I’m on @thedailyshow tonight to talk about two of my favorite things-sports and wood. Tune in!
A photo posted by Amanda Seyfried (@mingey) on Mar 17, 2015 at 4:50pm PDT
I delight in following Amanda Seyfried’s Instagram account, mostly because she heavily features the best celebrity dog ever, Finn. One of my LA-based buddies mentioned seeing Amanda in LA last year, and all I wanted to know was whether Finn was on the scene. He was present. #yasss
Amanda’s doing the rounds to promote her new film, While We’re Young. She stars as one half of a 20-something couple (the other half being Adam Driver) who befriends a 40-something couple played by Ben Stiller and Naomi Watts. The film’s trailer shows plenty of hijinks where the older couple tries to imitate the crazy dance moves of the younguns. Mostly, this movie makes me feel old.
Another thing that makes me feel old – Instagram. Kaiser pointed out (when talking about John Stamos’ bedfellows) how selfies are a generational thing. Now I know why Cameron Diaz’s assessment of social media makes sense to me. Amanda takes the concept into negative territory. She believes that young people who post selfies are “sad.” Amanda elaborated to Us:
On “sad” social media: “[Younger people] spend the entire day on Instagram, and they also take pictures of themselves and post them all the time with a veiled brag. It’s sad.”
Who does social media the right way? “Taylor Swift is pretty hip. She seems pretty honest. I think that’s hip. She’s promoting knowing yourself, and that’s the best idol.”
Amanda’s a homebody: “I’m comfortable in the familiar. I’m not a risk-taker. I’m a nester, so I’m nothing like [her]. Not in that respect.”
Will she ever have kids? “I think it’s an important chapter. there are some people who just know innately what they are, what they’re capable of. Yeah, it seems natural.”
[From Us Weekly]
Amanda goes too far by calling selfie-takers “sad,” but she makes some sense. I find it strange to see people orchestrating restaurant, coffee-house or park selfies. They don’t seem to be enjoying themselves in the act. They’re only focused on achieving the perfect shot, not on the reality of what’s really happening. But Amanda’s words make me side-eye her recent Instagram wedgie because … gurrrl.
P.S. Is Amanda aware of Taylor Swift’s very active ways on Instagram?
Nina and Foz #forfun
A photo posted by Amanda Seyfried (@mingey) on Mar 15, 2015 at 10:28am PDT
Photos courtesy of Amanda Seyfried on Instagram & WENN
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