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There’s a great op-ed in i Newspaper this week, written by British republican activist Symon Hill: “I was arrested for heckling King Charles – and I’d do it again.” Hill piggybacks on Australian Senator Lidia Thorpe’s amazing protest in Canberra, Australia, a protest which became the defining moment of Charles and Camilla’s tour. Hill points out something interesting, which I never realized: Charles has never met a republican (or anti-monarchist) advocate or activist face to face. Various republican groups have politely requested meetings with Charles over the years, only to be turned down flat. As a reminder, Lidia Thorpe also asked for a private meeting with Charles to discuss First Nations rights and she was turned down too. Hill also blasts the argument that protests are “disrespectful.”

The King gave no answer. He never does. As he finished his speech to the Australian Parliament, Senator Lidia Thorpe walked towards Charles, calling out that he was not her king and challenging him over his family’s treatment of First Nations people in Australia. The unelected head of state did not respond. He simply waited for the elected senator to be forcibly removed from her own Parliament.

On social media, Thorpe was immediately accused of being “disrespectful”. But how else is Thorpe to express her views to Charles? She cannot stand against him in an election – he is elected by nobody. She cannot debate him on television – he rarely gives serious interviews and is never properly challenged.

I was one of several people in the UK who was arrested for voicing opposition to monarchy when Charles was declared king in September 2022. I was charged with a breach of the Public Order Act, charges which were dropped two weeks later with little explanation. Alongside hundreds of supportive messages and a few death threats, I received messages saying that I was “disrespectful”. It seems to be royalists’ favourite accusation.

In reality, it is not democratic republicans such as Ms Thorpe and me who are disrespectful. It is Charles and his allies. Charles showed his disrespect for democracy and debate in Australia before the royal tour had even begun, when he turned down a polite request to meet with the Australian Republican Movement (ARM). Rejecting the invitation, the monarch’s spokespeople said that he respected the Australian people’s right to decide for themselves whether to keep the monarchy. This is disingenuous. Charles and Camilla have travelled to Australia just as support for a republic is growing there. While ARM compare the Royal visit to a farewell tour by ageing rock stars, Australian royalists are making no secret of their hope that the visit will whip up support for monarchy. At present no referendum on the issue is planned.

Members of the Windsor family consistently avoid any encounter, however calm and polite, with opponents of monarchy. Charles has never met any republican group. He does not appear on Newsnight or the Today programme to answer difficult questions. When meeting members of the public in Cardiff in 2022, he could not even bring himself to respond to someone who calmly asked him about the cost of the coronation. But it is people who object to this sort of behaviour who are described as “disrespectful”.

The police routinely go to ludicrous lengths to protect the Royals from even having to see or hear republicans. In Bolton last year, a 16-year-old with a republican placard was threatened with a dispersal notice and arrest if he did not leave the area in which Charles was due to arrive. Of course it is the police and the government, not the Windsor family, who must bear most of the blame for this sort of behaviour. But the Royals cannot wash their hands of it. An intervention from Charles, let alone a public comment, would make a considerable difference to police behaviour.

Like many people, I will continue to challenge monarchy not because I am disrespectful but because I believe that all human beings are entitled to dignity and respect. This can only really happen in a society in which we treat each other as equals and make decisions democratically – whether in communities, in workplaces or in the appointment of a head of state. Bowing down to your equal human being is what really shows disrespect for humanity.

[From i Newspaper]

I agree with all of this. It was infuriating to see how many British and Australian media outlets and political figures refuse to acknowledge Lidia Thorpe’s fundamental right to protest the king and the crown, much less acknowledge that Thorpe spoke truth to power. The “it’s disrespectful” argument needs to end too – Charles is a coddled 75-year-old man who lives in a dozen castles and palaces and sits on a vast, tax-free fortune. It’s 2024 – no one should shield this rotten old man from republican placards, or protect him from someone daring to protest him in person.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

Martha, the new Netflix documentary about Martha Stewart, streams beginning October 30 whether Martha likes it or not. (Sidenote: big kudos to Netflix for innocently dropping the release for the height of spooky season. It works.) I have a feeling in me bones that it will be EPIC. The ripple effects this thing is gonna have across memes, TikTok, drag shows… I’m telling you, it’s going to be seismic! From the trailer alone, we got that Bravo-worthy exchange where Martha slams cheating husbands, then casually dismisses the fact that she cheated on her husband because he (allegedly) never knew about it. But I bet he knows about it now! People Mag took it a step further, asking Martha at the NY premiere of the doc if her ex had seen it yet. Martha’s response was quintessential Martha:

Martha Stewart has made another confession about her relationship with her ex-husband.

