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Kristen Bell was on Ellen yesterday, just seven weeks after the birth of her second child, daughter Delta. (You can watch clips from her interview on YouTube.) Kristen and her husband, Dax Shepard, also have a 23 month old daughter, Lincoln, at home. On Ellen, Kristen quipped that the interview was a vacation for her, since “everyone here speaks in full sentences, and no one’s asked me to wipe their buns.” She then told an animated story about how awesome she felt when she had an epidural for Delta’s birth. Kristen had an emergency c-section, and the way she tells it, it all went a little too smoothly.

On her epidural
Aas someone who has never experimented with drugs, I really enjoyed it. It was kind of a wonderful experience for me. While they were doing it, I actually thought, ‘What else could we get done down there? Maybe lengthen the shins? I’ve always wanted to be like 5’7?. Just anything to keep the epidural flowing

She was jonesing for more drugs
I’m sitting in my hospital bed and I say to Dax, ‘Well, I think the epidural has finally worn off,’ And he looks over and I am scratching holes in my face like a meth addict, and I’m like, ‘I think it might be time to re-up. I don’t know, um, it’s definitely worn off.’

On if she’s going to have more kids
No. No, no. We don’t want to be outnumbered,. Until, I suppose, I accidentally get pregnant and my third child watches this clip and realizes that he was an accident. Sorry, honey. No, but we’re gonna cap it at two.

How Dax feels about having two daughters
He likes to say he never thought he’d be surrounded by so many women and not having this much sex

[From Ellen via US Magazine]

From what I know, itching is very common when drugs wear off after surgery. I itched terribly after I had my appendix out last year. It wasn’t pleasant at all, but of course Kristen is putting a positive spin on it for an interview. She’s working hard to be entertaining and she seems a little unhinged. Two kids under two at home will probably do that to you.

After that Kristen told a story about how her little dog, Lola, got into a fight with a big coyote. Kristen sounded really proud of her, especially after she took Lola to the vet and the vet refused to believe that Lola had tussled with a coyote. She said “it was a coyote, I saw it, and my dog rules.

Here are pictures of Lola from two years ago when Kristen was just pregnant and Lola was a pup, she’s super cute. Kristen calls her “a corgi rescue mutt.” Kristen also has another rescue named Pat whom she calls “utterly useless and always writing checks his butt can’t cash.” There’s also a photo of Pat as a puppy from last year.

The newest member of our family comes in the form of this little black man: pic.twitter.com/DaQxyOTSKl

— Kristen Bell (@IMKristenBell) June 17, 2014

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Photos are screenshots from the Ellen show


Kylie Jenner

This story has grown more complicated since I started writing, but I’ll try to keep things simple. The latest development is a massive argument between Amber Rose and Khloe Kardashian. The original matter involves a silly, long-standing feud between Amber Rose and the Kardashian Klan. Perhaps “feud” isn’t the correct word, but there’s a lot of history. Amber Rose used to date Kanye West, who (as everyone knows), is now married to Kim. Amber is now best friends with Blac Chyna, who used to be best friends with Kim. Kim and Blac Chyna fell out because Blac Chyna used to be engaged to Tyga (25), but he’s now with Kylie Jenner (17). And Tyga works with Kanye, but that doesn’t really matter much.

Amber visited Power 105.1 to promote her fabulous self. She may have been pushing her New York fashion week appearances. She modelled underwear-less chainmail for the Laurel DeWitt show. Amber talked some trash about Wiz Khalifa using up his “three hall passes” and cheating too much. The more interesting part is when she talks about Kylie and Tyga:

Amber has changed: “I became a mother. I’m not at the club every night, downing shots. My priorities changed for sure.”

On Tyga datying Kylie “She’s a baby, she needs to go to bed at 7 o’clock and relax. That’s ridiculous. [Tyga] should be ashamed of himself. For sure. He has a beautiful woman and a baby and left that for a 16-year-old who just turned 17.”

Her upcoming self-help book: “Every mistake that I’ve made so far, I’m showing these girls how to not do that. It’s like I’m Jesus. I made the mistake for them.”

[From Power 105.1’s The Breakfast Club on YouTube]

Oh? Amber Rose thinks she’s like Jesus. Now I see why she stuck with Kanye so long. Her book will be called How to Be a Bad Bitch, for real.

Amber pulled out the claws for Tyga, who’s dating underage Kylie. I’ve seen a lot of people say the same thing for months. Of course Kris Jenner doesn’t care about the age of Kylie’s boyfriends. The more controversial, the better when it comes to attention for her family. The age gap between 25 and 17 is significant. Kylie is still a minor until she turns 18. Under California law this is statutory rape and is at least a misdemeanor.

Now Khloe Kardashian has entered the argument. She and Amber are tossing “wh*re” at each other on Twitter. You can see those tweets here. No one is winning.

Here’s a clip of Amber’s 105.1 interview.

