
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s two oldest daughters, Zahara and Shiloh, are doing Little League soccer this year. And it’s amazing. I get the feeling that Z and Shi are really great little soccer players, and I love the idea that Brad is a soccer dad and Angelina is a soccer mom. Plus, it’s nice that they’re sticking around one place (LA) long enough for their girls to finish a season.

In these photos, you can see Brad and Angelina getting affectionate with Zahara while Shiloh seems to be particularly chatty. I love Shiloh’s haircut these days – it reminds me of the classic “skater boy” haircuts in the 1990s. It’s adorable.

Even though Brad and Angelina are now “soccer parents,” they’re still slightly disorganized. Like, neither of them thought to bring snacks, I guess. Angelina went and bought ice cream from a food vendor at Griffith Park. Judgy soccer moms: do you judge Brad and Angelina for this? For not bringing healthy snacks to their kids’ soccer game? These are the same parents, after all, who don’t believe it’s a big deal to stop by McDonalds occasionally, or pick up donuts or let their kids gorge on pizza. I personally think junk food is part of being a kid and as long as growing kids get their veggies too, why not have some ice cream and pizza?

PS… I think it’s kind of funny that Brad and Angie are still wearing all-black to a soccer game. Jeez, you guys… it’s fine to wear a white t-shirt and some shorts to your kids’ soccer game! Goth Realness!



Photos courtesy of WENN.