Here are photos of Jennifer Lawrence outside the NYC screening of Serena. She wore a Dior couture mini-dress with side cutouts. I like the sparkly, striped top and the shape of the skirt, but the skirt’s fabric is fussy and fug. JLaw switched outfits for the afterparty, where she wore a black Helmut Lang dress that looked like a drawstring nightie. Her makeup looks nice, and her hair is growing out. This is also a rare public appearance. Jennifer skipped Paris fashion week for her Joy duties in Boston. I hope there haven’t been any more David O. Russell screaming matches, but he’s probably watching his mouth for now.
I have no idea why Magnolia Pictures held a Serena screening. The film’s already available on VOD and earned a dismal 24% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The studio trotted JLaw and Bradley Cooper out for this event anyway. This is their third movie together (and Joy will be their fourth), so Us Weekly asked the duo about their chemistry:
“Honestly, it’s just happenstance,” Cooper said of working so often with Lawrence. “We both got cast in Silver Linings, and she was going to this other movie and the role was open and so that worked out.”
The party took place at the Top of the Standard where guests sipped Belvedere cocktails — named Mountain Moonshine and Pemberton’s Punch, in keeping with the plot of the film.
After their chemistry in Silver Linings Playbook proved to be potent — the film earned Cooper an Oscar nomination and Lawrence a win — they decided to keep it up.
“I respect her so much as a professional, as an actor, and I think she’s the best there is,” the newly single actor said. “I just learn from her. You always want to work with people who are better than you.”
“And I feel the same way about him,” Lawrence added. And though they both cop to being each other’s work spouses, the Dior spokesmodel assured Us that there is “no sex!” in their relationship.
[From Us Weekly]
I doubt there’s ever been any romantic feelings between these two, but since Bradley just broke up with Suki Waterhouse, those old rumors will probably start up again. Is JLaw still with Chris Martin? Who knows. Bradley really likes being in a relationship because he’s very conscious about dating gossip. Now that we know BCoop doesn’t mind going young, he can’t use his fatherly excuse anymore. And he can’t joke about JLaw’s crotch without people drawing conclusions. So I expect Bradley to find a new girlfriend soon. Because with grins like these, gossip is bound to happen.
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Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News & Fame/Flynet
Have you been on recently? I do have to give Gwyneth Paltrow and Team Goop some credit, the site is a lot prettier, user-friendly and faster nowadays. Gwyneth hired several proper lifestyle professionals to run Goop, which is why the site seems so much fancier these days. But what that also means is that we’re sometimes missing the personal touch. It used to be that Gwyneth wrote some of the content of her newsletters, or that you could really feel her hand guiding Goop towards her (elite) interests. But these days, we rarely get personal introductions signed by Gwyneth.
What does that have to do with anything? Well, some people are trying to make a new Goop post – “10 Ways to Have a Pain-Free Pregnancy” – into some kind of “Oh, Gwyneth” eye-roll. But here’s the thing: I kind of doubt she wrote it. She might have approved it, but I seriously doubt she wrote it. Anyway, would you like to know Gwyneth’s tips to have a pain-free pregnancy? #1: Be rich. #2: No, seriously, be rich and don’t have a real job where it would be frowned upon if you doused yourself head-to-toe in almond oil and got on all fours (or maybe your boss is into that). Goop’s Guide To Elite Pregnancy (you can read the full piece here). Here are my comments on Goop’s advice.
Don’t massage your lower back. Because of nerve endings or whatever. Just pay someone to massage your butt muscles. And sleep on your side.
Douse yourself in almond oil. Put lots on your stomach, thighs and boobs.
Get reflexology on your feet. Do not get foot massages, get reflexology. But never let anyone near your ankles.
Spend a lot of time on all fours, because it relieves the pressure.
Spend a lot of time in water, be it a bathtub, pool or ocean.
Try to only gain 2.2 pounds a month, you fat peasant.
