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Kristen Bell: “Maybe I’ll Be A Stay-At-Home Mom”

Feb 20, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

House of Lies actress Kristen Bell covers the latest issue of Natural Health and opens up about family life with husband, Parenthood star Dax Shepard, and their two daughters: Lincoln, 22 months, and Delta, 9 weeks.

On if her second pregnancy was different than her first: “I gained a little less weight with this one. I think it’s in part because I gave up sugar this time. Before I was pregnant, Dax and I gave up refined sugar for 30 days—cookies, brownies—and at the end, we went to the store and got the desserts we were craving. Then we pigged out and after about five minutes, we both felt like barfing. Like, ‘Oh, white sugar is toxic!’ Since then we’ve just given it up in our household. And now an apple tastes mind-blowingly delicious.”

On what her diet is like now: “For breakfast, I’ll either do Manna bread or Dave’s Killer Bread and a humanely harvested egg or two with sea salt. For lunch or dinner, I make a lot of what I call garbage disposal salads: I’ll start with a grain, like bulgur, or a bean, like lentils or chickpeas, then add lettuce and any fruit, vegetable and nut I can find—strawberries, cucumbers, walnuts. Put an over-easy egg on top and break the yolk as the sauce—game over! I get a box from FarmBox LA every week with vegetables, eggs and some chicken breasts for when I cook for meat-eaters.”

On losing the baby weight: “I’m not willing to kill myself to look a certain way. And I won’t ruin the first six months of being with my baby because I’m only eating lettuce. It’s also not healthy while you’re breastfeeding, and I breastfeed like a champion.”

On just letting life unfold: “I am where I thought I’d be, but I didn’t put too much effort into getting here. I let it unfold organically, and I hope to do that with the next five years. Maybe I’ll be a stay-at-home mom. Maybe I’ll have had five more kids. For me, it’s less about my circumstances and more about my perspective: Have a good attitude and enjoy your life.”

For more from Kristen, go to Natural Health

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That didn’t work, did it? You groaning? Sorry.

Jennifer Lawless was photographed in Boston yesterday on the set of Joy, her latest collaboration with David O. Russell. The last two times she worked with him she was nominated for Oscars. You think this will be three?

Well not this year…      


Salma Hayek covers the new issue of The Edit (I guess Anna Kendrick was last week’s?!). The editorial is… uninspired. And I’m saying that as someone who genuinely thinks Salma Hayek is one of the most beautiful and photogenic women in the world. The photoshoot is not up to The Edit’s usual standards, let’s just say that. But the interview… the interview is full of interesting quotes, half of which I don’t even believe. Salma tries to convince us that she’s only recently started working out for the first time. She also tries to convince us that she had no idea her now-husband Francois-Henri Pinault was one of the most eligible men in Europe. Yes, it’s going to be that kind of day. You can see the full Edit piece here, and here are some highlights:

She only recently started exercising: “I never exercised my whole life, but now I do yoga. I was always borderline chubby, because I like my food and, frankly, I like my wine. I have to say, I’m pushing 50 but I feel great. I looked worse in my youth! I’m in good shape right now.”

Her career at 48: “This is by far the busiest I have been in my life. The funny thing is that I really don’t even understand how [it all] came about. Maybe because when you don’t want something as much, you’re not desperate…You will see some of the best work of my life this year, because I’ve had the opportunity… If you think about it, I’m limited by the way I talk and by the way I look. I’m 48 years old. Amazing, talented people [stop finding work] at 32, 33 sometimes! Not so much in London, but in the US it’s crazy. Also, for those who have never seen me in person…I’m quite short. I have an overly… wavy body. I’m not like the girl next door who is easy to cast. I don’t fit into any of the stereotypes of a woman that should continue to work. I don’t know what it is, but I don’t think it has anything to do with planning. It has something to do with karma, maybe. I believe in karma.”

She wasn’t a fashionista before she met Pinault: “I wasn’t a fashionista. I was surrounded by fashionistas who made fun of me because I didn’t care. And when I started going out with François, they said, ‘How did you of all people land this guy? You don’t care about fashion.’ And I said, ‘You know what? That was probably refreshing.’”

