
I used to watch Happy Endings and I have a great deal of affection for Casey Wilson. She’s a talented comedienne, and she ended up marrying the boss, David Caspe (who created Happy Endings) and she’s currently expecting their first child. She covers the latest (and last, apparently) issue of Fit Pregnancy. While I usually follow news about her when it comes around, I don’t think I’ve ever written about her? So I was pleased to find out in this interview that she seems to be just like you would imagine – sort of bubbly, funny and authentic. She talks a lot about her pregnancy (obvs) and how difficult it is to work through her pregnancy. Some highlights:

Her “rocky” first trimester: “I felt tired and sick and in a fog, like an extreme hangover, until about week 16. I thought, ‘Surely, this is the worst part of parenting.’ Then I remembered when I was 15, and my mom said I couldn’t go out—I pulled two giant brass sconces out of the wall with my bare hands. There are rougher waters ahead, I fear.”

Working through her pregnancy: “It’s difficult because you can’t just stay home. But in some ways, it was good to learn to set limits. I’m someone who always says, ‘Oh, sure, I’ll do that! I’ll work an 80-hour week! Not a problem.’ This was the first time my body simply said, ‘No, you can’t do that.’”

She had to tell the show that she needed shorter days: “It was uncomfortable. But there was a freedom in creating boundaries, especially when I knew that it wasn’t just Casey who was saying no.”

She wants two kids: “We both come from two-kid families, and I can’t imagine going through life without a sibling, especially later in life. My mom passed away about eight years ago, and I’m not sure how I would have dealt with that without my brother. Going through pregnancy having lost my mom is a whole different journey. It’s bittersweet, because it’s simply not the experience of knowing your mom is going to come out for two months and help take care of the baby.

She’s relieved she’s expecting a boy: “I thought I wanted a girl, but I almost felt relieved when I found out I was having a boy. Having lost my mom, and having had such a close mother-daughter relationship, I felt like somehow I wasn’t ready for a girl. I feel like the universe is letting me try this out with a boy first.”

[From E! News]

I always find it interesting to hear what parents-to-be want, a girl or a boy. In my informal assessment, it seems like a lot of mothers-to-be always say they want boys, although I think mothers of sons are always thinking, “Maybe we should try for the girl.” While the dads-to-be are often a mixed bag: some believe they would be terrible with a boy, some believe they would terrible with girls. Anyway, I like that that Casey describes it as “Somehow I wasn’t ready for a girl” – girls are so much work! So much drama.

Photos courtesy of Fit Pregnancy.