Eat a lot of bananas, “steel cut oats, brown rice or grapefruit” because you’re probably constipated. Drink warm water with lemon. And lots of ginger tea.
Do NOT eat cow’s milk diary, fatty meats, pork, roasted peanuts and peanut butter. Also avoid fruit juices like orange juice and tomato juice, all wheat, sugar and sweeteners.
Don’t get stressed out. Meditate and take a lot of naps.
Have a birth plan but give yourself a break if you want an epidural or whatever.
[Paraphrased From Goop]
I’m sure most of this is good advice for pregnant ladies, but I rolled my eyes at the diet restrictions. I know she means well, but she can’t help but create a long list of food that you’re never supposed to eat. And of course, after telling you all of the food you’re supposed to never touch and basically calling you a fat peasant if you dare to gain three pounds a month, she then gently reminds you not to get stressed out. Here’s a perfect solution to avoid a stressed-out pregnancy: have fun, get as much sleep as possible and eat what your body is telling you to eat. If you want a donut, don’t feel bad. If you want a steak, go ahead. You’re growing a human, which means if you want a steak with a donut chaser, that’s what you should have.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Breaking Hunterbatch news! Benedict Cumberbatch’s knocked up bride Sophie Hunter has a feature in the April issue of Vogue. American Vogue, not Vogue UK!! We should have guessed (and I think I did guess) that this would happen when Sophie sat front row with Anna Wintour at the Valentino show in late January.
Right now, Vogue hasn’t officially released their feature, so this is just a preview of coming attractions. My guess? One photo of Sophie, perhaps wearing Valentino or maybe even Erdem, and maybe a 400-word write up? We do know the name of the profile… “The Divine Mrs. Cumberbatch.” Gag. I’m sorry. But… ugh. This is like the budget-‘Batch version of George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin. Everyone is falling all over themselves to talk about how amazing it is that Benedict found his “equal.” Someone Vogue-worthy. Someone chic, fashionable, and “age appropriate.”
Speaking of, The Daily Telegraph (Australia) had a short column this weekend from a Cumberbitch. She talked about how amazing it is that Bendy married someone “accomplished, mature (36 to his 38) and for all intents and purposes, an intelligent human being…There is something incredibly sexy about a man who marries a smart, successful woman.” You can read it here. The truth is that I like the simple fact that Benedict went with a woman who is basically his age and the same kind of education and family background too. But I also think we’re being sold this grand love story when the truth of the matter is that she got knocked up when they had only been dating a few months and everything got pulled together very quickly.
Oh, and some Cumberbitches are trying to create a conspiracy theory about the Vogue feature, like Sophie was supposed to get a cover or something. I doubt it. Really. I think it’s a coup that she got a feature in American Vogue simply for getting knocked up by and married to Benedict. A feature in Vogue UK? Sure. But American Vogue? That shows you how much Anna Wintour likes Benedict.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
Serena Williams covers the April issue of Vogue Magazine, “The Shape Issue.” Annie Leibovitz shot the cover. Thoughts? There is a lot of online debate as to whether this is brilliantly “undone” or just not “Vogue” enough. I tend to like it, but then I appreciate the fact that Anna Wintour put one of the greatest athletes of all time on the cover, and that the athlete happens to be a black woman and a curvy and physically strong woman. I’m fine with the “undone” no-makeup sort of look and her wonderful hair, I just sort of wish they had put Serena in a different dress because this Rag & Bone sheath is kind of meh.
As for the article, it’s pretty cute actually – you can read the full thing here. While Serena got the cover, the article is all about her friendship with Caroline Wozniacki and how they’re BFFs for life and Caroline is photographed and interviewed extensively too. Apparently, Serena helped Caroline through her broken engagement to Rory McIlroy (Serena had even planned the bachelorette party). The article ends up being a great glimpse of two warrior-athletes on the court who can maintain a very real, authentic friendship off the court. Some assorted quotes:
Serena on female friendships: “Let’s just put an end to this myth that women players cannot be friends. We can!”
