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The MTV Movie Awards, hosted by Amy Schumer, are coming up. MTV has just announced that the Trailblazer Award will be presented to Shailene Woodley.


They just invented this award in 2012:
“The MTV Trailblazer Award recipient spearheads the way for others that work in th…      


If Pam Grier and Farrah Fawcett had a baby, it would look like Taraji P. Henson on this cover of Uptown. So much REALNESS. Anyway, I love Taraji. I loved her before Cookie on Empire and I’ll love her after. She’s amazing and beautiful and funny. It’s such a pleasure to see someone I’ve always liked and enjoyed blow up to be part of a cultural-phenomenon show like Empire. In Uptown, Taraji talks about riding this crazy wave of success and why her college-aged son is transferring to an all-black college. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

The success of Empire: “This is the happiest I’ve ever been in my career…I played a lot of characters that could’ve been borderline stereotypical women, but my job as an actress is to make the audience understand and empathize with the people. Cookie is a lot. She wears me out but I know this woman. I’ve done my research inside and out. I took Cookie from Lee and made her my own.”

She’s not about awards: “Right now, the hype is great. I hope that now, because of my name, people are starting to connect the dots. But for me, it’s not about awards because that’s so political, so finicky. Yes, having that beautiful trophy is a great accomplishment, but that doesn’t alter how I’m gonna move in this industry. I just put my knuckles to the wall and I work.”

All of the African-American women on TV these days: “It feels good that there’s not just one black person. I don’t like that we get fixated on one or two at a time, or three at a time. If you look at Caucasian Hollywood, every year there’s a handful of new faces you’ve never seen before, then after that, they got five movies coming out and they’re introducing you to more talent. So I’m just so happy to see what’s happening on television right now. We have options and that’s how it should be.”

On not comparing herself to other actresses: “If you don’t stay in your lane and you start looking around, you’ll go crazy. I use to have this crazy thing with Amy Adams, and I love Amy Adams. You see her [consistently] getting nominated, as she should, because Amy does good work. But, it’s like, ‘Well, I did good work too.’ But if you choose to stay in that place then you become miserable. It’s a pity party and nobody cares. I’m human, so I’ve done it. But I check that because it’s ego and it’s the devil.”

Her 20-year-old son Marcel: “My child has been racially profiled. He was in Glendale, California and did exactly everything the cops told him to do, including letting them illegally search his car. It was bogus because they didn’t give him the ticket for what he was pulled over for. Then he’s at University of Southern California, the school that I was going to transfer him to, when police stopped him for having his hands in his pockets. So guess where he’s going? Howard University. I’m not paying $50K so I can’t sleep at night wondering is this the night my son is getting racially profiled on campus.”

[From Uptown]

When Taraji talks about her career and how long it’s taken her to get to this point, she does remind me a bit of Viola Davis. I find Viola to be an inspirational person, but Viola is very sober and serious about the struggle whereas I think Taraji does see the glass as half-full. I mean, Taraji has worked consistently in film and TV for decades. She was always able to work, and she’s grateful for that. But she’s come into her own after decades and she’s enjoying it without reservations.

As for Taraji’s story about her son… well, she’s from Washington, DC. And she transferred into Howard when she was Marcel’s age too. I don’t doubt that her son was racially profiled or that he was stopped by the police for being black, but I kind of wonder if she always wanted Marcel to go to Howard in the first place. Plus, Howard University is an excellent school across the board.

View image | gettyimages.com

Photos courtesy of Getty, Uptown.


Shailene Woodley in Insurgent movie review

Mar 23, 2015 Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

This may be the most challenging review I’ve ever written. For one thing, YA dystopia stories are not my bag. For another, I have neither read nor seen Divergent, so I’m walking into this franchise blind, as it were. And finally, Insurgent isn’t a real movie, so I’m not su…      

Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell is promoting his new comedy, Get Hard. The movie’s trailer reveals this to be yet another “raunchy” Ferrell comedy. He plays a hedge fund manager who gets framed for fraud. Facing a 10-year prison sentence, Ferrell’s desperate character randomly hires Kevin Hart’s character to train him for prison survival. The film’s humor is supposed to be in the pretext — that any guy played by Kevin Hart would be an ex-con (even though he’s not). Ferrell says that this assumption acts as a timely commentary upon society.

