
I was sitting here, trying to figure out why Brad Pitt looks so hot in these photos. What is it? I think it’s because he’s actually wearing clothes that fit his still-lean frame, which means he doesn’t look like he’s dressed in Hobo Chic (which has been his style for too long). The all-black looks good on him. And what else? Is it the grey beard? Y’all know I enjoy some facial hair, so that might be what makes Brad so sexy in these photos. That beard looks nice on him. Mm. I could do without the hat though.

These pics are of Brad arriving at LAX to take a flight to France. It feels like we haven’t even seen Brad in months and months, but that’s mostly because Brad and Angelina were nowhere to be seen during the awards season. Which, incidentally, was one of the most boring awards seasons in recent memory. I’m not saying that Brangelina have to put in appearances to make it interesting, but if we don’t get Brangelina, you better give us Julia Roberts, George Clooney and some other major A-listers.

So, what’s Brad up to these days? It’s still believed that Brad will be playing the lead in Africa, the Angelina Jolie-directed bio-pic of Richard Leakey. Before then, Brad will likely start production on The Big Short, with Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale and Steve Carrel. Apparently, that’s supposed to start this month in New Orleans. The premise of the film is very interesting – it’s about the handful of people who successfully predicted the market crash of 2008 and ended up shorting the market for a major profit. Brad has also signed on to a “romantic thriller” set during World War II, which will be directed by Robert Zemeckis. God knows when that will start.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.