Beating Maria Sharapova in Australia: “I was really calm and positive. I knew I couldn’t get crazy on the court. I have done everything I wanted to do in tennis. There’s nothing missing, so all I have to do is go out there and do what I do best.”
She’s not the same person off the court: “On the court, I am fierce! I am mean and I am tough. I am completely opposite off the court. My confidence just isn’t the same. I wish I was more like I am on the court. Nobody would know that I am constantly crying or complaining.”
Serena on being #1: “It’s hard and lonely at the top. That’s why it’s so fun to have Caroline and my sister, too. You’re a target when you’re number one. Everyone wants to beat you. Everyone talks behind your back, and you get a lot more criticism. God forbid I lose. It’s like ‘Why?’ Well, I am human. There are always people who aren’t going to like you. Look at Jesus; there are people who didn’t like him.” [Caroline says, “Wait, are you comparing yourself to Jesus?”] Serena Says: “Oh, God, no, I am far from it. As everyone knows. But as a Christian, I do try to be Christlike.”
Whether Serena wants to start a family: “I guess. I’m not even looking for it.”
[From Vogue]
After reading the full piece, I do think Caroline and Serena’s relationship is really sweet and cute. Serena seems very kind to Caroline, like she sees her as a younger sister. I do think that it’s probably a great thing for young girls to see – that you can be one of the greatest athletes in the world and still be friends with your competition. Except, somewhat hilariously, Serena doesn’t have this kind of relationship with another one of her main competitors, Maria Sharapova. I’ve heard that Maria and Serena have nothing but shade for each other.
Photos courtesy of Annie Leibovitz/VOGUE and WENN.
This is a photo of Rob Kardashian with Kim in 2009. They look so different! Kim’s butt was smaller than her rack. We haven’t talked about sock mogul Rob in a long time. He turned into a recluse after bailing on the Kimye wedding last May. His family (all except for Kim) and friends worried about him, and he deleted his social media content. We heard Rob was abusing Sizzurp. The guy is a real mess. I do feel bad for him, but I think he’d be as superficial as his family if his ongoing weight struggle didn’t bother him.
Rob and Kim haven’t gotten along in quite some time. Kim is not sympathetic towards Rob and believes he brings down the family name. He probably bailed on her (third) wedding because she bashed his weight. There’s no love lost between them.
Something happened yesterday. Rob seemingly broke his radio silence and Instagrammed a graphic screenshot from the movie Gone Girl. The picture shows a bloodied Amy Dunne and could be considered a spoiler (for the 5 people who haven’t seen the movie). I’m including the photo at the bottom of this post. Rob added the caption, “This is my sister kim , the bitch from Gone Girl,,,” It’s funny. Rob’s comparing Kim to a selfish, sociopathic beast who stops at nothing to achieve her own twisted ideals. But he’s giving Kim too much credit. She’s not an accomplished schemer like Amy. Kim simply made her “movie” at the right time and arrived at the height of selfie madness. The Kardashians are successful for a reason, but they didn’t plan it out.
More male Kardashian news. Scott Disick’s Costa Rican rehab stint will end prematurely. Scott was supposed to stick around for three weeks, but he’s leaving momentarily because his work schedule is so busy.
Here’s the picture Rob Instagrammed yesterday.
This is my sister kim , the bitch from Gone Girl,,,
A photo posted by ROBERT KARDASHIAN (@robkardashian) on Mar 22, 2015 at 10:38am PDT
Photos courtesy of Rob Kardashian on Instagram, Fame/Flynet & WENN
Christian Bale and his incredibly ripped arms pushed a baby carriage through the New Orleans airport on Saturday. He’s in town to shoot The Big Short. At first I didn’t recognize him at all! Bale’s hair has grown a lot since the disastrous Exodus promotional tour, and he put on a lot of muscle very quickly. This is one of Bale’s very favorite things to do — gain or lose weight in between movie shoots. He snaps when people comment on his weight fluctuations, but Bale willingly transforms his body for movies all the time. The look is much more preferable than his dangerously skinny bod of yesteryear. Are you impressed with Bale’s new guns? I’d hit it.