Amber Rose

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN




Here are some photos of Scarlett Johansson, her husband Romain Dauriac and their daughter Rose. They were all out and about in LA on Valentine’s Day. I’m pretty sure the paparazzi have snapped photos of Rose before, but these are the clearest shots I’ve seen of the baby. In Scarlett’s recent W Magazine interview, she talked about Rose’s look, saying: “When she came out of me, I was so surprised. I had a very strong picture in my mind of what my baby would look like. And, of course, she is completely different. Perfect, but not what I’d imagined.” Some people took that to mean that ScarJo was surprised that Rose looked so much like her dad. Perhaps – Rose does seem to take after Romain quite a bit. And with his shaved head, I kind of think Romain looks like James Franco.

What else is going on with ScarJo? Let’s see… she’s been added to this year’s Oscars presenters list. This is the list so far:

Jason Bateman, Idris Elba, Ansel Elgort, Nicole Kidman, Liam Neeson, Gwyneth Paltrow,
Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston, Cate Blanchett, Jessica Chastain, Marion Cotillard, Benedict Cumberbatch, Viola Davis, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Chris Evans, Kevin Hart, Josh Hutcherson, Scarlett Johansson, Dakota Johnson, Jennifer Lopez, Jared Leto, Shirley MacLaine, Matthew McConaughey, Sienna Miller, Chloë Grace Moretz, Eddie Murphy, Lupita Nyong’o, David Oyelowo, Chris Pine, Chris Pratt, Margot Robbie, Zoe Saldana, Octavia Spencer, Meryl Streep, Miles Teller, John Travolta, Kerry Washington, Naomi Watts, Oprah Winfrey and Reese Witherspoon.

[From Deadline]

It seems like a lot of this year’s nominees are doing double-duty as presenters, right? But it’s nice to see the list getting filled out with some interesting fashion girls like ScarJo, Gwyneth Paltrow, Dakota Johnson, Viola Davis and more. I think Scarlett is a good choice these days particularly because Scarlett has really stopped going to the opening of envelope. She’s only made a handful of public appearances since giving birth, which is smart. She seems more exclusive and elusive.

What else? There’s a rumor going around that Scarlett/Black Widow is going to have a major part in Captain America: Civil War.


Photos courtesy of WENN.


Justin Bieber

#NYPD pic.twitter.com/OCPlgBWdQS

— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) February 14, 2015

This story isn’t much, but I’m enjoying keeping tabs on the Justin Bieber redemption tour of 2015. Swaggy’s in New York City for fashion week. He attended Naomi Campbell & Kayne West’s shows. He also happened to pop into a diner for dinner and do a good deed. Swaggy bought dinner for a group of NYPD officers. The tab came to around $200, which (for now) is spare change for Bieber. Then he took a photo with the men in uniform and posted it to Twitter, just to prove he’s such a changed man boy.

Swaggy also paid another visit (a taped interview) to Ellen Degeneres. He did the same a few weeks ago when he wondered aloud if he was human. At the time, I gave Ellen the benefit of the doubt. She’s usually a gracious host, and I hoped she was humoring him. Now she’s hosting Bieber’s good-deeds tour again. Why? Maybe Ellen sees herself as the Oprah Winfrey to Swaggy’s Lindsay Lohan. Together, Ellen and Bieber prank called one of his fans. He pretended to be a professor and told a student she was doing terribly in school. Here’s a clip.

This is so annoying and not very funny at all. I don’t know why Ellen’s putting herself out there for Bieber. She’s not the only one. Naomi Campbell held hands with Swaggy at her Fashion for Relief charity show. Naomi plays a woman into younger men on Empire, right? Perhaps she was method acting here.

View image | gettyimages.com

View image | gettyimages.com

Photos courtesy of Justin Bieber on Twitter, Getty & WENN




During the big SNL event on Sunday night, a few people cracked jokes about Brian Williams’ situation. Jerry Seinfeld joked about Brian Williams being in Vietnam and Jim Carrey made a crack to Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie about “where are you hiding Brian Williams?” – you can see the video here. Tina Fey’s reaction is funny, you can see her saying “poor Brian” and then laughing at Jim’s jokes.

So, is that where we are with the Brian Williams scandal at this point? Is he just a punchline? Would he ever be able to recover? Many people believe that Williams’ six month suspension (unpaid) is just a chance for NBC to do a proper search for a new anchor and that in six months’ time, Williams will be gone. Contractually, how does that theory stand up? According to Page Six, pretty well.

Embattled NBC News anchor Brian Williams’ fate beyond his six-month unpaid suspension could hang on a “morality clause” in his contract — which means he could be fired if he offended “a significant portion of the community” or brought himself “public disrepute, contempt, scandal or ridicule,” among other concerns.

The anchor has lawyered up with Bob Barnett, the distinguished attorney who also repped Ann Curry during her dealings with NBC. Sources tell Page Six that Williams’ contract could hang on the morality clause issue, and whether NBC brass, including Stephen Burke and Comcast CEO Brian Roberts, rule he breached it.

