Do I want to write about or defend Chelsea Handler in any way? No, I don’t. I can’t stand the woman. She’s dreadfully unfunny and deeply hateful and bigoted. I clearly have a lot of reasons to dislike Handler. One of those reasons is NOT “because she’s childfree.” Chelsea Handler, like many women, has chosen not to be a mother. It’s actually becoming something of a trend – women in their 30s and 40s just opting out of the whole motherhood thing altogether. Especially after the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, I find “the childfree option” to be completely reasonable in a society literally forcing women to carry unwanted or dangerous pregnancies. In any case, Chelsea Handler decided to make a video about her happy childfree life:

Again, she’s just so utterly unfunny. That’s my issue with this – I don’t care that she’s childfree, but I care that she’s one of the unfunniest “professional comedians” out there. But of course, this was bait – Chelsea is hyping her gig hosting The Daily Show, so she was trying to stir up some culture-war controversy, and the entire right-wing media apparatus is now crying about Chelsea Handler being happily childfree. All of these conservative dudes are super-worried that women will realize that, oh right, they don’t have to have babies if they don’t want to. It’s not just men though – there are a lot of judgy moms in her comments, yelling at her about her “meaningless” existence. Congrats to Chelsea – she got what she wanted. I’ll even defend her: at no point does she say that no one should ever have kids or whatever. She’s just promoting her childfree lifestyle… like tons of people promote their parenthood lifestyle.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.