Here’s the strange thing — Bale doesn’t need to be ripped at all for The Big Short. The movie, which will co-star Brad Pitt, Steve Carell, and Ryan Gosling, arrives with the following synopsis: “The men who made millions from a global economic meltdown.” The story comes from the book of the same name. Bale plays Dr. Michael Burry, a former neurologist and hedge-fund mastermind who suffers from Asperger’s syndrome. Vanity Fair published an engrossing profile of Burry in 2010 – you can see a photo of him at the link. He’s an attractive guy but not the buff type. Up next, Bale plays a detective in The Deep Blue Good-By, which doesn’t sound like a muscly role either. So what’s up with the new weightlifting routine, Bale?
What’s even more confusing are the first set photos from The Big Short. The stylists covered up Bale’s muscles, made him wear an awful, short wig, and piled on the orange makeup. The results are … not good.
Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News & Fame/Flynet
Gina Rodriguez, 30, really made an impression this awards season when she took home the first Golden Globe ever awarded to a CW show for her work on “Jane The Virgin”. She was so well spoken and gracious. She talked about how her parents supported her dreams and said that her award “represents a culture that wants to see themselves as heroes.” We also saw Gina at various events and awards, including the Oscars, Grammys and People’s Choice Awards, which left me wondering where she’s been all along. She’s an up and coming actress, but it all seemed like old hat to her.
In a new interview with People Magazine, Gina talked about the fact that Latinas are underrepresented on television. She said she’s made it her mission to change that.
On not seeing Latina women on television
“Growing up, I had these fierce women in my life who were kicking ass, but I never saw them represented onscreen, the [role models I saw on TV] weren’t ever the color of myself or my siblings. I realized: Changing that is my mission.”
On being told she doesn’t fit the mold
“I always knew I’d have a different journey because I didn’t look like the stereotypical leading lady or the supersexy Latina. But my parents encouraged my sisters and me to have confidence in who we are. So, working in an industry where I am constantly told, ‘You’re not skinny, tall or ethnic enough,’ I’d be like, ‘Maybe I’m not skinny enough for this role, but I do just fine in real life.’ “[My boyfriend is] my partner in crime and super-supportive. I’m writing a book, and I started a production company, and hopefully a family will come – but there’s no rush!”
[From People Premium online]
There’s more in the print edition of People and in their Premium section online, including how Gina got her start in show business and how she ended up at NYU’s School of The Arts. Everything I’ve heard from Gina has been so positive and focused on her goals. I know we’ll see more from her, especially now that she has her own production company. Hopefully she can effect some of the changes she’s talking about. She’s a great example of a young actress who isn’t taking no for an answer.
Photo credit:
I don’t think we should call Prince Harry’s “gap year” a gap year anymore. It truly is a transitional year for him, for sure, but it sounds more and more like he had a laundry list of things he wanted to do and he’s scheduled back-to-back projects for the next year. Unlike William’s second “gap year,” where William fiddled around with co-eds at Cambridge, doing a “bespoke program” that didn’t seem to involve grades or work, and then he just took a half-dozen vacations. Harry’s gap year involves him finishing his military service, going to Africa to volunteer with NGOs, making a 1,000 mile trek across the UK for Walking with the Wounded, and then volunteering with the Ministry of Defense to make the Invictus Games an annual event. And now, sources tell The Daily Mail, Harry might be thinking about a move to Australia next year?
Prince Harry could be effectively emigrating to Australia as he plans a new direction for his life after deciding to leave the Army. Friends say Harry, 30, wants to spend ‘a lot more time there’ starting with the four-week trip he embarks on next month as part of his gap year. And he has told friends that if he enjoys himself during that month-long stint he might even relocate for part of 2016.
