
During a Monday appearance on The Tonight Show, Grammy Award-winning singer Christina Aguilera gushed about her two kids – son Max, 7, and 6-month-old daughter Summer – and played an amazing round of “Wheel of Musical Impressions” with host Jimmy Fallon.

“She’s a gem,” the Beautiful singer said of her baby girl, adding the differences in raising a boy and a girl. “There is a big sensitivity level. It takes a little while longer…to calm her down. She’s a girl. She’s more emotional. It takes her forever to quiet back down.”

That said, the proud mom boasted: “She’s the best.”

As for her son, it sounds like she’s got a bit of a daredevil on her hands.

“He gives me a heart attack,” Aguilera said of Max. “He comes home and he’s like, ‘Mom, I want to take parkour lessons.’ I’m like, ‘What is parkour?’…I had to figure it out, but it’s kind of like—do you guys know American Ninja Warrior? I’m kind of obsessed with it…I love it, but I don’t love it for him. I’m going to put him in gymnastics or something so he can focus and be good at maintaining his monkey abilities. He’s crazy. He’s like a little monkey.”

She added: “He’s so into being a daredevil. He literally is.”

And it sounds like her return to The Voice has gone very well.

“Every time I come back it gets easier and easier because they’ve got the routine down…It’s a good time,” she shared. “I just sit there and laugh all day and listen to their potty humor and dirty jokes. Thank God I can roll with it. It’s like having two grown babies as well.”

The mom-of-two also played a game of “Wheel of Musical Impressions” with Fallon. Watch below – Christina channeled Britney Spears and absolutely nailed it.