I didn’t know Broke shields had a podcast. I should probably assume everyone has a podcast and just be surprised to find out when they don’t at this point. I love Brooke, though, and her openness about her issues with her stage-manager mom Teri, her postpartum depression, her objectification at a young age and the issues growing up in the spotlight has helped countless people, myself included. On Tuesday’s episode of Now What? With Brooke Shields, she talked about telling the world she was a virgin back in 1985. My gawd, I remember that. It was the 80s so you told your parents you were a virgin, but you told you friends you’d “totally done it.” The truth was somewhere in there. But the media definitely pushed the idea that we were all getting plowed in the upstairs guest room at a high school kegger. When Brooke announced she was a virgin after Pretty Baby and her Calvin Klein ads, it was, in fact, shocking. And a pain in the neck for Brooke, apparently. She said that her intention for the admission was to support girls who felt pressured by their boyfriends. The fallout was having to wear the title of the Most Famous Virgin in the World everywhere she went.

Brooke Shields doesn’t regret any of her past — but she might rethink publicly disclosing that she was a virgin.

On Tuesday’s episode of her iHeart podcast, Now What? With Brooke Shields, the veteran actress and model answered friend Ali Wentworth’s question about whether Shields had many any “poor choices” as a young person.

“I mean, I think it was, in hindsight, a bit of a mistake for me to be so open about my virginity because it never left me alone,” Shields said.

She said the topic had come up in a 1985 book that, although it was credited to her, was actually written by someone else. On Your Own is a book of guidance for college-age women, released as Shields herself attended Princeton University. The Pretty Baby star said she had written an in-depth first chapter, but the publisher didn’t want it.

“They wanted a simple, stupid book,” Shields said. “Like, ‘I like leg warmers.’”

Shields addressed her sex life, because she wanted to help others.

“In it, there was one part of a chapter, where I discuss — not abstinence per se — but owning your choice,” she said. “I would get a lot of fan mail from kids saying, ‘Oh, my boyfriend’s pressuring me, and I don’t want to have sex. What do I do? My narrative was, ‘You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.’”

She recalled that it being “very creepy” that she then had to go on talk shows and speak to older men about the topic.

“I became the most famous virgin in the world,” she said. “To be in the line of fire at such a young age in that way, I gained a resilience and it set me up to be ready for anything in this industry which can be difficult.”

[From Yahoo!]

I remember those interviews. Brooke couldn’t talk about anything without having to answer a question about whether she was still a virgin. Each host hoped she’d say, “Nope! Lost it last night,” and bag the exclusive. And everyone just allowed it because she’d brought it up. It makes it so much worse finding out Brooke’s hope was to stand in solidarity with women who didn’t want to be pressured into sex. Every time I want to wax poetic about the 80s I’m reminded of their underbelly. Honestly, I don’t know how any of us, but especially people like Brooke, made it out still standing.

What’s worse is I forgot that when Brooke actually did lose her virginity, it was to Dean Cain. At the time, I was hella jealous because my gawd he was so handsome. But being he’s become such a narrow-minded d*ckhead, I want a do-over for Brooke.

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