Perhaps we need to give Bristol Palin more credit for being a trolling genius. Bristol cancelled her wedding just a few days before it was supposed to go down in Kentucky. The cancellation happened soon after the Daily Mail (and other outlets) reported that Bristol’s fiancé Dakota had a “secret” starter marriage (and divorce) and he hadn’t really treated his wife/ex-wife all that well. When Sarah Palin announced her daughter’s canceled wedding, Sarah threw in a statement from Bristol, basically saying that she knew about Dakota’s previous marriage and blah blah, the liberal media. Sarah Palin tried to make everything seem like it was still sort of cool, and the wedding BBQ still happened over the weekend, even though the would-be-bride was a no-show. Bristol stayed in Alaska and let her Instagrams speak for themselves.
So, obviously, many are curious about just what down between Bristol and Dakota. Of course it’s none of our business, but this courtship, engagement and split (?) has been done in the public sphere, so with all the little hints Bristol has given us, many of us think that some crazy sh-t must have gone down. Now Bristol has finally issued a “statement” all by herself. Except she still doesn’t confirm anything. This is her new blog post, “The Wedding That Didn’t Happen.”
I feel like I need to address the elephant-in-the-room on this blog, since you guys have been with me through thick and thin. When I first got engaged, you were the first ones I wanted to tell.
I guess you have seen by now that the wedding — that was supposed to happen last weekend — was called off. I’m sure you’ve seen this has been all over the media, but this is a painful time for family and friends and I would just really appreciate your prayers.
I know God’s plan is greater than anything else, and Tripp and I are in Alaska beginning to rebuild our lives under much different circumstances than we anticipated.
Thank you for all of your love and support.
[From Bristol’s blog]
See, if Sarah Palin had written this, it would be a crazy word salad about patriotism and the media and Real America. But Bristol is better at painting herself as the victim than her mother ever was. Who knows? Bristol might actually be a victim. The vibe I’m getting is that Bristol probably had some very good reasons for canceling the wedding and she’s pretty grateful that she never got legally tied to Dakota. So what happened?
Photos courtesy of Bristol’s Instagram, WENN.
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