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Shailene Woodley

Shailene Woodley covers the April issue of Elle magazine. She’s wearing a Balmain bodysuit. Her bod looks fantastic, but I’m disappointed by the lack of Shailene’s fabled hairy pits. They probably ‘shopped out the hair for a fashion magazine. The makeup artist must have been asleep too. They made her look like Kristen Stewart, right?

This interview is classic Shailene. She rambles to Elle about ler love for love, warriors, and her kick-ass grandma. I’ve included some of her interview with MTV where she doles out diet tips. Shailene has developed an obsession with bone broth, which she sees as a way to “honor the animal.” She’s very excited about this newfound discovery:

On loooove: “I’m all-loving. I fall in love with people based on who they are. I never want to love like this [holds arms outstretched]. I always want to love like this [thrusts her arms behind her back, pressing her chest forward]. Heart centered, like, ‘This is who I am! And I love you if you love me for who this person is. And if not, I’ll still love you, but I ain’t fallin’ in love with you!’ When you’re truly in love, for me, it’s … you’re my lighthouse! You’re somebody who holds me high, keeps me safe, you’ve got my f***in’ back.You also love me whole, wild, and free. You let me do me, and I’m gonna let you do you! And I’ll be the home that you return to.”

Her warrior family: “I was born into a family of warriors, really strong people. It doesn’t mean that it was an easy childhood and we didn’t have our s–t, because every family does behind closed doors. But even though my parents are divorced, they get along. I have a family who every day strives to do the right thing. My Grams is the most banging 69-year-old I’ve ever met in my life. She’s so fit. She’s so rad.”

Her latest health tip: “Bone broth. I am telling you, it is the sh*t. It is everything. You take bones from animals, it sounds pretty gnarly, but if you’re gonna eat a steak, there’s gonna be bones involved, so you may as well honor the animal and utilize them. You just brew it in water and a crockpot. Add some onions and garlic. Oh my god, it’s heaven. It tastes so good, and if you want, you can blend it with coconut oil, and it’s delicious.”

[From Elle & MTV]

She’s so freaking wacky. Shailene’s bone broth must be (in her mind) a cleansing agent. Sort of like how she swallows clay to remove heavy metals from her bod. She probably swigs her bone broth and runs onto the beach to catch some “gnarly” waves. Is the bone broth thing gross? I’m vegetarian, so it sounds nasty on this end. But isn’t most chicken and beef-type stock derived from bones? Educate me, omnivores.

For what it’s worth, MTV talked to Shailene’s Insurgent costars about her health tips. Ansel Elgort says Shailene won’t let him eat more than one type of meat during a meal (he prefers to stack his plate with fish, pork, chicken, and steak all at once). Theo James talks about how Shailene made him take a “throat coat.” Only Jai Courtney stands firm in his convictions: “I ignore any health tips from Shailene.” LMAO.

This editorial shot from Elle is much better than the cover.

Shailene Woodley

Photos courtesy of Michael Thompson/Elle & WENN




Kevin Bacon has a new interview with Haute Living Magazine. He’s promoting his Fox show, The Following, which I HATED. I watched the first season and while there were some interesting moments, the show is a mess and I thought it was sort of beneath Bacon’s talents as an actor. I have high expectations for both Kevin and his wife Kyra Sedgwick. Kyra’s amazing turn on The Closer ranks as one of my favorite female-driven shows in recent memory (Bacon directed several episodes too). Anyway, Bacon’s interview is worth a read because he rarely does in-depth interviews like this and because he’s actually got a lot of interesting stuff to say about life, Hollywood, money and fame. Some highlights:

Being afraid of television work: “People would say, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice to have a steady gig?’ and I’d say, ‘I don’t want a f****ng steady gig! I want to do this and go here, and play this guy, and this guy, and this guy. [Kyra and I] are road warriors; our kids are road warriors. It’s part of why I was always a little afraid of television. When I started being an actor, the last thing I wanted to do was a TV series. It might be hard for people to remember, but in the 1970s when I started, there were TV actors and movie actors; they weren’t the same. You’d be in television until you’d be able to get a career in movies, and then you’d never look back. I wanted to do stage and movies, but I really didn’t want to do television.”