Ferrell has some new interviews, including a reader Q&A with the New York Times. One reader asked Will what he thought of the “frat hate” after OU’s Sigma Alpha Epsilon racist fraternity video scandal (and its fallout). It’s an interesting question for this actor. When I close my eyes and think of the words “fraternity brother,” the first person to pop into my mind is Will Ferrell (closely followed by Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller). Ferrell’s the informal leader of the the Frat Pack; he’s played the same fratty persona in several movies. Will was/is a real-life Delta Tau Delta frat boy. He attended the University of Southern California and participated in Greek life. Will says things are different now:

Are fraternities still worth it? “The incident in Oklahoma, that is a real argument for getting rid of the system altogether, in my opinion, even having been through a fraternity. Because when you break it down, it really is about creating cliques and clubs and being exclusionary. Fraternities were started as academic societies that were supposed to have a philanthropic arm to them. And when it’s governed by those kind of rules, then they’re still beneficial. But you gotta be careful. I was lucky in that the one I was in, we were really kind of the anti-fraternity fraternity. We were considered good enough to get the exchanges with the good sororities. We couldn’t get anyone to vote on anything, but if you needed 40 guys to show up and build a 20-foot-tall papier-mache version of the Matterhorn, we were there and ready. But we didn’t take it too seriously. It was just about having fun. But I think it’s an interesting dilemma for universities these days.”

On Get Hard: “Adam McKay had this idea of, what would it be like if you got the news you were going to prison. What would you possibly try to do? And it was Kevin’s name that came up as the perfect guy to put me through my paces. I felt so sensitive to Kevin’s feelings as an African American. ‘Is this line good here?’ And Kevin would be like, ‘Oh, this is fantastic.’ That’s what we’re excited about in this movie, that it’s a vulgar comedy and really goes for it. But at the same time, we’re getting to comment on what’s going on and it could not be more timely for this movie to come out.”

[From New York Times & New York Daily News]

In the NYT interview, Will confirms that Ron Burgundy will always be his favorite character to play. What he says about fraternities makes sense, although boorish, racist behavior isn’t new to Greek life at all. Not every fraternity or sorority acts that way. I don’t think universities are willing to say goodbye to all that alumni money either.

Will Ferrell

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, DreamWorks Pictures & WENN



Actor vs Director blind riddle

Mar 23, 2015 Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

An acclaimed actor. And an acclaimed director. A director with a huge ego, recently made even bigger, and his acclaimed friends are pricks too, so it’s not like there’s anyone around to check his behaviour… until he took it a step too far with someone who has some experience with kn…      

HOME Special Screening

I keep seeing the TV commercials for Home, the new Dreamworks animated film, and I’m just like… eh? I can see why it made sense on paper to have a cute little girl (voiced by Rihanna) traveling home with the help of some kind of helper robot or something (voiced by Jim Parsons), but the commercials just make the film seem like there was some trouble from script to screen. Maybe I’m a bad judge though – I’m sure Home will make a bajillion dollars.

Anyway, these are some photos from yesterday afternoon’s family-friendly premiere in Westwood. Jennifer Lopez – who voices a character AND contributes songs for the film – brought her kids, Max and Emme. J.Lo also wore this Zuhair Murad dress which… eh. I don’t really like it but I think we should give her credit for wearing something cutesy to a kids’ movie premiere. She’s not showing a lot of skin, which is probably the point. Also: her hair looks terrible!! And the heels are Christian Louboutin’s Follies Strass.

Guess who else was there to support J.Lo? That’s right, her on-again boyfriend Casper Smart. In interview after interview for MONTHS, Jennifer has been saying that she’s single. And the whole time, I’m pretty sure she’s been seeing Casper on the DL, because that’s just who she is. Hey, at least she’s ashamed (she should be). But I hate that she feels comfortable enough to bring him to her premiere.


Meanwhile, the star of the film, Rihanna, came out in this very sweet Dior gown. I like that she’s covered up too, although I think her makeup is a bit too dark. On the whole, this is very Dior-princess though. I could see Felicity Jones in this dress too. (No comment on the bangs because I’m pretty sure they’re just clip-in.)



And here’s Viola Davis with her daughter Genesis. Genesis is getting so big!! I think V and Genesis just wanted to see this movie, Viola doesn’t have a voice part.


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
HOME Special Screening


Zoe Saldana & Twins: “Lazy Sunday”

Mar 23, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

Guardians of the Galaxy star Zoe Saldana shared an updated photo of her 3-month-old twin sons, Cy and Bowie, via Instagram Sunday.