Williams had recently signed a $10 million, five-year pact. Sources say that a “public morals” clause that appears in NBC News employees’ paperwork includes the verbiage: ‘“If artist commits any act or becomes involved in any situation, or occurrence, which brings artist into public disrepute, contempt, scandal or ridicule, or which justifiably shocks, insults or offends a significant portion of the community, or if publicity is given to any such conduct .?.?. company shall have the right to terminate.”’

Reports have said NBC execs seriously considered firing Williams before settling on the suspension.

[From Page Six]

Morals clauses always get you! I’m guessing that yes, Williams will be gone by the end of the year but he probably will get to keep that $10 million. They’ll consider it “going away” money.

As for the latest clusterwhoops that is Williams’ journalism career, there are a bunch of other stories about his lies and how everyone is gunning for him now. Tom Brokaw and Williams have apparently always disliked each other and Brokaw was telling NBC executives for a year that Williams was a fantasist. Williams also lied about being embedded with Navy SEALS, because of course he did. Gawker says Williams probably lied about meeting Pope John Paul as well.

Photos courtesy of WENN.


Baby Reign Disick Has Swag In New Instagram Picture

Feb 17, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
baby reign disick

Now that baby has style!

Kourtney Kardashian took to Instagram lately to show off Aston Reign Disick’s style — and it’s quite amazing.

In the photo, baby Reign is wearing some Doc Martens and sporting a trendy black zippered onesie, which looks ultra cute. Kourtney captions the photo:

“Baby vibes”

Baby vibes.

A photo posted by Kourtney Kardashian (@kourtneykardash) on Feb 16, 2015 at 3:12pm PST


harper beckham

It looks like Harper has the best seat in the house.

Victoria Beckham’s family supported her by showing up at her fashion show in New York City over the weekend. David Beckham sat in the front row, along with his four kids.

David Beckham, 39, sat in the front row at the show with his daughter Harper, 3, on his lap. Sitting by his side was Brooklyn, 15, Romeo, 12, and Cruz, 9.

Later in the night, David, Brooklyn and Victoria were spotted going out for a bite to eat.


Who Said It?

Feb 17, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
Who Said It - Click Here

It’s trivia time!

Can you tell us who said the following line:

“I’m terrified because I’ve got the girl thing down. Little boys pee on everything.”

Leave your answer in the comment section below and don’t forget to check back tomorrow for the answer.


Kristen Bell: “We’re Gonna Cap It At Two”

Feb 16, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

During a Monday appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, actress Kristen Bell opened up about family life with husband, Parenthood star Dax Shepard, and their two daughters: Lincoln, 22 months and Delta, 7 weeks.

“As someone who has never experimented with drugs, I really enjoyed it,” joked Bell of having an epidural for her unplanned C-section during Delta’s birth. “While they were doing it, I was thinking, ‘What else could we get done down there?’ … Anything to keep the epidural flowing.”

But she started “scratching her face … like a meth addict” when the medicine began to wear off.

After Bell, 34, received some Benadryl to ease the transition back to sobriety, the House of Lies star said the “cocktail” had some interesting effects.

“Do you know what looks really good when you’re on that stuff? Hand bags,” she said. “Or throw pillows or rugs. I was just like, ‘Internet shopping, woo!’ ”

She added: “Thank God I didn’t remember my credit card number. So nothing bad happened, but … honestly, a picture of a throw pillow was as mind-blowing as seeing The Matrix for the first time. That’s how I felt. I’m happy to say I’m stone-cold sober today.”

As for adding to their brood, it sounds like the Hollywood couple are happy with two.

“No. No, no. We don’t want to be outnumbered,” she quipped. “Until, I suppose, I accidentally get pregnant and my third child watches this clip and realizes that he was an accident. Sorry, honey. No, but we’re gonna cap it at two.”


Giveaway: $150 GC For Stride Rite

Feb 16, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
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The perfect fit for any princess: Cinderella joins the Disney Princess by Stride Rite® Collection for spring 2015!

Inspired by the upcoming live-action film, Cinderella (in theaters March 13) joins the Disney Princess by Stride Rite line with a sneaker and sandal.

The sneaker’s heart-shaped gem that lights up with each step going from pink to white several times a day, indicating it’s time to make a wish while mesmerizing little girls, with mesh lining and anti-microbial treatment that keeps shoes fresh, keeping parents happy.

The sandal’s lightweight flexibility provide a stylish, adorable shoe that stands up to any Princess Tough adventure, and treat moms like a queen with easy on-and-off features, anti-stink materials, and other details that make Stride Rite shoes a great value and a stylish shoe! (Ariel and Rapunzel styles also available).

We are giving away a $150 GC online for Stride Rite!

Easy way to enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This contest ends Saturday, Feb. 21 at 12:00 am EST. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. Good luck!


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