He loves TV now: “This is the golden age of TV. I love TV. It’s shifting in a really remarkable way. Creatively, it’s gotten better and better….Great writing makes great television. I wanted a good, complicated part—and that’s what television was offering.”

When he decided to do TV, he wanted a cable show: “With my snobbery, I was like, ‘The show has to be on HBO or Showtime.’ Over the course of the years, it could have been AMC or FX, but it definitely couldn’t be network.”

He’s in ‘Black Mass’, the Whitey Bulger film: “I have a supporting part with a really great cast, [including] Johnny Depp, Benedict Cumberbatch and Joel Edgerton. Black Mass was an interesting part for me, because I play the boss. Again, I’m an FBI agent—in this case, running the Boston field office. I’m the guy that’s pissed off at the younger agents. I’ve never played this guy before—I’m always the guy that’s getting yelled at by the boss. It was kind of fun, but also kind of a realization that ‘OK, I’m old enough to play the boss.’”

Losing millions in Bernie Madoff’s 2008 Ponzi scheme: “It was a bad day, an absolutely horrible feeling, but you roll up your sleeves and get back to work. There was nothing that I had at that point that my wife and I hadn’t worked very hard for. We kind of said though, ‘Well, our families are OK, the kids are healthy, and we’re healthy; we’ll get back to work.’ What else are you going to do? There are a lot of people who had it a lot worse than we did.”

Learning to really love LA: “For my wife and I, for so many years, a lot of our identity was based on being Hollywood haters. We were like, ‘We’re east coast. We’re New Yorkers. This is just a place that we have to come to, but not by choice’…We had a giant shift in our lives. We were about to leave for the last time—Kyra was done with the show and we were packing up to go… We were having a conversation and Kyra said, ‘I’m really going to miss this.’ I said, ‘I’m really going to miss this too.’ So I called up a real estate broker and found a little house that was literally steps away from the last place we were renting, and now we’re truly bi-coastal. We have realized that we love [Los Angeles] and have really embraced it.”

He’s never been Oscar-nominated: “I go back and forth on it. I kind of feel like, ‘What am I doing wrong?’ Sometimes I think, ‘You’ve just got to let yourself off the hook about it.’ I’m still able to make a living being an actor, and that is a tough thing to do for as many years as I’ve done it; I feel good about that. As much as I would love to have any kind of statue that I could, when people tell me they love the show [it’s enough]. If you could bottle that or put that on your mantle…The awards do afford you opportunities, and that would be something that would be nice to crack. When studios are putting together financing for a movie, they would love nothing better than something that says, ‘Oscar-nominated’ or ‘Oscar-winning.’ Those kind of things open up more doors, and that’s really what you want to do as you get to be my age—you want to keep doors open.”

[From Haute Living]

You know what I love? He mentions “Kyra” or “my wife” about a million times in the interview. They’ve been married for 26 YEARS. And they’ve been good years too, years of raising their children and working on good projects and it’s a life they’ve spent wholly together, as true partners. And after all of that, you can just feel the love between them still.

As for the Oscar stuff… I feel like if someone gives him a really great supporting film role, he will end up getting an Oscar nomination and maybe even winning it, like a lifetime achievement for decades of good work (which is what just happened with JK Simmons).

Bacon also goes on at length about fame and how it’s “99.9% good” to be famous, that famous people are treated differently (better) but that yeah, in some smaller ways it’s sucks. He also drops this quote: “I’ve always said before that there are two kinds of actors: actors that want to be famous, and liars.” Word.

Photos courtesy of Randall Slavin/Haute Living.



