Barack Obama’s former staffers played a big role in the intraparty coup to oust President Biden from the 2024 race. It reminds me a bit of how many of Obama’s former staffers talked out of both sides of their mouths about Hillary Clinton in 2016, only it feels like President Biden and President Obama’s relationship is not in a good place and may never recover. Many sources have said outright that Biden feels betrayed by party leaders and by Obama. Many sources have indicated that Obama has barely been in communication with Biden or his people in recent months. When President Biden withdrew from the race on Sunday, Obama offered a tribute to Biden’s decades of public service but Obama did not endorse VP Kamala Harris. That too has irritated a lot of Democrats and Dem activists, who wonder about the extent of Obama’s role in the party coup.

NewsNation’s Kellie Meyer tweeted yesterday that Obama will not endorse anyone before the nominee is chosen, and he did not endorse Kamala Harris or anyone else because “Obama believes he will be uniquely positioned to help unite the party once we have a nominee, lift-up that candidate, and do everything he can to get that candidate elected in November.” I recognize this as an effort to turn down the temperature on the ratf–king allegations, and I’m sure Obama has been getting some calls too, especially as the party has already enthusiastically coalesced around VP Kamala Harris. Suddenly, Obama and his people are very chatty about Obama’s perspective, and they even contacted the New York Times:

Many of the marquee names in Democratic politics began quickly lining up behind Vice President Kamala Harris on Sunday, but one towering presence in the party held back: Barack Obama. The former president has not yet endorsed Ms. Harris; in fact, he did not mention her once in an affectionate — if tautly written — tribute to President Biden that was posted on Medium shortly after he decided to bow out on Sunday.

Republicans interpreted that as a snub. But people close to Mr. Obama, who has positioned himself as an impartial elder statesman above intraparty machinations, said not to read too much into it — and had no alternate candidate in mind when he made the decision not to immediately endorse Ms. Harris.

Mr. Obama adopted an identical stance four years ago when Mr. Biden’s aides pressured him to endorse early in the Democratic primaries before Senator Bernie Sanders dropped out. (Mr. Obama’s favored phrase back then was “I don’t want to thumb the scale.”) Endorsing too early now would also be a political mistake — fueling criticism that Ms. Harris’s nomination, should it come, was a coronation rather than the best possible consensus under rushed circumstances, they said.

Instead, Mr. Obama sees his role as helping to quickly “unite the party once we have a nominee,” a person familiar with his thinking said.

But there are other more personal considerations, exacerbating Mr. Obama’s innate caution. Mr. Biden is a deeply prideful man, and he has never fully forgiven Mr. Obama for quietly backing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the 2016 campaign. Mr. Biden still believes he could have beaten former President Donald J. Trump that year if given the chance. Nor was Mr. Biden pleased when Mr. Obama told him that he should consider sitting out 2020, too, people in his circle have said. Mr. Obama wanted Sunday to be about Mr. Biden, a celebration of his accomplishments — and does not feel pressured to act hastily, according to a former White House official who speaks with the former president regularly.

[From The NY Times]

This reads to me like Obama is in damage-control mode because he’s realized that his public reticence and private maneuvers have not gone down well with the party. As I’ve been saying, this whole episode has left a bad taste in a lot of Democrats’ mouths. Even if you make the argument that President Biden had to be convinced to drop out, did the Obama allies, ratf–kers and Dem Congressional leaders really believe that the best way to achieve that goal was torching a sitting Democratic president publicly and spending three weeks advocating for the disenfranchisement of Democratic voters at the behest of big-money donors?

The fact that Obama is making his endorsement all about his own importance is the wrong move too – the party is quickly coalescing behind VP Harris, it’s July, there are only 104 days until the election. Instead of unifying quickly and ensuring that Democrats look like they’re more than ready to take on Trump and the MAGA cult (after literally overshadowing the Republican National Convention with their party coup bullsh-t), Obama is navel-gazing and dithering.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.