Her husband is ballsy: “But he is kind, too. He’s not a bully.”

Her tips to a happy marriage: “You’re going to laugh… Find the right guy! That is the key, and it’s so hard because there are so few of them. It’s very important that they support you. They should never make you feel bad or insecure. What’s important in a marriage is generosity, thoughtfulness, thinking of the other person all of the time… Spend quality time together. And don’t forget over the years.”

[From The Edit]

As many of you pointed out, Salma does seem to have given herself over to the life of a pampered trophy wife, although I do believe she’s probably working pretty consistently these days, so it’s not all hair appointments, shopping and bon-bons. That being said, I think she’s lying about not being a fashionista, not knowing that Pinault was a major catch and not exercising until recently. But why is she lying about that stuff?

In an interesting aside, she was asked about diversity in the Oscars and she listed several prominent Mexican filmmakers working today, all of them acclaimed and Oscar-nominated. She sounds genuinely proud of their work, but I found it interesting that for Salma, the question of “diversity” is answered by listing Latin-American filmmakers, not any diversity in other minorities. That’s not a slam on Salma at all, I’m just pointing out that directors like Alfonso Cuaron, Alejandro Inarritu and more have been having a really good run.

Photos courtesy of WENN, The Edit.



Here are some photos of Stephen Colbert at last night’s US-Ireland Aliiance’s Oscar Wilde Awards event at J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot offices. As you can see, Colbert debuted a bushy, silver Colbeard. It is glorious!!! Colbert now reminds me of that sexy beast (to me!) John Slattery. Of course, the silver beard also ages him – it wasn’t until just this very minute that I realized that Colbert is actually 50 YEARS OLD. I thought he was maybe early 40s. He’s a handsome man and without the beard, he could easily pass for someone a decade younger. Colbert spoke to The Daily Beast:

“I have not allowed this to happen to my face since college because I’ve been working professionally pretty constantly since then,” he explained to The Daily Beast. “I have like nine months where nobody has to see me so I said, ‘I wonder what I look like?’”

The Colbeard was an instant hit on the red carpet. “In a pre-industrial stainless steel razor’s edge society, this is what I would have looked like all the time,” he said. It’s almost Clooney-esque, I offer.

“You know what? I was too humble to drop the C-word, but I’m gonna say Clooneyesque right now—and I’m only echoing you,” he smiled.

“As a performer I’m jonesing. I haven’t been onstage in two months,” he said. “My show ended two months ago and technically, for the record, I’m not in character. This is me. It turns out the real Stephen Colbert had a beard the whole time, I was just so deeply in character for ten years you didn’t notice. That’s how good of an actor I am.”

[From The Daily Beast]

Colbert also joked about his Irish heritage and “coming out of the closet” as an Irishman after years of pretending to be French. He still has months to go before taking over The Late Show. It really seems like we’re going through a major comedy transition these days. Who will see us through the 2016 election cycle? Will it be Colbert? Will it be John Oliver? WHO?!


Photos courtesy of WENN.


Kat Dennings

I don’t watch 2 Broke Girls. As I understand it, this show is notorious for its bad taste. The writers delight in racist remarks and even rape jokes. There’s a running joke about the girls’ Asian boss and how funny it is that he’s short and cannot pronounce Rs correctly. They mock rap culture because broken English is somehow hilarious. It’s one of those shows that believes anything “offensive” must automatically be funny. The Guardian has long called the show “so racist it’s baffling.” What’s worse is that the show is so widely watched that it’s now in the fourth season.

The show moved on to poking fun at indigenous Australians. The episode, which already aired in the US, played down under last night. The joke people are talking about involved Han (the Asian character) musing about online dating. He remarked about a potential candidate: “She’s part Aboriginal but has a great personality.” Twitter is on fire with the #2BrokeGirls hashtag, and the Aussie media is really upset:

Australian fans of the American comedy show 2 Broke Girls responded in uproar over the racist joke about Indigenous Australians.

