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I had the chance to watch Celine Dion’s full interview with Good Morning America, in which she revealed that she’s returning to Vegas after months at home caring for her husband. As we covered yesterday, Celine’s husband of over 20 years, René Angélil, 73, is unable to speak or eat following surgery for throat cancer. Celine revealed that he requires a feeding tube. I was so moved by Celine’s story, and the full interview just confirmed that. She’s always been such a sincere, classy person.

During the interview, they showed Celine and René walking out on the stage in Vegas where she’s set to perform again in August. René moved gingerly and you could tell was having problems. In a new interview with People Magazine, Celine reveals that it was René’s idea for her to return to Vegas. People also says that René has lost much of his hearing due to radiation treatments for his cancer. It’s hard to read all she’s been through. Here’s some of what she told People:

Her outlook for the future
I always remember that saying when you get married: ‘In sickness and in health.’ I am scared of losing him, because it’s bad… but I have to show myself, my husband and my kids that I’m strong and we’re ok.

When I stopped performing, I wanted to be just a wife and mother. He wants me to sing again, and I want to do this with him.

On everything they’ve been through
It’s made us strong. We’ve been through a lot and we’re not questioning, ‘What happened and why? And how come again?’ We just have to get through it the best possible way… sickness is tough, it’s not something you choose.

You just have to live every day to the fullest… we don’t know what the future will bring, so we decided to just go for it.

How her children are doing
The twins are fine because they’re young, but I’m worried about RC. [Her oldest son, 13]. He understands what’s going on, and I feel a lot of empathy for him and I want him to feel like he can talk…

They [her children] help me to keep busy and stay positive. I just can’t sit around and worry.

On Rene encouraging her to get back to work
He was ready before me. He amazes me. I feel very fortunate I still have him… Rene has a little written destiny, but what exactly and when, nobody knows, and we’re not waiting for it.

[From People Magazine, print edition, April 6, 2015]

I like what she said about how she’s doing what she has to do and is trying to live every day to the fullest. As I mentioned yesterday, I do wonder if Celine is going back to Vegas because she’s contractually obligated to do so. You get the impression that she’d rather stay home with her family at this difficult time. She’s not complaining though, and she’s doing what she has to do. She’s also showing how vulnerable she is. Celine is honest, genuine and real and that makes her a rarity. So many people care about her and her husband.

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A photo posted by @celinedion on Dec 17, 2014 at 12:13pm PST

A photo posted by @celinedion on Dec 9, 2014 at 11:44am PST