Speaking exclusively to PEOPLE at the New York Premiere of her Netflix documentary Martha on Monday, Oct. 21, the entrepreneur, 83, revealed that she hasn’t spoken to her ex-husband Andrew “Andy” Stewart in over 20 years.

Asked if Andy had seen the documentary, Martha tells PEOPLE, “The ex-husband? I have no idea. I haven’t talked to him for over 20 years. Sadly.”

Martha and Andy were married from 1961 to 1990 and share daughter Alexis Stewart, who they welcomed in 1965. In Martha, she reveals that they were unfaithful to each other.

“Young women, listen to my advice, if you’re married and your husband starts to cheat on you, he’s a piece of s—,” she says. “Get out of that marriage.”

“Didn’t you have an affair early on? a producer chimes in.

Martha then admits, “Yeah, but I don’t think Andy ever knew about that.”

Back in 2020, the businesswoman opened up to PEOPLE about the impact her divorce had on her.

“Getting divorced was a terrible thing for me, because we were the first to divorce in my family,” she said at the time. “And that we haven’t spoken since the divorce is even more painful. But I’m very strong, and I’m very motivated to get on with life.”

Per a press release, Martha tells the story of the culinary icon’s journey from her teen years as a model to becoming the first self-made, female billionaire in the United States.

The star tells PEOPLE she hopes that those who watch the documentary will take away “that if you work hard and be creative and use your creative intelligence, you can make something of your life.”

“I think being a teacher the way I have been all these years has paid off handsomely,” she added.

[From People]

You guys, I’m dying. It’s just, she gives us so much! First of all, shame on People Mag for referring to Andrew Stewart as “Andy.” He has a name, and it’s “the ex-husband,” do your research! The perfect penance would be to release any video and/or audio of this exchange, because I simply must know the affect with which Martha uttered “Sadly,” tagged on after declaring she hasn’t spoken to him in 20 years. Was it sincere? Was it deadpan? In my head I’m hearing it delivered in Miranda Priestly’s voice, a la the way she says “That’s all.” Next up: she’s always been a teacher! I mean yes, her home and crafting brand was built around her instructing on how to do things, although a strong argument could be made that she’s a proponent of “do as I say, not as I do.” The way she said it still made me guffaw. When I hear “teacher,” I think more of the inspiring, poorly-paid and under-resourced people who rise to the challenge of educating our kids. And not so much Martha’s heavily-curated and well-funded world. Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, I’d love to see Martha in a room full of either over-sugared tykes or chatty, sassy teens and see what happens. It’d be a good thing.

And finally, because I would be remiss if I did not mention this, Martha wore silver pleather pants to the premiere. If my grandmother were with us today she’d be running out to get herself a pair so fast… That’s all.

Embed from Getty Images

Photos credit: © 2024 Martha Stewart/Courte via Netflix Press, Getty

I’m still doing some upkeep on King Charles and Queen Camilla’s tour of Australia, which is now completed. They arrived in Samoa today, after spending only four full days in Australia. I don’t think the Australian leg of the tour went well, but I also don’t think Charles and Camilla will receive the same kind of backlash Prince William and Kate received in 2022, during and following their disastrous Caribbean flop tour. Will and Kate’s 2022 tour made global headlines for their tone-deaf staging, colonialist attitudes and inability to be modern or project modernity. Charles and Camilla’s tour was not modern either, but that’s not their brand. Their brand is supposed to be nostalgic and old. They delivered, but few are buying it. Well, Piers Morgan is trying to hype these two waxworks, probably because he’s such good friends with Camilla. He must be looking at completely different photos, because Piers claims that thousands of people came out for the royals and that the Sussexes’ “campaign” to smear Charles and Camilla has failed. O RLY??

What a right royal triumph! The first tour of Australia by a reigning British king had threatened to be a damp squib disappointment after days marred by rain, noisy anti-Monarchy protestors, and a series of pathetic political snubs culminating in an idiot attention-seeking senator screaming at Charles about his supposed complicity in committing genocide against Aboriginals.

