
Your boyfriend Charlie Hunnam has a newish interview with Elle Canada. I enjoyed it! I’m really starting to enjoy him more as a person/celebrity, beyond his looks. He loves cats, his interviews are interesting and funny, he can cook and he has temporarily given up his motorcycle as part of the grieving process post-Sons of Anarchy. See? He’s more than a pretty face and an amazing butt. Anyway, you can read Charlie’s Elle interview here – he talks about leaving SOA and being “heartbroken” to say goodbye to Jax (none of which really interested me, so I’m leaving that out). He also talks about masculinity, rebellious youth and getting naked on camera.

What it means to be a man: “It means standing on your own two feet, living by your code of honour and being a rock for the people around you. But in the modern context, it also means being in touch with your feminine side. Men have to be strong enough not to repress their emotions; real strength allows for vulnerability.”

His rebellious youth: “When I was 15, I was banned from going to Florence on an art-history trip by a teacher who generally thought I was a ‘menace to society.’ While he was away, I broke into his stash of acrylic paints and painted this giant crushed-up Coke can. It was maybe the best painting I’d ever done, but he ripped it up in front of the whole class. I was so angry and humiliated and sad that this thing that I loved and that I’d created was destroyed. I felt myself starting to cry, which was totally un­acceptable to me at that time. We used to twist old art scissors into throwing stars, and I could hit a f–king bull’s eye, no problem. So I threw some of these scissors at him, and they landed in the doorframe parallel to his head. And that was it—they expelled me from school.”

On-screen nudity: “The level of nudity that I do now, which is taking my shirt off, doesn’t bother me at all. But I have done full frontal before. I did full frontal when I was 18 on the TV show Queer as Folk. But because I was playing a 15-year-old character, the censorship people wouldn’t allow us to put it on TV.”

Whether he would go full frontal again: “I think when I was young, I was a little bit more fearless with that stuff. I don’t know…I’m sure I would; I have nothing to hide.”

[From Elle Canada]

He dropped trou a lot for Sons of Anarchy, but they never did show “full thunder” as it was. Maybe he would have revealed his thunder for Fifty Shades of Grey, but he ended up pulling out of that mess. So… something to look forward to in the future. I could see him going full-frontal like Michael Fassbender in Shame, couldn’t you?

As for his story of “rebellion” – whoa. He threw scissors at a teacher!! That’s a pretty good reason for an expulsion. But I did love his answer about masculinity and “real men” knowing how to be in touch with their feelings and vulnerability. I feel like Charlie should do some PSAs about masculinity. Maybe he could be shirtless and crying at the time. GAH.


Photos courtesy of WENN.