We barely cover Riverdale’s Camila Mendes, 28, because she just keeps her head down and does her work. She has over 27 million followers on Instagram – she’s promoting herself, she just isn’t saying or doing controversial sh-t that gets headlines. She has one of those “How I get things done” profiles in The Cut, which I enjoy (although I stopped subscribing to NY Mag after this terrible story). She’s 28 and sounds both self aware and vulnerable about being a working actress and the self doubt that goes along with that. I enjoyed this interview and could relate to some of what she said. Here are highlights, with more at the source:

On establishing a routine within her schedule:
My life goes through very intense phases where I’m either working on a movie or I’m on Riverdale or I’m in L.A., so my routine is constantly changing. But when I’m on a certain project, I’ll establish a routine there. I have to make them up as I go, and as soon as I start getting into a rhythm I have to change it because that project is over or it’s on to the next thing in the next place. If I do have time in the morning to work out, that is something I really like to do — or at least stretch. This sounds so basic, but making my morning latte is how I wake up, and because I actually make it in an espresso machine, it feels like a nice way to get my brain moving. It’s therapeutic, that process, and having that one coffee in peace and quiet before the day gets too crazy.

On productivity:
I manage stress through organization. I am most stressed when I feel like everything’s all over the place. I have a crazy Google calendar that’s color-coded, and I’m always using that. The irony is that I’m not great with time management. I’m someone who’s constantly running ten minutes behind, which is something I’ve been fighting my entire life and still haven’t found the solution to.

On self-doubt:
This career and this passion of mine means so much to me. So now that I have it, it’s too precious for me to screw up. I’m always like, Okay, what’s the right thing to do at this point in my career? What’s the right next step? Am I taking steps toward where I want to get, and is this going to help me get there? I’m probably more cautious than I should be when it comes to picking projects, but I get very afraid of making the wrong choice and ruining everything. I think super catastrophically, like, I’m going to take one bad project and it’ll be the end of my career and I’ll never work again. I tend to be the most anxious when good things are happening.

[From The Cut]

Since high school, I’ve tried to be exactly on time to everything. I like being busy and productive, it’s a rush to try to fit more sh-t in a day. This results in me being a couple of minutes late to things usually, which can be stressful, but I have to admit I like that. Camila sounds similar. At least she knows it’s a problem and is addressing it. There’s something boring to me about being early for an appointment. I’m constantly thinking of other things I could be doing instead, which I know is not healthy. I just like staying busy as hell! I get a rush out of it. I also really like what she said about establishing a routine whenever your situation changes, which has served me well throughout my life.

Buzzfeed has a “facts you don’t know about” article for Camila if you’re interested in learning more about her. She graduated from NYU’s Tisch School of The Arts in 2016 and she was massively inspired by Rachel Bilson’s character in The O.C.!

photos credit: Phillip Faraone/Netflix, Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/Avalon