Is Christina Aguilera a diva? Is water wet? Is the sky blue? Does People Magazine Photoshop babies to look like robot dolls? The answer is yes, of course. But how much of a diva is Christina Aguilera these days? I feel like we’re supposed to think that her baby girl, Summer Rain, changed her and made her less crazy. But… probably not. Star Magazine says that Christina went WAY overboard with her demands when she made a guest appearance on Nashville:

Christina Aguilera may be the new kid on the set of Nashville, but she’s already too big for her britches. The Voice star recently arrived in Tennessee to begin filming her guest role — a pop princess named Jade St. John who’s looking to go country — but ABC insiders say she’s brought her L.A. attitude with her!

“She’s asked for not one but three hairdressers to be on call 24 hours a day because she’s so worried about what the Nashville weather will do to her hair,” an on-set source reveals. “And her wardrobe options are twice the size of anyone else’s. She insisted that she looks sexier than any other cast member and even wants her heels to be the highest.”

But the diva’s demands are off-key with the rest of the cast. “Everyone else on set is very down to earth,” the insider adds. “Hopefully Christina won’t alienate herself.”

[From Star Magazine]

When Nashville was first on, I remember thinking that Hayden Panettiere might be difficult to work with, but you rarely hear any stories about any kind of diva behavior from her, right? I think Hayden is just happy to be working. Christina Aguilera might benefit from that kind of outlook, because I always feel like she’s just one diva tantrum away from getting herself booted from all of network television.

Incidentally, Radar recently had a story about Christina coming back to The Voice after her maternity leave and how everyone on the show just remembered how much they hate her. A source told Radar: “Christina is such a terror to work with. She is frequently late and she doesn’t even seem to care or apologize for holding up the filming of the show. To make matters worse, she is constantly fighting with Adam. They cannot stand each other.” I thought she had a crush on Levine? She must be pissed at him for getting married.

People want Gwen Stefani and/or Shakira back, because Gwen and Shakira were actually nice, polite and professional. The producers were actually hoping to bring back Gwen or Shakira on a temporary basis, but Aguilera apparently shut it down – she wants to be the only woman on the show. I have to think it’s a contractual issue, right? Because why would you bring back Aguilera when you could have Gwen or Shakira? I assume whenever Aguilera has fulfilled her contract, the producers will replace her permanently.

PS… She also needs someone to take away her orange paint gun because OMG.


Photos courtesy of WENN.



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Timothy Hutton is an Oscar-winning actor with a surprising number of notches on his bedpost. He’s dated everyone from Angelina Jolie to Mary Louise Parker to Uma Thurman to Diane Lane to Elizabeth McGovern. He was married to Debra Winger at one point. He’s 54 years old. And it looks like he’s romancing another costar: a 26-year-old actress playing a teenage meth addict on their new ABC drama American Crime. Her name is Caitlin Gerard. According to the Daily Mail, they’re already living with each other.

Actress Caitlin Gerard, who plays teenage meth addict Aubry Taylor in the controversial new ABC series American Crime, won the role after producers were blown away by the chemistry between her and her on-screen lover Elvis Nolasco, who plays Carter Nix. But the real sparks flew when the pretty 26-year-old arrived on set last summer in Austin, Texas to shoot the show’s pilot, and was introduced her to 54-year-old co-star Timothy Hutton. Now sources tell Daily Mail Online that the two are secretly living together.

‘Even though Caitlin wasn’t born until 1988 – seven years after Tim won his Best Supporting Actor Oscar for Ordinary People – she fell head over heels in love with him,’ says a source. ‘And after quietly dating for several months, he’s asked her to move into his new Austin, Texas home with him and his oldest son. This is the first super serious relationship for Caitlin, who portrays a teen on the new series. Tim, on the other hand, has been married and divorced twice.’

His first marriage to actress Debra Winger lasted from 1986 to 1990, and produced their 27-year-old son Noah. His second walk down the aisle was with illustrator Aurore Discard d’Estaing – niece of former French president Valery Giscard d’Estaing – and that eight-year union produced another son, Milo, 13.