A friend says: ‘I wouldn’t be surprised if Harry spent longer in Australia. He’ll be living and mixing with Australians, working with the Australian Defence Force and will get a good look at life out there. If he can find a function out there, perhaps some kind of charity military tie-up, that would work. He’s discussed it with friends and colleagues and they say he’ll like it there.’
Another friend says: ‘He loves the fun-loving Aussie girls and there isn’t anyone in the UK holding him back.’
Though Harry’s first love will always be Africa – where he will also go in the coming months – he has shown an interest in all things Australia since 2003 when he worked as a jackaroo at a Queensland cattle station. The Queen would certainly welcome the idea of her grandson strengthening the Monarchy’s ties Down Under, where there is still an undercurrent of republicanism.
Harry is said to find the active yet laid-back way of life appealing and he has Aussies in his friendship group. One of them is singer and former Neighbours actress Natalie Imbruglia. He was guest of honour at her 34th birthday party at the Kensington Roof Gardens in 2009. The couple became close after he split with Chelsy Davy. And he would no doubt get a welcome in Sydney from Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s two daughters, Bridget and Frances, who were won over by him when he visited in 2013.
[From The Daily Mail]
I think it’s totally possible that Harry would consider moving to Australia for a year or two. That was always one of Charles’ dreams too, to be appointed Governor-General of Australia or something like that. I could totally see Harry marrying an Aussie girl too, although I think it’s a fallacy to say that no British girl would have him at this point – I think Harry is just tired of the same-old, same-old. He wants a change. He wants to see more of the world. He’s ready to settle down, in some sense, but he’s also restless with the status quo. That’s how I read it.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
I rarely write about Downton Abbey these days, even though I’m still watching. I still care about many of the characters too, so go ahead and judge me. I enjoyed the fact that Lady Mary decided not to marry her aristocratic suitor after she banged him in a hotel (how bad was that sex?). I enjoyed the fact that Lady Edith finally grew a set and took back her baby and ran off to London briefly, before Violet confessed all to Cora and Cora convinced Edith to come back. See? I’m still involved. But it looks like I’m only going to be involved for one more season!! Yes, the rumors seem to be true – Downton is probably going to end after one more season, season 6, which is currently being filmed.
It’s truly the end of an era for Downton Abbey fans. The hit PBS drama is coming to an end…and it’s sooner than you think! Downton Abbey’s upcoming season six will be its last, according to reports. While the decision to end the network’s biggest show might come as a surprise to fans who have watched the British upstairs/downstairs drama since its series premiere, it actually makes a lot of sense, as all the cast contracts are set to expire at the end of season six.
In fact, Downton star Alan Leech, who plays Tom Branson on the show, told E! News before season five’s premiere that he couldn’t see the show going on past season six.
“In my heart of hearts, I can’t see it going more than two more [seasons],” Leech said. “I think the period of time we want to tell, we’re coming to the end that us as actors can keep playing these characters.”
[From E! News]
It’s an interesting period soap opera and while I haven’t loved every minute of it, I’ve enjoyed seeing the progression of many of the characters. I think it would be smart to end the show after season six, but it’s probably necessary too, what with the contracts running out. Michelle Dockery wants to do more films and move beyond Ice Queen Lady Mary. Hugh Bonneville will always work, he’s a treasure. And I suspect the rest of the cast all have projects lined up too. And honestly, I can’t go any more rounds with Mr. Bates and Anna. At all.
All of these photos are from the past week, where the cast was filming Season 6 in Wiltshire. Look at all of the cloche hats!!! Mary always has the best clothes, but I’m enjoying Edith’s costumes here especially.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Who’s up for a round of celebrity parent trivia?
Can you tell us which celebrity parent said the following:
“Its a girl! I can’t believe it, it really trips me out- in a really great way… My wife is doing fine- she was so strong. She ‘womened’ up in a huge way, I was so impressed by her strength.”
So, who do you think said it? Leave your guess in the comment section below and let us know. Check back tomorrow for the answer!