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Just hours after nineteen little kids were murdered in their classrooms, Texas’s Governor Abbott attended a political fundraiser 300 miles away from Uvalde. I wouldn’t be surprised if Abbott and the Texas Republicans were already fundraising on their pro-dead child political stances. The day after the Uvalde massacre of children, Gov. Abbott organized a press conference with all of the relevant law enforcement represented alongside him. Beto O’Rourke attended. Beto is running for governor of Texas. Beto interrupted Abbott’s presser and challenged him to do more to protect Texans and children. The cops moved Beto out of the press conference. What was remarkable is that many of the journalists there for Abbott’s presser followed Beto out and they covered Beto’s impromptu press conference outside the town hall building:

Apparently, Republicans are mad about this? They think Beto is “rude” and that he shouldn’t calmly challenge Gov. Abbott about how the Republican Party is the Party of Murdered Children. The same Republicans who think that armed insurrection is A-OK have an issue with an unarmed political candidate calmly speaking truth to power in what was one of the most effective pieces of political theater I’ve ever seen.

Meanwhile, Gov. Abbott blames the whole thing on a mental health crisis… all while gutting Texas’s mental health resources.

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