During the season four episode, titled And the Fun Factory, a male character is shown chatting up an Australian woman online before explaining, “She’s part Aboriginal but has a great personality,” to a friend.

Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Reddit have been swamped with angry people, and those defending the racial slur joke.

“How dare you make such a racist disgusting joke about Aboriginals. If it had been said about an African American it would never have made it to screen. Not impressed!” wrote an Adelaide-based fan posted to the show’s Facebook page.

“So, I like your show, but as an Aussie viewer, I was a little shocked by the ‘she’s half Aboriginal, but she has a great personality’ line. Being politically incorrect for the sake of comedy is one thing. But the only punchline of THAT joke is ‘aboriginal women are all ugly’. It was racist. It was clearly intended to be ironic, or ‘so racist it’s funny’. But it was not funny,” wrote another.

[From Sydney Morning Herald]

The article quotes showrunner Michael Patrick King, who (in 2012) defended the show’s offensiveness because the jokes are a hit. “People pull away from something if it’s not in good taste. More and more people are leaning in to 2 Broke Girls. It is ballsy. It is right in your face, and hopefully funny.” I don’t know how a show can claim to be funny when it heavily relies on a laugh track, but — ugh — people do tune in.

This was a dumb joke and the laziest form of humor. A casual remark by one of the show’s racist characters, which meant to incite controversy against another race. Why do people reward this nonsense by watching it?

Kat Dennings

Poster & promotional photos courtesy of CBS



Whatever we may think of it, Fifty Shades of Grey is an unqualified hit, with $300 million at the worldwide box office and counting. In some respects, that’s a good thing: A movie by women, about women, for women is a monster success. Every time we clock a win like this, it gets that much h…      


Hugh Grant is in NYC to promote his latest movie, The Rewrite, which is probably another mediocre but not outright awful vehicle. On Wednesday night, he appeared on Watch What Happens Live, which is increasingly becoming a go-to stop on so many actors’ promotional trails. I’m not sure how I feel about that! But Hugh was actually somewhat charming. It was during the “Plead the Fifth” part of the show that Hugh made the most news:

First question: Andy Cohen asked Hugh when he last watch p0rn. Hugh said: “I’m rather proud of this. About three years. I went cold turkey… I now have three children, so I think there’s a correlation.” Yes, he does have three children. With two different women, with their pregnancies overlapping. Classic. And is “cold turkey” a weird kind of fancy p0rn? Because he’s totally still watching p0rn.

Cohen also asked him about his 11-year relationship with Elizabeth Hurley back in the day, when they were one of the hottest British couples in the world. The question was “Why didn’t it work out?” and Hugh thinks for a moment and says, “It did. She’s still my best friend. The sex bit probably fizzled out, but now she’s my absolute best friend. [She’s] the number one person I call in a crisis.”

Then Sarah Jessica Parker called in and asked him who he would prefer not to work with again and Hugh had to plead the fifth. It seemed like Hugh and SJP were very awkward with each other, but he apparently does like her, so it’s not like he was going to say “I would prefer to never work with SJP again.” He actually listed his favorite leading ladies as SJP, Sandra Bullock and Marisa Tomei. Besides, in another part of the show, he said that he doesn’t stay in touch with Julia Roberts and that’s because “I’ve probably made too many jokes about the size of her mouth. She might hate me by now.” He made a joke about how he “was aware of a faint echo” as he kissed Julia but, “She is actually… she was great and very, very beautiful.”

Oh, and Hugh also talked about Jon Stewart. A few months ago, Stewart said Hugh was the worst guest he’s ever had. Hugh said on WWHL: “He wasn’t entirely wrong. I did have a tantrum backstage. About once a year, I have a really mega tantrum and sadly he witnessed one. So, he’s absolutely right…I get very annoyed when people think that I’m sort of nice or diffident or [a] polite English gentleman — all those phrases make me gnash my teeth. I’m a nasty piece of work and I think people should know that. It’s enraging.”

Photos courtesy of WENN.


