
Cameron Diaz covers Women’s Health to promote her upcoming book, her second health and wellness book, called The Longevity Book: The Science of Aging, the Biology of Strength, and the Privilege of Time. Her first book, The Body Body, came out in late 2013. Cameron has some things to say about aging and while it comes across as well-meaning and generally true, it rubbed me the wrong way slightly. She’s only 43 (which I’ll be in a couple of days too), she presumably hasn’t gone through menopause yet and even if she has it’s different for everyone from what I understand. I thought that hormones, genetics, and so many other factors play into the severity of menopause more than stress. Plus isn’t there a chicken and egg situation with stress and menopause in that it’s a stressful time anyway? That sounds like blaming women for their symptoms. Apart from that, the brief excerpt that Women’s Health has available is decent.

In terms of the editorial, it’s a mixed bag. In the button-down shirts on the cover and one of the interior shots she looks great, but they put her in a poncho (not bad) and then a strategically ripped shirt with ripped and bedazzled jeans. That one shot where she’s sitting down and stretched out looks budget due to the bad fashion. Here’s some of what she told Women’s Health:

In Your 20s
“Bone mass is really important in your twenties— after that, we don’t build much bone anymore. So your twenties are your best chance to build bone through nutrition, physical activity, and strength training.”

In Your 30s
“After 35, most women’s eggs start to dwindle. There’s no way of knowing until you test yourself. That might be something you want to do in your early thirties if your fertility is important to you.”

In Your 40s
“Make connections, make friends, join communities, and really honor yourself. You’re getting ready to make that transition to menopause, so pay attention to where you’re at emotionally, physically, and mentally. The women who stress have it longer and harder, but the ones who accept it have it shorter and less severe.”

[From Women’s Health]

Looking at Cameron’s imdb, she hasn’t been in any films since 2014 and she doesn’t have anything lined up. I think she took a break after she married Benji Madden and she’s been focusing on other things. Plus the roles probably aren’t coming in for her, sadly. I have to give her credit, instead of launching a lifestyle brand or trying to doing a bunch of pap walks she’s just been focusing on educating herself about health, an issue which is clearly important to her. I just wish she wouldn’t make generalizations like this, but maybe this was taken out of context and hopefully her book is better. It’s out April 4th.



photos credit: Women’s Health