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Archive for the ‘Donal Logue’ Category

Dustin Diamond Death Hoax Hits The Net

Feb 5, 2009 Author: Admin | Filed under: Donal Logue

Dustin Diamond, best known as Screech on the 80’s teen comedy “Saved By The Bell, may not have made any fans during his recent tenure as a reality star on VH1’s “Celebrity Fit Club,” but the actor isn’t dead. The actor was the subject of a death hoax that hit over the weekend.

The report read:

“Actor Dustin Diamond died while filming a movie in New Zealand eadustin-diamondrly this morning – May 23, 2007. Preliminary reports from New Zealand Police officials indicate that the actor fell more than 60 feet to his death on the Kauri Cliffs while on-set. Specific details are not yet available.”

According to Wikipedia, the news story was generated on the www.fakeawish.com, a site that allows users to generate news stories formatted to appear as if they originated on Yahoo new

Canada’s Donal Logue “works it” in Hollywood!

Feb 5, 2009 Author: Admin | Filed under: Donal Logue

Canain Film” event in Los Angeles, California on February 21, 2008… Work it girl!!!!….Some of Logue’s past credits include films like “Ghost Rider“, “The Good Life“, “The Patriot” and “Blade“….dian actor Donal Logue arrived at the US-Ireland Alliance’s “Oscar Wilde: Honoring the Irish..donal-logue

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