After screening at Sundance, HBO has released the first trailer for Going Clear, the documentary about Scientology. There are no faces. Just voices. And reviews from major media outlets. And images of… machinery. Machines for minds. Machines for brainwashing?

And words like the ones in…      


Earlier this week, Bedhead covered some of dispute between Tyga, Kylie Jenner, Amber Rose, Khloe Kardashian, Jonathan Cheban and whoever else is in that same orbit. Long story short, Amber Rose gave an interview about how Tyga shouldn’t be hooking up with 17-year-old Kylie Jenner, and then Amber and Khloe got into it on Twitter. I’ve read stories that Kim Kardashian asked Khloe to cool it and just ignore Amber, because Amber might know some dirty secrets about Kanye and Kim, although I think the only “secret” Amber really has about them is that Kim cheated on various boyfriends/husbands with Kanye while Kanye was with Amber.

Cut to today, when Kanye West did an interview with Power 105.1’s The Breakfast Club. He ended up chatting about the Amber Rose situation, Beck and a lot more. Some highlights:

Kanye on Amber Rose’s tweets & comments: “She’s just soaking in the moment. If Kim had dated me when I wanted, there would be no Amber Rose… It’s very hard for a woman to want to be with someone that’s with Amber Rose…I had to take 30 showers before I got with Kim.”

Kanye on Tyga and Kylie: “I think he got in early. I think he was smart. They closer in age than a lot of relationships I know.”

On Kim’s relationship with Beyonce and Jay-Z: “Naw they love each other, they respect each other. When Beyoncé’s working on an album, she has a picture of Kim on the wall” because she represents powerful women, and Kim is always playing Beyoncé’s song “7/11,” he said.

Why he’s stayed quiet about Ferguson: “My dad e-mailed me and told me to stay out of it, that’s my only parent, so I have to listen to him. … I think he was trying to be protective of his son. I can’t run in front of every bullet…I’m always gon’ talk about what’s going on, like Marvin Gaye said.”

On Beck & the Grammys: “The other day I went to dinner and sat down with Taylor Swift. Ironically, they were playing the Beck album. I was like, ‘Man, this is kind of good. I ain’t gonna lie.’ I bet you that album is really good. I’m going to listen to that album and maybe it was potentially Album of the Year. I got his number, I was supposed to call but I keep forgetting.”

[From BET]

He said a lot more about Beck, like Beck should be thanking him for making Beck’s Album of the Year win a bigger story. Like, Kanye thinks if he hadn’t been such an a—hole, Beck wouldn’t have gotten the press he got post-Grammys. Which is kind of true.

As for the Amber Rose stuff… not classy. Not nice. It’s all pretty trashy, actually. I think this is sort of funny/mean: “If Kim had dated me when I wanted, there would be no Amber Rose.” Further proof that Kanye wanted to date Kim a really long time ago.


Photos courtesy of WENN.


CaCee Cobb: Dressed In Denim

Feb 20, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
EXCLUSIVE: CaCee Cobb steps out to grab some lunch in Los Angeles

A radiant CaCee Cobb stepped out for lunch in Los Angeles, Calif. last week. Donning a light blue maxi maternity dress, the expectant mom, 37, accessorized with flip flops and shades.

On Thursday (February 19), the mom-to-be was dressed in a denim top and black leggings while walking with an empty box outside a post office in L.A.

Cobb – who is Jessica Simpson’s BFF – and her husband, The Exes star Donald Faison, are expecting their second child. They are already parents to 18-month-old son Rocco.

Faison is also dad to Kobe, 12, twins Dade and Kaya, 14, and Sean, 17, from prior relationships.

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EXCLUSIVE: CaCee Cobb steps out to grab some lunch in Los Angeles
EXCLUSIVE: CaCee Cobb steps out to grab some lunch in Los Angeles
EXCLUSIVE: Pregnant CaCee Cobb picks up an empty carton from the post office in LA
EXCLUSIVE: Pregnant CaCee Cobb picks up an empty carton from the post office in LA
EXCLUSIVE: Pregnant CaCee Cobb picks up an empty carton from the post office in LA

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