On Tuesday, Angelina Jolie’s cross-complaint filing made national and international news. Again, I emphasize that this was a cross-complaint and a response to Brad Pitt’s unhinged lawsuit – he sued her earlier this year after she sold her half of the Chateau Miraval business. Brad claimed that they had an “agreement” that she would sell her half to him. Angelina’s legal response is the cross-complaint, wherein she not only rejects Pitt’s legal argument about the “agreement,” but lays out in detail the timeline of her attempts to sell her half, Nouvel, to him, only for him to financially abuse her and try to force her to sign a gag order about his horrific emotional and physical abuse of Jolie and their children. In the cross-complaint, Jolie also laid out exactly what Pitt did to her and the children on the plane in September 2016. If you have the time, I would recommend reading the full cross-complaint – go here for the full legal document.

For about 18 hours following the reporting of Jolie’s cross-complaint, Pitt’s team was silent. They were likely weighing their options, trying to figure out how to play this from a PR perspective. Instead of taking ownership of any part of his physical, emotional and financial abuse of his ex, Brad chose the “unspecific blanket denial” option. His representative told CNN: “(Jolie’s) story continues to evolve each time she tells it with new, unsubstantiated claims. Brad has accepted responsibility for what he did but will not for things he didn’t do. These new allegations are completely untrue.” What is he talking about? Her story hasn’t “evolved” – she clearly told all of this to the FBI in 2016, and she’s made references to feeling unsafe, feeling hurt and vulnerable, but she’s never come out (before now) to say that this piece of trash choked one of her children, struck another child in the face and repeatedly physically assaulted her.

I also think part of Pitt’s problem, in general, is that he was blackout-drunk during some of his terrorization of his family. He doesn’t actually remember all of the sh-t he did, which probably goes a long way towards explaining his blanket denial. These are also not “new allegations” – maybe Pitt doesn’t remember what he did, but that doesn’t make the information or the allegations “new.” The FBI clearly investigated (to some degree) and much of what we could see in the heavily redacted FBI file is in Jolie’s cross-complaint. I have more to say, but around the same time that Pitt’s representative was calling Angelina a liar, Pitt’s people ran to TMZ with this glittery turd of abusive gaslighting:

Angelina Jolie is on a smear campaign against Brad Pitt, rehashing the same allegations she’s made for years — allegations that have fallen flat with authorities — this according to sources close to Brad.

Our sources say Angelina’s repeated attempts to paint Brad as a child abuser has taken an extreme toll on their 6 kids, who are now all but estranged from their dad. As one source put it, Brad now has a “limited and strained relationship, because of her campaign of alienation.”

The sources point out … Angelina has claimed since 2016 that Brad got physical with at least one of their kids on a private jet and even poured beer on her. Brad has denied the allegations, but Angelina pressed authorities to prosecute him. The FBI investigated and concluded the allegations were insufficient to move forward. Our sources say there was also an investigation by the Dept of Children & Family Services which was closed out because of a lack of evidence.

Angelina then went to family court in an attempt to convince the judge in the divorce case that Brad was an unfit parent who should not have any custody. The judge listened to the evidence and gave them 50/50 custody … essentially rejecting Angelina’s claims of abuse.

She then filed what she thought was anonymous freedom of information lawsuit against the FBI, asking to make public her allegations regarding the private jet incident.

And just yesterday, she filed legal docs in connection with a dispute over a winery they jointly own. As our sources say, the winery lawsuit has “zero” to do with her allegations of abuse, yet she recounted her claims in great detail.

The sources say it’s clear … all Angelina wants is revenge against Brad.

The sources say in some ways Angelina has won, because despite having 50/50 custody, they believe Angelina has poisoned the kids against Brad to the point he has little to no relationship with any of them, and the victims are the entire family.

One more thing … the sources point out, Brad has never publicly uttered a bad word about Angelina, for the sake of their kids. They add, however, he’s deeply wounded by what he believes is a vicious, unrelenting attack.

[From TMZ]

This “vicious, unrelenting attack” is literally a legal response to Brad’s lawsuit. HE sued HER when she wouldn’t allow him to financially abuse her any further and when he couldn’t manipulate her into signing a gag order. Now he’s crying about it to TMZ when all Jolie did was respond to his piss-pants lawsuit. They also don’t have 50/50 custody – Judge Ouderkirk tried that, but he was ethically compromised (he was bribed by Pitt’s lawyers and failed to disclose their financial scheme) and the California Supreme Court vacated his ruling in 2021.

I’d also like to point out that all of this sh-t about “allegations” and “unsubstantiated” claims is purposefully trying to make it seem like Angelina’s word alone is not enough. Six minor children not only witnessed Brad abusing their mother, he also assaulted the minor children too (and Jolie was a witness). Plus, there are third-party witnesses to Brad’s attack on the plane and on the tarmac. Anyway, long story short, Brad Pitt is a vindictive, stupid, violent, abusive monster.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid and Cover Images.