“Lazy Sunday with our tooshie boys watching #Annie —– Domingo de vagos viendo #annie con nuestros #bambinos,” she captioned the image.

The new mom recently dished on the Dolce & Gabbana controversy.

Recently, the company’s founders, Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana said that they oppose gay adoptions and IVF treatments.

While many other celebrities are boycotting them, Saldana doesn’t see why that would affect her feelings on the brand.

“No! Not at all, that would be the stupidest thing if it affected my fashion choice,” she told E! News at the 2015 GLAAD Media Awards in Los Angeles on Saturday. “People are allowed to their own opinion, however, I wouldn’t have chosen to be so public about something that’s such a personal thing.”

“I’m certainly not going to stop wearing Dolce, and I’m certainly not going to be refuting when they are adopting synthetic children, however they wanted to say it,” Saldana continued. “I do think things are lost in translation.”

In the original Italian interview, Dolce (who is gay himself) said, “You are born to be a mother or a father. Or at least that’s how it should be. I call chemistry, synthetic children. Rented wombs, semen chosen from a catalog.”

Several celebrities has spoken out on the controversial topic since Sir Elton John asked for a boycott against the brand.

Check out the supportive tweets from fellow celebrity parents such as Victoria Beckham, Ricky Martin and Ryan Murphy.



Intellectually, I know why AMC and Matthew Weiner wanted to split up the final season of Mad Men, but I can’t help but think that they actually let it wait for too long. It feels like it’s been YEARS since we saw the first half of the final season, and I can barely remember what happened ahead the final episodes. The last half of the last season premieres on April 5th. Less than two weeks away!

I’m sure the Mad Men epitaphs and think-pieces will be flowing like water in the coming weeks, which is probably why they held a big premiere event last night in NYC. These are the photos from the premiere, although it doesn’t look like Kiernan Skipka made it out. Nor did Vincent Kartheiser. Damn, does Pete Campbell die?! I’m sure these photos will accompany at least a dozen pieces about the end of Mad Men. What did it all mean? Does Dick Whitman still exist, or was he drowned in a vat of liquor? Was it always really Peggy’s story and not Don Draper’s? Does Charles Manson kill Megan Draper? If you’re really a Mad Men-aholic, THR did a cover story on the show a few weeks ago – go here to read.

As you can see, all of the actors finished with Mad Men months ago. They’re already moving on, emotionally and physically. Christina Hendricks and Elisabeth Moss have both lightened their hair, to varying degrees of success. I think Moss looks better with lighter hair, while I find Christina’s lighter strawberry blonde shade to be very disconcerting. January Jones had pink hair a few weeks ago, but I guess it washed out because she looks the same as usual here. January’s dress is Preen. Elisabeth wore J.Mendel. Christina wore… I don’t have the ID, but it looks like Vivienne Westwood to me.

I’m also including photos of Jon Hamm and Jon Slattery. I can’t help it, I love both of them. If it’s between Roger and Don, I have to admit… I kind of hope Don dies. I don’t want to live in a world where Roger isn’t making pithy, sarcastic observations.


Photos courtesy of WENN.


The final episodes of Mad Men will begin airing on April 5 on AMC. Are you ready? They’re calling it The End Of An Era and it really does feel like it. Don Draper made Walter White possible. Mad Men brought down hemlines. Mad Men’s influence on television, its contribution to the &ldq…      

Vin Diesel Names Daughter After Paul Walker

Mar 23, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

In honor of Paul Walker, new dad-of-three Vin Diesel has named his newborn daughter after the late actor.

During a Monday appearance on TODAY, the Furious 7 star, 47, shared the details.

“I named her Pauline,” the actor shared. “It felt like, you know, a way to keep his memory a part of my family and a part of my world.”

The spiritual star went on to talk about the touching tribute to his longtime friend.

“He was in the room [when she was born]. There’s no other person that I was thinking about as I was cutting this umbilical cord. I just … knew he was there,” Diesel said. “It felt like a way to keep his memory a part of my family and a part of my world.”

Diesel and his model girlfriend, Paloma Jiménez, 31, welcomed their third child earlier this month.

The actor announced the birth by posting the first photo of his newborn via Facebook.

Baby Pauline joins big brother Vincent Sinclair, 4½, and sister Hania Riley, 6½.

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