But the Aussie people didn’t get the royal-bashing memo, and in a stunning outpouring of joyful support, out they came in huge numbers at the iconic Sydney Opera House to pay tribute to King Charles and Queen Camilla on the final day of their short but historic trip. More than 10,000 people from all over the country appeared in glorious sunshine to greet their royal visitors, far more than had been anticipated, and to be honest, far more than I feared would be the case.

The enthusiasm and excitement for the King and Queen was palpable and will have delighted the Palace. It was also a brilliant retort to the graceless royal critics who tried to wreck the tour, led by foul-mouthed imbecile Lidia Thorpe, the senator who screamed “YOU’RE NOT MY KING!” and “F*CK THE COLONY!” at Charles during an event in Canberra on Monday. She also bellowed: “You committed genocide against our people. Give us our land back. Give us what you stole from us. Our bones, our skulls, our babies, our people. You destroyed our land.”

This trip’s spectacular success has served as a timely reminder that the Monarchy remains a massively important rock at the heart of not just the UK but so many other Commonwealth nations like Australia. And that the best way for senior royals to retain the support and respect of the public is for them to behave in a dignified, dutiful way that puts serving the people above all else.

For all the embarrassing and very damaging shenanigans of Harry and Meghan, and their disgraceful campaign to smear the royals as a bunch of callous racists, the Firm have emerged stronger than ever despite loss of their great Matriarch, and despite the new King and his daughter-in-law the Princess of Wales fighting cancer.

[From The Sun]

The fact that Piers included so many quotes from Lidia Thorpe’s protest… what’s going on there? Is he rage-baiting or is there an ulterior motive? It feels like a typical British journalist thing, of not directly criticizing the Windsors but fully quoting their biggest critics (all while decrying said critics). As for the mention of Meghan, Harry and “callous racists”… Piers was the one who identified Charles and Kate as the “royal racists.” He was a vital part of that whole storyline. It feels like something’s cooking under the radar. This weekend’s papers should be interesting. Also: I’m including a photo of C&C outside the Sydney Opera House and you can see for yourself how few people came out for the Windsors.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

I saw some of you tweeting about Harper’s Bazaar’s “Hottest Men of All Time” list and I thought this was an old story! Given the write-up on Prince Harry – they say he’s engaged to Meghan, rather than married to her – it felt like this list was created in 2017 or 2018? But no, this was written and published this week by Bazaar: “The 50 Hottest Men Of All Time.” Prince Harry is listed at #25. Prince William is not listed at all. You can see the full list here. #1 is James Dean, #2 is Marlon Brando. Robert Redford is #8.

Prince Harry’s write-up is: “Now engaged to Meghan Markle, the younger of British princes has long remained one of the most covetable bachelors in the world.” Given the inclusion of Drake on this list… yeah, it feels like they’ve recycled something from six years ago. It also feels like they need better taste in men, because some of the guys included here are bizarre. Still, it’s funny as hell that scuzzy old Peggington never makes it onto these kinds of lists.

Meanwhile, Prince Harry’s Spare is officially out in paperback this week. By all accounts, nothing has been changed or added from the hardcover, despite the British media’s attempts to “fact-check” Harry’s stories and claim that he was lying about this or that.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

We heard, mid-day, that Eminem would make an appearance at a Kamala Harris rally in Detroit, Michigan yesterday. People were surprised, like Eminem hasn’t been a vocal Democrat for more than two decades. I remember when Eminem spoke out about how much he hated George W. Bush in 2004! I’ve read several interviews from Eminem where he’s discussed his absolute disgust with Donald Trump and the white-supremacist MAGA cult. As many pointed out, Em even gave the Biden-Harris campaign permission to use “Lose Yourself” in a 2020 campaign ad. Still, this was a first for Marshall – standing on stage at a Democratic rally, giving a speech in support of his preferred candidate. He kept it simple and brief, and then introduced Barack Obama. Obama gave Eminem a bro-hug and then Obama did the opening of “Lose Yourself.”

