New York Yankees baseball pitcher Cory Lidle was killed last night when his light aircraft crashed into a New York skyscraper.It is believed that Lidle was with his flying instructor when he lost control of the plane and hit the building; he was planning to fly to California in his Cirus SR20 to meet with his wife who had taken a commercial flight home.As the plane hit the tall building a fireball erupted and debris fell to the road below creating a dark cloud reminiscent of 9/11.A passer-by Rich Behar told the Sun: ?It brought back memories of 9/11. There was complete pandemonium when it hit.?People were running and screaming down the street. They were also screaming in the apartments. Parts of the plane and glass was falling on to the street.?Another eye witness May Cha believes she saw smoke coming from the rear end of the plane prior to it crashing, she said: ?It looked like it was flying erratically for the short time I saw it.?Lidle?s agent, Jordan Feagan, said of the millionaire baseball player: ?Cory wasn?t just my client, he was my closest friend.?Lidle is survived by his wife and six year old son.