[From The Daily Mail]

When your boyfriend’s son is a year older than you, that’s a dealbreaker, ladies. So, a 54 year old man is dating a 26 year old lady. She’s an adult, for sure, and I guess we should be thankful that she’s not a teenager (although she does PLAY a teenager). Which means this isn’t as creepy as, say, 57-year-old Steven Bauer dating an 18-year-old, right? But it still feels… ugh. Gross.

Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN.


Maci Bookout Shares Video Of Her Little Slugger

Mar 13, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

Bentley is a little slugger!

MTV’s Teen Mom alum, Maci Bookout, recently went to Instagram to share an amazing new video of her six-year-old son, Bentley Edwards, swinging for the fences while at the ball park. It definitely looks like she has a talented son on her hands. She captioned the video:

“enjoying the weather tonight at the ball fields with my favorites”

Watch the video by going to this link.


Kim Kardashian & North: Farewell France

Mar 12, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
Semi-Exclusive... Kim Kardashian & North Catch A Flight Out Of Paris

We’re outta here!

Reality star Kim Kardashian and daughter North, 20 months, were seen leaving their hotel, Le Royal Moncaeau, in Paris, France on Thursday (March 12). Now that Paris Fashion Week has come to a close, the mother-daughter duo are headed home to Los Angeles, Calif.

Looking every bit the jet-setter, the adorable toddler pulled along her Frozen suitcase as they made their way through the Charles de Gaulle airport.

Sporting her new platinum blonde ‘do, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star, 34, went for an all black ensemble, featuring a Celine coat with vintage fur collar. Matching mom in black, Nori added a bit of color with her maroon Doc Martins.

Last month, North had two different temper tantrums during New York Fashion week.

View Slideshow »»

Semi-Exclusive... Kim Kardashian & North Catch A Flight Out Of Paris
Semi-Exclusive... Kim Kardashian & North Catch A Flight Out Of Paris
Semi-Exclusive... Kim Kardashian & North Catch A Flight Out Of Paris
Semi-Exclusive... Kim Kardashian & North Catch A Flight Out Of Paris
Semi-Exclusive... Kim Kardashian & North Catch A Flight Out Of Paris

View All Photos »»


Giveaway: Mountain Buggy Mini Travel System ($545)

Mar 12, 2015 Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

We are giving away the Mountain Buggy mini travel system!

Don’t be weighed down by bulky and hard to maneuver travel systems. With the right combination of weight and durability, the Mountain Buggy mini is the lightest and slimmest 3-wheeler yet. Tailored to be the ultimate city adventurer and infant travel system! The travel system includes the car seat and latch base so you’re ready for adventure from the get-go.

We are giving away the Mountain Buggy mini travel system (1 x mini stroller with black sun hood, 1 x protect infant car seat with latch base, 1 x adapter clip) to one lucky reader! Total value: $545 USD.

One easy way to enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This contest ends Thursday, March 19 at 12:00 am EST. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. Good luck!


Smutty Tingles for March 12, 2015

Mar 12, 2015 Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

Sasha Finds denim jackets and fringed shoes in Lifestyle

I wanna know what love is. But not if Shailene Woodley is explaining it to me. (Dlisted)

Michael B Jordan chasing chickens. This is not a euphemism. (Just Jared)

Renee Zellweger at Paris Fashion Week with really bad hair …      

Smutty Tingles for March 12, 2015

Mar 12, 2015 Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

Sasha Finds denim jackets and fringed shoes in Lifestyle

I wanna know what love is. But not if Shailene Woodley is explaining it to me. (Dlisted)

Michael B Jordan chasing chickens. This is not a euphemism. (Just Jared)

Renee Zellweger at Paris Fashion Week with really bad hair …      

Smutty Tingles for March 12, 2015

Mar 12, 2015 Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

Sasha Finds denim jackets and fringed shoes in Lifestyle

I wanna know what love is. But not if Shailene Woodley is explaining it to me. (Dlisted)

Michael B Jordan chasing chickens. This is not a euphemism. (Just Jared)

Renee Zellweger at Paris Fashion Week with really bad hair …      

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