I’m really moved that Eminem agreed to this. As I said, he usually makes his politics known, and I believe he’s attended Democratic fundraisers and he’s authorized the use of his songs, but for this man to actually stand on stage with Barack Obama and Elissa Slotkin (the Democratic Senate candidate) and feel the love from the Detroit crowd? I’m really proud of him. I’m proud of his no-bullsh-t endorsement of VP Harris and that he stood on the stage with Obama like he belonged (although I think Em left the stage quickly, possibly to hang out in the crowd).

Also: Donald Trump was bigly mad about Obama and Eminem appearing together. Trump threw a tantrum about it last night, calling Obama “a real jerk” and “Over the last couple of days, I watched him campaign, what a divider he is. He divided this country, he couldn’t care less, him and his little group of people. He was terrible.”

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

On Tuesday, two weeks exactly from Election Day, Donald Trump was in Miami, Florida for what was supposed to be a town hall focused on the Hispanic vote. Shockingly, Trump wasn’t actually doing outreach to Latino voters – the town hall was packed with “pre-screened ultra-loyalists” who cheered loudly as a senile dumbass hurled invectives at his opponent. He said, “This woman is the worst. I mean, it’s just unbelievable.” He said Kamala Harris, the woman who dog-walked him in the debate, is “slow, low IQ, something.” He added: “We don’t need another low-IQ person. We had one for four years. We don’t need another.” Brave of him to admit that his four-year presidency was horrible because of his low IQ.

Oddly, at the Miami event, Trump also attacked VP Harris for not doing any rallies on Tuesday. Harris had Tim Walz, Barack Obama and plenty of surrogates in the field, and VP Harris sat down and did two major network interviews. Trump called her “lazy as hell” for not campaigning. Then right after the sycophantic town-hall, Trump canceled his next event. He’s too exhausted to keep up with a real campaign schedule, you know.

Donald Trump was scheduled to appear at a virtual town hall with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) today at 2 p.m. — but it was canceled, with the organizers citing “changes in Trump’s schedule.”

This event is the most recent cancellation in a string of media events that the former president has withdrawn from. Trump pulled out of interviews with the Shade Room, 60 minutes, NBC and CNBC. He also recently cut a town hall event short.

The Make America Healthy Again town hall, which organizers planned to live stream on X, was meant to highlight Kennedy’s health agenda and contributions to the Trump campaign. (The former independent candidate dropped his bid in August and endorsed Trump.) Kennedy and Gabbard are both members of the Trump transition team.

This is the second time that this town hall had been rescheduled, according to an email from Kennedy’s team to his supporters. The virtual event was previously called off because of Hurricane Milton. Kennedy did not respond to a request for comment. The Trump campaign repeated that there was a schedule change.

[From Politico]

Here’s my thing – in the final weeks of a presidential campaign, there are always a lot of last-minute changes and reschedules and everyone’s flying by the seat of their pants. But if you’re going to declare that your opponent – the sitting VPOTUS – is lazy as hell for recording interviews and not holding more well-attended rallies, then those accusations are going to boomerang back onto you the second you suddenly cancel an event with no explanation. Diaper Don needs a nap, Sleepy Don can’t handle the campaign cycle, Naptime Donny is throwing a fussy tantrum because his handlers are making him do two events a day.

Incidentally, Kamala Harris’s internals must be quite different than the media’s polls, because she’s heading to Texas on Friday to highlight abortion rights. She’s likely giving a big boost to Colin Allred, the Democratic senate candidate who is polling neck-in-neck against Ted Cruz. This speaks volumes to me: that Trump staged a faux town hall in MIAMI while Kamala is headed to Texas in the closing weeks. People keep saying that Florida is in play. But is Texas?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

I was actually surprised that King Charles and Queen Camilla’s Australian tour was so brief? I thought they were supposed to be in Oz for several more days. They arrived late Friday, had a rest day on Saturday, only did two events in Sydney on Sunday (and Charles skipped out of a high-level lunch after ten minutes), then they went to Canberra, where they were protested by Lidia Thorpe in the Parliamentary chamber. Then on Tuesday, they were back in Sydney for a day of events. And that was it. The big Australian tour: barely two and a half days of events and appearances. I guess the palace really did lighten Charles’s schedule due to health concerns.

So, now that the Oz leg is over, Charles and Camilla are already in Samoa for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM). Charles did the formal greeting with Samoa’s Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata’afa and a police inspection, all at the airport upon his arrival with Camilla. I would assume he needed to rest after that.

