ever written about her? So I was pleased to find out in this interview that she seems to be just like you would imagine – sort of bubbly, funny and authentic. She talks a lot about her pregnancy (obvs) and how difficult it is to work through her pregnancy. Some highlights:

Her “rocky” first trimester: “I felt tired and sick and in a fog, like an extreme hangover, until about week 16. I thought, ‘Surely, this is the worst part of parenting.’ Then I remembered when I was 15, and my mom said I couldn’t go out—I pulled two giant brass sconces out of the wall with my bare hands. There are rougher waters ahead, I fear.”

Working through her pregnancy: “It’s difficult because you can’t just stay home. But in some ways, it was good to learn to set limits. I’m someone who always says, ‘Oh, sure, I’ll do that! I’ll work an 80-hour week! Not a problem.’ This was the first time my body simply said, ‘No, you can’t do that.’”

She had to tell the show that she needed shorter days: “It was uncomfortable. But there was a freedom in creating boundaries, especially when I knew that it wasn’t just Casey who was saying no.”

She wants two kids: “We both come from two-kid families, and I can’t imagine going through life without a sibling, especially later in life. My mom passed away about eight years ago, and I’m not sure how I would have dealt with that without my brother. Going through pregnancy having lost my mom is a whole different journey. It’s bittersweet, because it’s simply not the experience of knowing your mom is going to come out for two months and help take care of the baby.

She’s relieved she’s expecting a boy: “I thought I wanted a girl, but I almost felt relieved when I found out I was having a boy. Having lost my mom, and having had such a close mother-daughter relationship, I felt like somehow I wasn’t ready for a girl. I feel like the universe is letting me try this out with a boy first.”

[From E! News]

I always find it interesting to hear what parents-to-be want, a girl or a boy. In my informal assessment, it seems like a lot of mothers-to-be always say they want boys, although I think mothers of sons are always thinking, “Maybe we should try for the girl.” While the dads-to-be are often a mixed bag: some believe they would be terrible with a boy, some believe they would terrible with girls. Anyway, I like that that Casey describes it as “Somehow I wasn’t ready for a girl” – girls are so much work! So much drama.

Photos courtesy of Fit Pregnancy.


Kim & Kourtney Kardashian Take Their Daughters To A Dance Class

Well, here’s some more pictures for Miley Cyrus to Photoshop.

Kim and Kourtney Kardashian were spotted out today in Tarzana, California, with their daughters, North West and Penelope Disick. Right now, Scott Disick is in rehab, so Kourtney has been handling all of the parental duties as of late, until Scott completes his treatment program. As you can see by the pictures, Kim was all decked out in black workout clothing, while Kourtney was sporting some jeans and a comfortable white t-shirt.

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Kim & Kourtney Kardashian Take Their Daughters To A Dance Class
Kim & Kourtney Kardashian Take Their Daughters To A Dance Class
Kim & Kourtney Kardashian Take Their Daughters To A Dance Class
Kim & Kourtney Kardashian Take Their Daughters To A Dance Class
Kim & Kourtney Kardashian Take Their Daughters To A Dance Class

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Alec Baldwin & Hilaria Thomas Out And About With Carmen

Hilaria Thomas is growing and looking good while doing it!

Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Thomas decided to enjoy some time away from home today, March 26th, as they stepped out in Los Angeles with their daughter, Carmen. Hilaria is sporting quite the baby bump while Alec carried some bags from the GAP.

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Alec Baldwin & Hilaria Thomas Out And About With Carmen
Alec Baldwin & Hilaria Thomas Out And About With Carmen
Alec Baldwin & Hilaria Thomas Out And About With Carmen
Alec Baldwin & Hilaria Thomas Out And About With Carmen
Alec Baldwin & Hilaria Thomas Out And About With Carmen

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Miley Cyrus: Cut It Out With The Selfies, Kim!

Mar 27, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
kim kardashian

It sounds like Miley Cyrus wants Kim Kardashian to cool it with all of the selfies.

Lately, we’ve reported a couple times that Miley Cyrus has been taking pictures of North West and photoshopping her own baby pictures over top of them. It’s become apparent that Miley would absolutely love it if she were part of the Kardashian clan. Well, as you can probably guess, Miley has been playing around with her copy of photoshop again! In a recent photoshop picture Miley shared on Instagram, she urges Kim to stop it with all the selfies, captioning the photo:

“come on mom! not ANOTHER selfie!”


Mariah Carey Carpool Karaoke with James Corden

Mar 26, 2015 Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

I didn’t even know this was my dream until it became my dream. Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?

Put Mimi in the car with you. Play her songs.


Did it take 5 hours just to get her in her seat? Probably.

Did they invent new interior vehicular …      

Mariah Carey Carpool Karaoke with James Corden

Mar 26, 2015 Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

I didn’t even know this was my dream until it became my dream. Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?

Put Mimi in the car with you. Play her songs.


Did it take 5 hours just to get her in her seat? Probably.

Did they invent new interior vehicular …      

Smutty Social Media Thursday, March 26, 2015

Mar 26, 2015 Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

Reese and her husband look half-cut in this picture. I’m not saying that as a bad thing; American citizen Reese seems like a fun drunk (except for the whole interfering with the police thing).

Four years ago, I married this amazing man fro…      

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