Now that the Oz leg is over, will there be a wider analysis of how Charles and Camilla performed, and whether this is yet another colonialist flop tour? The British press has done Charles and the crown no favors here, as they bash Senator Lidia Thorpe and boot-lick the crown. From the Times of London’s analysis:

However, there was a third element that appears to have blindsided the Palace: the fight for indigenous rights, even though it is something that the King has spoken about for years. At the start of his speech at Parliament House in Canberra, he acknowledged his respect for “all First Nations peoples who have loved and cared for this continent for 65,000 years”.

Those close to the Palace will hope that the public will see the outburst by the senator Lidia Thorpe for what it is, a stunt designed to elicit maximum coverage.

It was intended to shock, which is the effect it appeared to have on everyone in the room besides the King and Queen, who took it in their stride. Those close to the King have sagely noted, not for the first time, that the loudest voice in the room seldom belongs to the wisest mind.

[From The Times]

This was the palace pushback to one of the largest papers in Britain: that an Aboriginal woman – an elected official who requested a private meeting with Charles to address her concerns only to be turned down – is not bright, that she’s a drama queen, a stunt queen, that an old man who inherited a vast fortune knows more about Aboriginal rights. Also: usually, the Sussexes are the only ones blind-siding the palace, it’s fun that now Australian politicians are shocking Charles’s socks off!

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

Mariah Carey season is almost upon us, folks! (Whether her kids like it or not.) Some celebrate November 1 as part of Day of the Dead. Some mark it as All Saints Day. Since 1994, a growing legion across the globe heralds the first of November as the beginning of Mimi season, for it was on that day 30 years ago (yes, it’s really been 30 years) that Ms. Carey gifted the world with the chart-topping Christmas hit “All I Want For Christmas Is You.” Sure, the song was dethroned for a chunk of last winter by Brenda Lee’s 1958 classic “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree,” but Mariah was gracious in defeat then, so I have every confidence she will be again this year should the pattern hold. As long as she has proper lighting, that is. You see, Mariah was recently on the Las Culturistas podcast, and our holiday diva got on a tear about how she is “the most tortured” by hideous lighting in daily life. The struggle is real.

All Mariah Carey wants for Christmas is to look her best at all times.

In a clip from her appearance on iHeart Radio’s “Las Culturistas Podcast,” the superstar singer shared her dislike for the lighting in public spaces, which she finds less than flattering.

“I can’t with the overhead lighting,” Carey said. “Why do they do it to us? I shouldn’t say us, it’s not us, it’s me.”

According to the 55-year-old legendary singer, “I’m the one who’s the most tortured by the hideous lighting in elevators, doorways, gyms.”

“Not that I got to the gym,” she added. “I’m just saying.”

“It’s hideous lighting,” she said. “The sun is okay if it’s sunset, I’ll gladly go outside and put a little hat on or whatever and that’ll be pretty because the sunlight caresses your skin.”

Although sunlight, Carey pointed out, also has a downside.

“It’s bad for you so you have to be careful,” she said. “But overhead lighting, I don’t think so, honey.”

And lest you think she wasn’t serious about her dislike for overhead lighting, Carey added one more thing.

“It makes me sick,” she said.

[From CNN]

You guys, she just can’t with the overhead lighting! I love everything about this story. I love that Mariah Carey is probably a mix of deadly serious and somewhat laughing at herself, but we’ll never really know to what extent she’s playing up the diva behavior. I love that she seamlessly pulls off a “JK, I don’t go to the gym,” with Martha Stewart-caliber insouciance towards activities of the peasants. I love that she dismisses this issue as a universal problem, and instead re-centers it as acutely devastating for her. I love that the sun — the sun! — almost gets a free pass, but then still gets qualified by Madame Butterfly. And yes I also love that august news broadcaster CNN is reporting on this breaking story. All I want for Hanukkah is more of Mariah Carey unabashedly being Mariah Carey. Well no, I want Kamala Harris to decisively win the election more than I’d like to get more Mimi presenting peak diva in peak Mimi season, but I really appreciated this moment of levity. And hilariously intense affect aside, Mariah is not wrong about bad lighting!

Julianne Moore wore an unflattering Bottega Veneta dress to the BFI London Film Festival premiere of The Room Next Door. Julianne & Tilda Swinton are getting a lot of Oscar buzz for Pedro Almodovar’s latest film, just FYI. [RCFA]
Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck went to a school event. [LaineyGossip]
Congrats to the New York Liberty! [Jezebel]
Is ASAP Rocky headed to jail? [Hollywood Life]
The Penguin is actually an interesting TV show? [Pajiba]
The Central Park Five have sued Donald Trump. [Buzzfeed]
OMG, I didn’t know Ashley Park is really dating her Emily In Paris costar Paul Forman! They are a very attractive couple. [JustJared]
Cheryl Cole asks for privacy. [Socialite Life]
Flavor Flav met Billy Idol. [Seriously OMG]
Bryan Cranston did an anti-littering campaign. [OMG Blog]

Tina Brown made it clear in her 2022 book The Palace Papers that she has no love for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. She’s especially bent out of shape about Meghan. Brown believes, as so many British people believe, that Meghan was an American upstart who didn’t understand “the rules” and wanted to be “the star” of the royal family. Brown consistently blames Meghan for the abuse Meghan suffered and the smear campaign waged against her. Brown constantly blames Meghan for “forcing” Harry to leave the UK, and Brown has made it clear that she believes Harry must come back to Britain because “there’s a Harry-shaped hole in the monarchy.” Well, Tina has a new Substack and she promoted it on the Ankler podcast. Wouldn’t you know, Brown once again trashed Meghan.

Tina Brown says “all of [Meghan Markle’s] ideas are total crap,” and thinks Prince Harry is a “naïve” “lamb to the slaughter. The former Vanity Fair and New Yorker editor dished on the couple to promote her new substack, “Fresh Hell.” The Ankler’s Janice Min asked the Brit wunderkind editor who took over New York in the ’80s about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on the latest episode of the Ankler podcast.

Brown said of Harry’s defection from the royal family: “In England, they’re going to constantly make a career out of trashing Harry. But actually, the thing about Harry is he’s very good at being Prince Harry. And that’s the tragedy of all of this, is that he is the most talented member of the royal family, without doubt, in terms of being a prince, which is all he does know how to do… he’s really sort of flawless at it.”

As for Markle, she added, “I think he’s pretty much in the thrall of Meghan. The trouble with Meghan is that she has the worst judgment of anyone in the entire world. She’s flawless about getting it all wrong. She really is.”

Brown said of the “Suits” star turned American Riviera Orchard entrepreneur, “She’s a perfectionist about getting it all wrong. Her issue is that she doesn’t listen. She has all these people, asks them their opinion, and then doesn’t follow it. She does what she wants to do. And all of her ideas are total crap, unfortunately.”

She reckons of Harry’s worldview, “he’s so naïve and really unschooled in the ways of the world. Being Prince Harry means that I doubt if he ever booked a table in a restaurant. The army was great for him, and he was extremely good and competent in there. That really helped turn him into a real person.”

But with Markle, “he’s the lamb to the slaughter in this situation,” Brown said. “He was terribly impressed by Meghan. He thought that she knew all, she persuaded him that she was the savvy Hollywood wheeler-dealer who could come in and make them stars and all the rest of it. And he just sort of blindly followed her like a child, really.”

Brown says of Markle’s moves — and future, “unfortunately, she made every mistake in the book, and she’s kind of run out of road. I don’t know where Meghan goes. Harry could still, as I say, make a comeback. He’ll always be Prince Harry. He’ll always be the grandson of the Queen and the son of Diana.”

[From Page Six]

The narrative of “Harry is an innocent child manipulated by his Black wife” is ridiculous and blatantly racist at this point. It’s especially galling because we’ve all read Harry’s memoir. Spare made me realize how thoroughly Meghan followed Harry’s lead on all things royal. He was constantly giving her the wrong advice and she fell into several traps because Harry was trying to manage Meghan and everyone around her. Tina Brown refuses to admit the obvious, which is that Harry and Meghan make decisions together, and that they’re doing really well. Especially considering the Windsors and the media have worked together for five-plus years to destroy the Sussexes – Harry and Meghan are living their best lives in California, they have money and security and they’re raising their kids out of the spotlight. Brown makes it sound like they’re destitute and social pariahs. They are not.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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